
Research Areas research areas


  • Billur Akdeniz is a Professor of Marketing at the Paul College of Business and Economics. Her research expertise is in marketing strategy, focusing on new products and innovation, brand management, and international marketing. Recently, Billur was a visiting research scholar at NEOMA Business School in France. Her research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the International Journal of Research in Marketing, among others.

    Regarding service to the field, she is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Research for the Innovation & Technology track and serves on the Editorial Review Boards of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation and Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and International Business Reviewer. Billur received the Best Reviewer Award from both JAMS and JPIM and has taken on the role of Guest Editor for Special Issues in various journals.

    Billur's main teaching areas are marketing analytics, international marketing, and marketing strategy. She has taught both in-class and online at the undergraduate level and in the MBA program. Her teaching is recognized with the Paul College Excellence in Teaching Award and the Best Online MBA Teacher award.

    As far as the administrative roles, Billur served as the interim online/hybrid MBA program director and the former Faculty Director of Strategy for the MBA Program at Paul College as well as a faculty fellow at the Center for Business Analytics. In addition, she was a faculty fellow of UNH ADVANCE, a program funded by the NSF, dedicated to fostering equitable faculty policies and leadership development. She is an active member of the American Marketing Association and the Academy of Marketing Science.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2023 Looking back to move forward: Reviews and analyses of literature in industrial marketingIndustrial Marketing Management.  110:A4-A6. 2023
    2022 Happily (N)Ever After: An Empirical Examination of the Termination of IJVs across Emerging versus Developed MarketsJournal of Business Research.  148:390-404. 2022
    2022 The effects of crowdsourcing contribution type and temporal consistency on new product development successR and D Management.  52:126-138. 2022
    2020 The interactive effects of product and brand portfolio strategies on brand performance: Longitudinal evidence from the U.S. automotive industryInternational Journal of Research in Marketing.  37:421-439. 2020
    2019 Stock Market Reactions to New Product Launches in International Markets: The Moderating Role of CultureJournal of International Marketing.  27:81-98. 2019
    2019 Innovative Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching International BusinessJournal of Teaching in International Business.  30:96-101. 2019
    2018 Emerging Research Themes in Innovation and New Product Development: Insights from the 2017 PDMA-UNH Doctoral ConsortiumJournal of Product Innovation Management.  35:300-307. 2018
    2017 When do the stock market returns to new product preannouncements predict product performance? Empirical evidence from the US automotive industryJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science.  45:513-533. 2017
    2017 A longitudinal examination of the impact of quality perception gap on brand performance in the US Automotive IndustryMarketing Letters.  28:43-57. 2017
    2017 Prophecy or Myopia: Can Stock Market Returns Predict New Product Performance?AMA Scholarly Insights2017
    2014 Benchmarking sales staffing efficiency in dealerships using extended data envelopment analysisJournal of Business Research.  67:1904-1911. 2014
    2014 Signaling Quality: An Examination of the Effects of Marketing- and Nonmarketing-Controlled Signals on Perceptions of Automotive Brand QualityJournal of Product Innovation Management.  31:728-743. 2014
    2013 Cultural variations in the use of marketing signals: a multilevel analysis of the motion picture industryJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science.  41:601-624. 2013
    2013 Effectiveness of Marketing Cues on Consumer Perceptions of Quality: The Moderating Roles of Brand Reputation and Third-Party InformationPsychology and Marketing.  30:76-89. 2013
    2011 New Product Development Processes and New Product Profitability: Exploring the Mediating Role of Speed to Market and Product QualityJournal of Product Innovation Management.  28:63-77. 2011
    2010 An integrated marketing capability benchmarking approach to dealer performance through parametric and nonparametric analysesIndustrial Marketing Management.  39:150-160. 2010
    2009 What Causes Break-ups? Factors Driving the Dissolution of Marketing-Oriented International Joint VenturesAdvances in International Marketing2009
    2006 The design of things to come: How ordinary people create extraordinary productsJournal of Product Innovation Management.  23:467-469. 2006
    In Time We Trust?: The Effects of Duration on the Dynamics of Trust-Building Processes In Interorganizational RelationshipsStrategic Management Review


    Year Title
    2023 An Empirical Examination of the Impact of Individual Cultural Differences on the Termination of Manufacturing IJVs Hosted in Emerging versus Developed Markets 2023
    2018 A Contingency Perspective on the Relationship between New Product Preannouncements and Firm Value 2018
    2014 Examining the Perceived Quality-Market Share Relationship: The Moderating Role of Quality Perception Gap 2014
    2013 Toward More Efficient New Product Development Projects: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach 2013
    2012 Impact of Marketing Signals on Product Performance: A Cross-country Analysis 2012
    2011 Antecedents and Consequences of the Gap Between Perceived and Actual Quality of Brands 2011
    2011 Effects of Country Culture on the Use of Signals in the Motion Picture Industry: A Hierarchical Growth Modeling Approach 2011
    2009 Does it Pay to Spend More Effort in New Product Development Projects? An Efficiency Perspective 2009
    2007 Does Foreignness Matter in the Acceptance of New Entertainment Products? 2007
    2007 A Review of Theories Examining the Multinationality-Performance Relationships 2007
    2007 Delivering Superior Value through Global Integration Strategies: A Knowledge Management Based Approach 2007


    Year Title
    2023 Brand architecture: a literature review and future research directions.  49-72. 2023

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    2022 The Relationship between Eco-Labeling Claims and Abnormal Stock Returns to New Product Launches: Empirical Evidence from Food and Beverage Industries 2022
    2021 Ethnicity and Advertising: Representation in a Pro-Brexit Britain 2021
    2019 Reexamining the Perceived Quality-Market Share Relationship: The Moderating Role of the Quality Perception Gap 2019
    2019 Taking Stock of Globalization: The Role of Marketing Assets in the Internationalization of Multinational Companies from Emerging Markets 2019
    2019 Effects of Crowdsourcing Contribution Type and Timing on NPD Success 2019
    2018 Assessing the Financial Value of Global Product Launches 2018
    2018 A Contingency Perspective on the Relationship between New Product Preannouncements and Firm Value 2018
    2018 Prophecy Or Myopia: Do Stock Market Returns Predict The Performance Of Marketing Actions? 2018
    2017 The Impact of User Contributions on NPD Success in a Crowdsourcing Community 2017
    2016 Interactive Effects of Product and Brand Portfolios on Firm Value 2016
    2016 The Impact of User Contributions on NPD Success in a Crowdsourcing Community 2016
    2016 Interactive Effects of Product and Brand Portfolios on Firm Value 2016
    2016 Impact of Core and Non-core Contributions on Crowdsourcing Performance 2016
    2014 Examining the Perceived Quality-Market Share Relationship: The Moderating Role of Quality Perception Gap 2014
    Antecedents and Consequences of the Gap between Perceived and Actual Quality of Brands
    Can Stock Markets Really Predict the Future? Case of Product Innovations
    Effects of Country Culture on the Use of Signals in the Motion Picture Industry: A Hierarchical Growth Modeling Approach
    Effects of the Economic Development of the Parent Home Countries and IJV Host Country on the IJV Performance: A Multi-country Empirical examination
    Examination of the Link between New Product Preannouncements and Firm Value: The Case of the U.S. Automotive Industry
    On the Clairvoyance of Stock Markets: Can They Really Predict the Future of New Product Introductions?
    Reexamining the Perceived Quality-Market Share Relationship: The Moderating Role of the Quality Perception Gap
    The Drivers of the Dissolution of Interfirm Partnerships by Emerging Market Multinationals
    Too Much of a Good Thing: How Does Good Reputation Affect a Firm's Market Value?
    Toward More Efficient New Product Development Projects: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach

    Teaching Activities

  • International Marketing Taught course
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course
  • International Marketing Taught course 2023
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2023
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2022
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2022
  • International Marketing Taught course 2022
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2022
  • International Marketing Taught course 2021
  • PAUL MBA CORE Knowledge Taught course 2021
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2020
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2020
  • International Marketing Taught course 2020
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2019
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2019
  • Marketing/Customer Value Taught course 2019
  • Marketing/Customer Value Taught course 2019
  • Marketing/Customer Value Taught course 2018
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2018
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2018
  • Marketing Management Taught course 2018
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2018
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2018
  • Analytics Applications I Taught course 2017
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2017
  • Marketing Analytics Taught course 2017
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2016
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2016
  • Marketing Management Taught course 2016
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2016
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2016
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2015
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2015
  • Marketing Management Taught course 2015
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2015
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2015
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2014
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2014
  • Marketing Management Taught course 2014
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2014
  • Market Opportunity Analysis Taught course 2014
  • Education And Training

  • B.A. Economics, Bogazici University
  • M.B.A. Administrative Science and Economics, Bogazici University
  • Ph.D. Marketing, Michigan State University
  • Full Name

  • Billur Akdeniz Talay