Billur Akdeniz is a Professor of Marketing at the Paul College of Business and Economics. Her research expertise is in marketing strategy, focusing on new products and innovation, brand management, and international marketing. Recently, Billur was a visiting research scholar at NEOMA Business School in France. Her research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the International Journal of Research in Marketing, among others.
Regarding service to the field, she is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Research for the Innovation & Technology track and serves on the Editorial Review Boards of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation and Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and International Business Reviewer. Billur received the Best Reviewer Award from both JAMS and JPIM and has taken on the role of Guest Editor for Special Issues in various journals.
Billur's main teaching areas are marketing analytics, international marketing, and marketing strategy. She has taught both in-class and online at the undergraduate level and in the MBA program. Her teaching is recognized with the Paul College Excellence in Teaching Award and the Best Online MBA Teacher award.
As far as the administrative roles, Billur served as the interim online/hybrid MBA program director and the former Faculty Director of Strategy for the MBA Program at Paul College as well as a faculty fellow at the Center for Business Analytics. In addition, she was a faculty fellow of UNH ADVANCE, a program funded by the NSF, dedicated to fostering equitable faculty policies and leadership development. She is an active member of the American Marketing Association and the Academy of Marketing Science.