
Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2024 Derivations of the Total Radiation Belt Electron Content.Journal of Geophysical Research.  129:e2024JA032940. 2024
2024 Proceeding toward the maximum of solar cycle 25 with a radiation environment similar to the previous cycleAdvances in Space Research.  74:6183-6193. 2024
2024 Modeling Field Line Curvature Scattering Loss of 1–10 MeV Protons During Geomagnetic StormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  129. 2024
2023 HelioSwarm: A Multipoint, Multiscale Mission to Characterize TurbulenceSpace Science Reviews.  219. 2023
2023 The Response of Electron Pitch Angle Distributions to the Upper Limit on Stably Trapped ParticlesJournal of Geophysical Research.  128. 2023
2023 Observation of an Electron Microburst With an Inverse Time‐Of‐Flight Energy DispersionGeophysical Research Letters.  50. 2023
2023 The Densities and Compositions of Background Cold Ions Based on the Van Allen Probe ObservationsGeophysical Research Letters.  50. 2023
2023 Dipolarization Events With Inductive, Radial Electric Fields Observed by Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  128. 2023
2022 Unraveling the Formation Region and Frequency of Chorus Spectral GapsGeophysical Research Letters.  49. 2022
2022 Multi-Event Study of Simultaneous Observations of Isolated Proton Auroras at Subauroral Latitudes Using Ground All-Sky Imagers and the Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  127. 2022
2022 A Natural Limit to the Spectral Hardness of Worst Case Electron Radiation in the Terrestrial Van Allen BeltJournal of Geophysical Research.  127. 2022
2022 Modeling the Lunar Radiation Environment: A Comparison Among FLUKA, Geant4, HETC-HEDS, MCNP6, and PHITSSpace Weather.  20. 2022
2022 Achievements and Lessons Learned From Successful Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather-Oriented ResearchSpace Weather.  20:7. 2022
2022 On the Similarity and Repeatability of Fast Magnetopause Shadowing Loss 2022
2022 Simultaneous Observations of EMIC-Induced Drifting Electron Holes (EDEHs) in the Earth's Radiation Belt by the Arase Satellite, Van Allen Probes, and THEMISGeophysical Research Letters.  49. 2022
2022 Flux Enhancements of Field-Aligned Low-Energy O+ Ion (FALEO) in the Inner Magnetosphere: A Possible Source of Warm Plasma Cloak and Oxygen TorusJournal of Geophysical Research.  127. 2022
2022 Statistical Characteristics of Energetic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions in the Van Allen Probe Era: 1. Butterfly Distributions With Flux Peaks at Preferred Pitch AnglesJournal of Geophysical Research.  127. 2022
2022 Evidence From Galactic Cosmic Rays That the Sun Has Likely Entered a Secular Minimum in Solar ActivitySpace Weather.  20. 2022
2022 Van Allen Probes Observations of Symmetric Stormtime Compressional ULF Waves.Journal of Geophysical Research.  127:e2021JA030115. 2022
2022 Collaborative Research Activities of the Arase and Van Allen Probes.Space Science Reviews.  218:38. 2022
2021 Van Allen Probes instrument calibration results of the for ECT-HOPE and RBSPICE energetic particle detectors 2021
2021 MLT-Dependence of Sustained Spectral Gaps of Proton and Oxygen in the Inner MagnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  126. 2021
2021 Relativistic Electron Model in the Outer Radiation Belt Using a Neural Network ApproachSpace Weather.  19. 2021
2021 Multipoint Measurement of Fine-Structured EMIC Waves by Arase, Van Allen Probe A, and Ground StationsGeophysical Research Letters.  48. 2021
2021 On the Similarity and Repeatability of Fast Radiation Belt Loss: Role of the Last Closed Drift ShellJournal of Geophysical Research.  126. 2021
2021 The Energy Spectra of Electron Microbursts Between 200 keV and 1 MeVJournal of Geophysical Research.  126. 2021
2021 A Tale of Two Radiation Belts: The Energy-Dependence of Self-Limiting Electron Space RadiationGeophysical Research Letters.  48. 2021
2021 Simultaneous Pulsating Aurora and Microburst Observations With Ground-Based Fast Auroral Imagers and CubeSat FIREBIRD-IIGeophysical Research Letters.  48. 2021
2021 The Energy Spectra of Electron Microbursts Between 200 keV and 1 MeV 2021
2021 Global Survey of Electron Precipitation due to Hiss Waves in the Earth's Plasmasphere and PlumesJournal of Geophysical Research.  126. 2021
2021 The Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope (REPT) Investigation: Design, Operational Properties, and Science HighlightsSpace Science Reviews.  217. 2021
2021 The Energy Spectra of Electron Microbursts Between 200 keV and 1 MeV 2021
2021 A Multi-Instrument Study of a Dipolarization Event in the Inner MagnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  126. 2021
2021 Simultaneous Observation of Two Isolated Proton Auroras at Subauroral Latitudes by a Highly Sensitive All-Sky Camera and Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  126. 2021
2021 Estimating the Impacts of Radiation Belt Electrons on Atmospheric Chemistry Using FIREBIRD II and Van Allen Probes ObservationsJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.  126. 2021
2021 Multi-Event Analysis of Plasma and Field Variations in Source of Stable Auroral Red (SAR) Arcs in Inner Magnetosphere During Non-Storm-Time SubstormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  126. 2021
2021 Sustained Oxygen Spectral Gaps and Their Dynamic Evolution in the Inner MagnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  126. 2021
2021 Energetic Electron Precipitation Observed by FIREBIRD-II Potentially Driven by EMIC Waves: Location, Extent, and Energy Range From a Multievent AnalysisGeophysical Research Letters.  48. 2021
2021 HelioSwarm: The Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas 2021
2021 On the Low Energy (< keV) O+ Ion Outflow directly into the Inner Magnetosphere 2021
2021 A Multi-instrument Study of a Dipolarization Event in the Inner Magnetosphere 2021
2021 RBSP-ECT Combined Pitch Angle Resolved Electron Flux Data ProductJournal of Geophysical Research.  126. 2021
2021 Multipoint Observations of Quasiperiodic Emission Intensification and Effects on Energetic Electron PrecipitationJournal of Geophysical Research.  126. 2021
2021 Observations of Particle Loss due to Injection-Associated Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron WavesJournal of Geophysical Research.  126. 2021
2020 Multipoint observations of compressional Pc5 pulsations in the dayside magnetosphere and corresponding particle signaturesAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  38:1267-1281. 2020
2020 Long-Term Observations of Galactic Cosmic Ray LET Spectra in Lunar Orbit by LRO/CRaTERSpace Weather.  18. 2020
2020 Simultaneously FormedWedge-Like Structures of Different Ion Species Deep in the Inner MagnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  125. 2020
2020 Absorbed doses from GCR and albedo particles emitted by the lunar surfaceActa Astronautica.  175:185-189. 2020
2020 A Short-lived Three-Belt Structure for sub-MeV Electrons in the Van Allen Belts: Time Scale and Energy DependenceJournal of Geophysical Research.  125. 2020
2020 Galactic Cosmic Radiation in the Interplanetary Space Through a Modern Secular MinimumSpace Weather.  18. 2020
2020 Global Survey of Plasma Sheet Electron Precipitation due to Whistler Mode Chorus Waves in Earth's MagnetosphereGeophysical Research Letters.  47. 2020
2020 The Modulation of Plasma and Waves by Background Electron Density Irregularities in the Inner MagnetosphereGeophysical Research Letters.  47. 2020
2020 CRaTER observations and permissible mission duration for human operations in deep space.Life Sciences in Space Research.  26:149-162. 2020
2020 Long term variations of galactic cosmic radiation on board the International Space Station, on the Moon and on the surface of MarsJournal of Space Weather and Space Climate.  10. 2020
2020 Multipoint Observations of Compressional Pc5 Pulsations in the Dayside Magnetosphere and Corresponding Particle Signatures 2020
2020 Radial Response of Outer Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons During Enhancement Events at Geostationary OrbitJournal of Geophysical Research.  125. 2020
2020 The Role of the Dynamic Plasmapause in Outer Radiation Belt Electron Flux EnhancementGeophysical Research Letters.  47. 2020
2020 Global ENA Imaging and In Situ Observations of Substorm Dipolarization on 10 August 2016Journal of Geophysical Research.  125. 2020
2020 Eastward Propagating Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves Triggered by Temporary Outward Gradient of Proton Phase Space Density: Van Allen Probe A Observation 2020
2020 Comparison of Long-Term Lightning Activity and Inner Radiation Belt Electron Flux PerturbationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  125. 2020
2020 Determining Plasmaspheric Density From the Upper Hybrid Resonance and From the Spacecraft Potential: How Do They Compare?Journal of Geophysical Research.  125:no-no. 2020
2020 The FIREBIRD-II CubeSat mission: Focused investigations of relativistic electron burst intensity, range, and dynamics.Review of Scientific Instruments.  91:034503. 2020
2020 Pitch Angle Dependence of Electron and Ion Flux Changes During Local Magnetic Dipolarization Inside Geosynchronous OrbitJournal of Geophysical Research.  125. 2020
2020 Rapid Outer Radiation Belt Flux Dropouts and Fast Acceleration During the March 2015 and 2013 Storms: The Role of Ultra-Low Frequency Wave Transport From a Dynamic Outer BoundaryJournal of Geophysical Research.  125. 2020
2020 Oxygen torus and its coincidence with EMIC wave in the deep inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probe B and Arase observations.Earth, Planets and Space.  72:111. 2020
2019 Eastward Propagating Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves Triggered by Temporary Outward Gradient of Proton Phase Space Density: Van Allen Probe A ObservationJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:9904-9923. 2019
2019 Direct Observation of Subrelativistic Electron Precipitation Potentially Driven by EMIC WavesGeophysical Research Letters.  46:12711-12721. 2019
2019 Parallel Acceleration of Suprathermal Electrons Caused by Whistler-Mode Hiss WavesGeophysical Research Letters.  46:12675-12684. 2019
2019 Radial Response of Outer Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons During Enhancement Events at Geostationary Orbit 2019
2019 Efficacy of Electric Field Models in Reproducing Observed Ring Current Ion Spectra During Two Geomagnetic StormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:8974-8991. 2019
2019 RBSP-ECT Combined Spin-Averaged Electron Flux Data Product.Journal of Geophysical Research.  124:9124-9136. 2019
2019 The Storm-Time Ring Current Response to ICMEs and CIRs Using Van Allen Probe ObservationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:9017-9039. 2019
2019 Cold Plasmaspheric Electrons Affected by ULF Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere: A Van Allen Probes Statistical StudyJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:7954-7965. 2019
2019 Oxygen Ion Dynamics in the Earth's Ring Current: Van Allen Probes ObservationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:7786-7798. 2019
2019 Challenges and the next transformative steps in understanding plasma turbulence from the perspective of multi-spacecraft measurements 2019
2019 Temperature Dependence of Plasmaspheric Ion CompositionJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:6585-6595. 2019
2019 The Storm Time Development of Source Electrons and Chorus Wave Activity During CME- and CIR-Driven StormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:6438-6452. 2019
2019 Update on Galactic Cosmic Ray Integral Flux Measurements in Lunar Orbit With CRaTERSpace Weather.  17:1011-1017. 2019
2019 Ion Heating by Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves and Magnetosonic Waves in the Earth's Inner MagnetosphereGeophysical Research Letters.  46:6258-6267. 2019
2019 Generation of EMIC Waves and Effects on Particle Precipitation During a Solar Wind Pressure Intensification With B-z > 0Journal of Geophysical Research.  124:4492-4508. 2019
2019 The Relationship Between EMIC Wave Properties and Proton Distributions Based on van Allen Probes ObservationsGeophysical Research Letters.  46:4070-4078. 2019
2019 Energetic Electron Precipitation: Multievent Analysis of Its Spatial Extent During EMIC Wave ActivityJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:2466-2483. 2019
2019 Drift-Dispersed Flux Dropouts of Energetic Electrons Observed in Earth's Middle Magnetosphere by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) MissionGeophysical Research Letters.  46:3069-3078. 2019
2019 [Plasma 2020 Decadal] The essential role of multi-point measurements in turbulence investigations: the solar wind beyond single scale and beyond the Taylor Hypothesis 2019
2019 [Plasma 2020 Decadal] Disentangling the Spatiotemporal Structure of Turbulence Using Multi-Spacecraft Data 2019
2019 [Plasma 2020 Decadal] Multipoint Measurements of the Solar Wind: A Proposed Advance for Studying Magnetized Turbulence 2019
2019 Comparisons of High-Linear Energy Transfer Spectra on the ISS and in Deep SpaceSpace Weather.  17:396-418. 2019
2019 Global-Scale ULF Waves Associated With SSC Accelerate Magnetospheric Ultrarelativistic ElectronsJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:1525-1538. 2019
2019 A Revised Look at Relativistic Electrons in the Earth's Inner Radiation Zone and Slot Region.Journal of Geophysical Research.  124:934-951. 2019
2019 How dielectric breakdown may contribute to the global weathering of regolith on the moonIcarus.  319:785-794. 2019
2019 Properties of Whistler Mode Waves in Earth's Plasmasphere and PlumesJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:1035-1051. 2019
2019 The March 2015 Superstorm Revisited: Phase Space Density Profiles and Fast ULF Wave Diffusive TransportJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:1143-1156. 2019
2019 The Response of Earth's Electron Radiation Belts to Geomagnetic Storms: Statistics From the Van Allen Probes Era Including Effects From Different Storm DriversJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:1013-1034. 2019
2019 A Statistical Study of EMIC Waves Associated With and Without Energetic Particle Injection From the MagnetotailJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:433-450. 2019
2019 Low-Energy (< keV)O+ Ion Outflow Directly Into the Inner Magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes ObservationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:405-419. 2019
2018 Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP): A New NASA MissionSpace Science Reviews.  214:116. 2018
2018 The Outer Radiation Belt Response to the Storm Time Development of Seed Electrons and Chorus Wave Activity During CME and CIR Driven StormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:10139-10157. 2018
2018 Characteristics, Occurrence, and Decay Rates of Remnant Belts Associated With Three-Belt Events in the Earth's Radiation BeltsGeophysical Research Letters.  45:12099-12107. 2018
2018 Using proton radiation from the moon to search for diurnal variation of regolith hydrogenationPlanetary and Space Science.  162:113-132. 2018
2018 The possible contribution of dielectric breakdown to space weathering on PhobosAdvances in Space Research.  62:2187-2198. 2018
2018 Multisatellite observations of the magnetosphere response to changes in the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic fieldAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  36:1319-1333. 2018
2018 Comparing simulated and observed EMIC wave amplitudes using in situ Van Allen Probes' measurementsJournal of Atmospheric and Solar: Terrestrial Physics.  177:190-201. 2018
2018 Energization of the Ring Current by Substorms.Journal of Geophysical Research.  123:8131-8148. 2018
2018 Microburst Scale Size Derived From Multiple Bounces of a Microburst Simultaneously Observed With the FIREBIRD-II CubeSatsGeophysical Research Letters.  45:8811-8818. 2018
2018 Exohiss wave enhancement following substorm electron injection in the dayside magnetosphereEARTH AND PLANETARY PHYSICS.  2:359-370. 2018
2018 Magnetospheric Source Region of Auroral Finger-like Structures Observed by the RBSP-A SatelliteJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:7513-7522. 2018
2018 EMIC Wave Events During the Four GEM QARBM Challenge IntervalsJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:6394-6423. 2018
2018 The Composition of Plasma inside Geostationary Orbit Based on Van Allen Probes ObservationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:6478-6493. 2018
2018 Understanding the Driver of Energetic Electron Precipitation Using Coordinated Multisatellite MeasurementsGeophysical Research Letters.  45:6755-6765. 2018
2018 A Comparative Study of ULF Waves' Role in the Dynamics of Charged Particles in the Plasmasphere: Van Allen Probes ObservationJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:5334-5343. 2018
2018 MMS/FEEPS Observations of Electron Microinjections Due to Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves ans Flux transfer Events: A Case StudyJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:5364-5378. 2018
2018 Plasma Anisotropies and Currents in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet and Inner MagnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:5625-5639. 2018
2018 Response of Different Ion Species to Local Magnetic Dipolarization Inside Geosynchronous OrbitJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:5420-5434. 2018
2018 What Causes Radiation Belt Enhancements: A Survey of the Van Allen Probes EraGeophysical Research Letters.  45:5253-5259. 2018
2018 Rapid Enhancements of the Seed Populations in the Heart of the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt: A Multicase StudyJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:4895-4907. 2018
2018 Van Allen Probes observation of plasmaspheric hiss modulated by injected energetic electronsAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  36:781-791. 2018
2018 The Global Statistical Response of the Outer Radiation Belt During Geomagnetic StormsGeophysical Research Letters.  45:3783-3792. 2018
2018 Explaining the apparent impenetrable barrier to ultra-relativistic electrons in the outer Van Allen belt.Nature Communications.  9:1844. 2018
2018 An Empirical Model of Radiation Belt Electron Pitch Angle Distributions Based On Van Allen Probes MeasurementsJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:3493-3511. 2018
2018 Opening a Window on ICME-driven GCR Modulation in the Inner Solar SystemThe Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics.  856:139-139. 2018
2018 Quantitative Evaluation of Radial Diffusion and Local Acceleration Processes During GEM Challenge EventsJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:1938-1952. 2018
2018 Update on the Worsening Particle Radiation Environment Observed by CRaTER and Implications for Future Human Deep-Space ExplorationSpace Weather.  16:289-303. 2018
2018 The dynamics of Van Allen belts revisited replyNature Physics.  14:103-104. 2018
2018 Van Allen Probes observation of plasmaspheric hiss modulated by injected energetic electronsAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  1-34. 2018
2018 Temporal Evolution of Ion Spectral Structures During a Geomagnetic Storm: Observations and ModelingJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:179-196. 2018
2017 Very Oblique Whistler Mode Propagation in the Radiation Belts: Effects of Hot Plasma and Landau DampingGeophysical Research Letters.  44:12057-12066. 2017
2017 Chorus Wave Modulation of Langmuir Waves in the Radiation BeltsGeophysical Research Letters.  44:11713-11721. 2017
2017 The Evolution of the Plasma Sheet Ion Composition: Storms and RecoveriesJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:12040-12054. 2017
2017 Van Allen Probes Measurements of Energetic Particle Deep Penetration Into the Low L Region (L < 4) During the Storm on 8 April 2016Journal of Geophysical Research.  122:12140-12152. 2017
2017 Observations Directly Linking Relativistic Electron Microbursts to Whistler Mode Chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD IIGeophysical Research Letters.  44:11265-11272. 2017
2017 Multipoint Observations of Energetic Particle Injections and Substorm Activity During a Conjunction Between Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) and Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:11481-11504. 2017
2017 Particle Radiation Sources, Propagation and Interactions in Deep Space, at Earth, the Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Examples of Radiation Interactions and EffectsSpace Science Reviews.  212:1069-1106. 2017
2017 Relativistic Electron Increase During Chorus Wave Activities on the 6-8 March 2016 Geomagnetic StormJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:11302-11319. 2017
2017 TheWarm Plasma Composition in the Inner Magnetosphere During 2012-2015Journal of Geophysical Research.  122:11018-11043. 2017
2017 Diffusive Transport of Several Hundred keV Electrons in the Earth's Slot RegionJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:10235-10246. 2017
2017 Low-Energy (< 200 eV) Electron Acceleration by ULF Waves in the Plasmaspheric Boundary Layer: Van Allen Probes ObservationJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:9969-9982. 2017
2017 Rapid Loss of Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons by EMIC WavesJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:9880-9897. 2017
2017 Systematic Evaluation of Low-Frequency Hiss and Energetic Electron InjectionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:10263-10274. 2017
2017 The Characteristic Response of Whistler Mode Waves to Interplanetary ShocksJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:10047-10057. 2017
2017 The effects of magnetospheric processes on relativistic electron dynamics in the Earth's outer radiation beltJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:9952-9968. 2017
2017 Statistical analysis of MMS observations of energetic electron escape observed at/beyond the dayside magnetopauseJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:9440-9463. 2017
2017 The Characteristic Pitch Angle Distributions of 1 eV to 600 keV Protons Near the Equator Based On Van Allen Probes ObservationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:9464-9473. 2017
2017 Relativistic electron dynamics produced by azimuthally localized poloidalmode ULF waves: Boomerang-shaped pitch angle evolutionsGeophysical Research Letters.  44:7618-7627. 2017
2017 Modeling the effectiveness of shielding in the earth-moon-mars radiation environment using PREDICCS: five solar events in 2012Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate.  7:A16-A16. 2017
2017 Storm time empirical model of O+ and O6+ distributions in the magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:8353-8374. 2017
2017 Generation of lower and upper bands of electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves in the Van Allen radiation beltsGeophysical Research Letters.  44:5251-5258. 2017
2017 Spatial scale and duration of one microburst region on 13 August 2015Journal of Geophysical Research.  122:5949-5964. 2017
2017 A positive correlation between energetic electron butterfly distributions and magnetosonic waves in the radiation belt slot regionGeophysical Research Letters.  44:3980-3990. 2017
2017 A multispacecraft event study of Pc5 ultralow-frequency waves in the magnetosphere and their external driversJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:5132-5147. 2017
2017 Ion Bernstein instability as a possible source for oxygen ion cyclotron harmonic wavesJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:5449-5465. 2017
2017 Radiation belt seed population and its association with the relativistic electron dynamics: A statistical studyJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:5261-5276. 2017
2017 Roles of whistler mode waves and magnetosonic waves in changing the outer radiation belt and the slot regionJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:5431-5448. 2017
2017 Space physics and policy for contemporary societyJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:4430-4435. 2017
2017 Generation of extremely low frequency chorus in Van Allen radiation beltsJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:3201-3211. 2017
2017 Second harmonic poloidal waves observed by Van Allen Probes in the dusk-midnight sectorJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:3013-3039. 2017
2017 The hidden dynamics of relativistic electrons (0.7-1.5 MeV) in the inner zone and slot regionJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:3127-3144. 2017
2017 On the relation between radiation belt electrons and solar wind parameters/ geomagnetic indices: Dependence on the first adiabatic invariant and LJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:1624-1642. 2017
2017 The rate of dielectric breakdown weathering of lunar regolith in permanently shadowed regionsIcarus.  283:352-358. 2017
2017 Transitional behavior of different energy protons based on Van Allen Probes observationsGeophysical Research Letters.  44:625-633. 2017
2017 Cross-scale observations of the 2015 St. Patrick's day storm: THEMIS, Van Allen Probes, and TWINSJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:368-392. 2017
2017 Simultaneous disappearances of plasmaspheric hiss, exohiss, and chorus waves triggered by a sudden decrease in solar wind dynamic pressureGeophysical Research Letters.  44:52-61. 2017
2017 The role of convection in the buildup of the ring current pressure during the 17 March 2013 stormJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:475-492. 2017
2016 Prompt injections of highly relativistic electrons induced by interplanetary shocks: A statistical study of Van Allen Probes observationsGeophysical Research Letters.  43:12317-12324. 2016
2016 Characteristic energy range of electron scattering due to plasmaspheric hissJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:11737-11749. 2016
2016 Ion nose spectral structures observed by the Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:12025-12046. 2016
2016 Prompt enhancement of the Earth's outer radiation belt due to substorm electron injectionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:11826-11838. 2016
2016 Drift paths of ions composing multiple-nose spectral structures near the inner edge of the plasma sheetGeophysical Research Letters.  43:11484-11492. 2016
2016 Drift paths of ions composing multiple-nose spectral structures near the inner edge of the plasma sheetGeophysical Research Letters.  43:11484-11492. 2016
2016 Multipoint spacecraft observations of long-lasting poloidal Pc4 pulsations in the dayside magnetosphere on 1-2 May 2014Annales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  34:985-998. 2016
2016 EMIC waves and associated relativistic electron precipitation on 25-26 January 2013Journal of Geophysical Research.  121:11086-11100. 2016
2016 Comment on "Atmospheric ionization by high-fluence, hard spectrum solar proton events and their probable appearance in the ice core archive" by A. L. Melott et al.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.  121:12484-12489. 2016
2016 Earth's magnetosphere and outer radiation belt under sub-Alfvénic solar wind.Nature Communications.  7:13001. 2016
2016 Explaining the dynamics of the ultra-relativistic third Van Allen radiation beltNature Physics.  12:978-983. 2016
2016 The complex nature of storm-time ion dynamics: Transport and local accelerationGeophysical Research Letters.  43:10059-10067. 2016
2016 Wave-induced loss of ultra-relativistic electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts.Nature Communications.  7:12883. 2016
2016 Atmospheric radiationmodeling of galactic cosmic rays using LRO/CRaTER and the EMMREM model with comparisons to balloon and airline based measurementsSpace Weather.  14:659-667. 2016
2016 Physical mechanism causing rapid changes in ultrarelativistic electron pitch angle distributions right after a shock arrival: Evaluation of an electron dropout eventJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:8300-8316. 2016
2016 The relationship between the plasmapause and outer belt electronsJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:8392-8416. 2016
2016 Unraveling the excitation mechanisms of highly oblique lower band chorus wavesGeophysical Research Letters.  43:8867-8875. 2016
2016 Rapid flattening of butterfly pitch angle distributions of radiation belt electrons by whistler-mode chorusGeophysical Research Letters.  43:8339-8347. 2016
2016 Energy limits of electron acceleration in the plasma sheet during substorms: A case study with the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) missionGeophysical Research Letters.  43:7785-7794. 2016
2016 Galactic cosmic ray variations in the inner heliosphere from solar distances less than 0.5AU: Measurements from the MESSENGER Neutron SpectrometerJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:7398-7406. 2016
2016 Prompt acceleration of magnetospheric electrons to ultrarelativistic energies by the 17 March 2015 interplanetary shockJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:7622-7635. 2016
2016 Statistical properties of the radiation belt seed populationJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:7636-7646. 2016
2016 Storm time impulsive enhancements of energetic oxygen due to adiabatic acceleration of preexisting warm oxygen in the inner magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:7739-7752. 2016
2016 Van Allen Probes observations of magnetic field dipolarization and its associated O+ flux variations in the inner magnetosphere at L < 6.6Journal of Geophysical Research.  121:7572-7589. 2016
2016 The influences of solar wind pressure and interplanetary magnetic field on global magnetic field and outer radiation belt electronsGeophysical Research Letters.  43:7319-7327. 2016
2016 Signatures of volatiles in the lunar proton albedoIcarus.  273:25-35. 2016
2016 A statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster: 2. Associated plasma conditionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:6458-6479. 2016
2016 Direct evidence for EMIC wave scattering of relativistic electrons in spaceJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:6620-6631. 2016
2016 Highly relativistic radiation belt electron acceleration, transport, and loss: Large solar storm events of March and June 2015.Journal of Geophysical Research.  121:6647-6660. 2016
2016 Nonstorm time dropout of radiation belt electron fluxes on 24 September 2013Journal of Geophysical Research.  121:6400-6416. 2016
2016 Rapid enhancement of low-energy (< 100eV) ion flux in response to interplanetary shocks based on two Van Allen Probes case studies: Implications for source regions and heating mechanismsJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:6430-6443. 2016
2016 What effect do substorms have on the content of the radiation belts?Journal of Geophysical Research.  121:6292-6306. 2016
2016 Microinjections observed by MMS FEEPS in the dusk to midnight regionGeophysical Research Letters.  43:6078-6086. 2016
2016 Observations of energetic particle escape at themagnetopause: Early results from the MMS Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS)Geophysical Research Letters.  43:5960-5968. 2016
2016 Electron dropout echoes induced by interplanetary shock: Van Allen Probes observationsGeophysical Research Letters.  43:5597-5605. 2016
2016 First multipoint in situ observations of electron microbursts: Initial results from the NSF FIREBIRD II missionJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:5272-5283. 2016
2016 Radiation belt electron acceleration during the 17 March 2015 geomagnetic storm: Observations and simulationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:5520-5536. 2016
2016 The source of O+ in the storm time ring currentJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:5333-5349. 2016
2016 Evolution of chorus emissions into plasmaspheric hiss observed by Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:4518-4529. 2016
2016 Interplanetary space weather effects on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter avalanche photodiode performanceSpace Weather.  14:343-350. 2016
2016 Simulation of energy-dependent electron diffusion processes in the Earth's outer radiation beltJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:4217-4231. 2016
2016 The dependence on geomagnetic conditions and solar wind dynamic pressure of the spatial distributions of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:4362-4377. 2016
2016 Electron butterfly distribution modulation by magnetosonic wavesGeophysical Research Letters.  43:3051-3059. 2016
2016 Formation of energetic electron butterfly distributions by magnetosonic waves via Landau resonanceGeophysical Research Letters.  43:3009-3016. 2016
2016 Ring current electron dynamics during geomagnetic storms based on the Van Allen Probes measurementsJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:3333-3346. 2016
2016 Ultrarelativistic electron butterfly distributions created by parallel acceleration due to magnetosonic wavesJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:3212-3222. 2016
2016 Nitrate ion spikes in ice cores not suitable as proxies for solar proton eventsJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.  121:2994-3016. 2016
2016 Solar modulation of the deep space galactic cosmic ray lineal energy spectrum measured by CRaTER, 2009-2014Space Weather.  14:247-258. 2016
2016 The Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) Investigation and the Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) for the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) MissionSpace Science Reviews.  199:471-514. 2016
2016 The Fly's Eye Energetic Particle Spectrometer (FEEPS) Sensors for the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) MissionSpace Science Reviews.  199:309-329. 2016
2016 Van Allen Probes, THEMIS, GOES, and Cluster observations of EMIC waves, ULF pulsations, and an electron flux dropoutJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:1990-2008. 2016
2016 Dipolarizing flux bundles in the cis-geosynchronous magnetosphere: Relationship between electric fields and energetic particle injectionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:1362-1376. 2016
2016 Survey of radiation belt energetic electron pitch angle distributions based on the Van Allen Probes MagEIS measurementsJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:1078-1090. 2016
2016 Energy-dependent dynamics of keV to MeV electrons in the inner zone, outer zone, and slot regions.Journal of Geophysical Research.  121:397-412. 2016
2016 Multi-satellite simultaneous observations of magnetopause and atmospheric losses of radiation belt electrons during an intense solar wind dynamic pressure pulseAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  34:493-509. 2016
2016 Nonlinearity in chorus waves during a geomagnetic storm on 1 November 2012Journal of Geophysical Research.  121:358-373. 2016
2015 Ultra-low-frequency wave-driven diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons.Nature Communications.  6:10096. 2015
2015 Heavy-ion dominance near Cluster perigeesJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:10485-10505. 2015
2015 Multiple loss processes of relativistic electrons outside the heart of outer radiation belt during a storm sudden commencementJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:10275-10288. 2015
2015 Prediction of MeV electron fluxes throughout the outer radiation belt using multivariate autoregressive modelsSpace Weather.  13:853-867. 2015
2015 Combined convective and diffusive simulations: VERB-4D comparison with 17 March 2013 Van Allen Probes observationsGeophysical Research Letters.  42:9600-9608. 2015
2015 Wave-driven butterfly distribution of Van Allen belt relativistic electrons.Nature Communications.  6:8590. 2015
2015 "Trunk-like" heavy ion structures observed by the Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:8738-8748. 2015
2015 Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus, and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systemsJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:8749-8761. 2015
2015 Penetration of magnetosonic waves into the plasmasphere observed by the Van Allen ProbesGeophysical Research Letters.  42:7287-7294. 2015
2015 Solar wind conditions leading to efficient radiation belt electron acceleration: A superposed epoch analysisGeophysical Research Letters.  42:6906-6915. 2015
2015 PARTICLE ACCELERATION AT LOW CORONAL COMPRESSION REGIONS AND SHOCKSThe Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics.  810:97-97. 2015
2015 Analysis of the potential radiation hazard of the 23 July 2012 SEP event observed by STEREO A using the EMMREM model and LRO/CRaTERSpace Weather.  13:560-567. 2015
2015 First joint in situ and global observations of the medium-energy oxygen and hydrogen in the inner magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:7615-7628. 2015
2015 Relativistic electron response to the combined magnetospheric impact of a coronal mass ejection overlapping with a high-speed stream: Van Allen Probes observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:7629-7641. 2015
2015 Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: Their roles in radiation belt changesJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:7240-7254. 2015
2015 The evolution of ring current ion energy density and energy content during geomagnetic storms based on Van Allen Probes measurementsJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:7493-7511. 2015
2015 The occurrence and wave properties of H+-, He+-, and O+-band EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:7477-7492. 2015
2015 Near-Earth injection of MeV electrons associated with intense dipolarization electric fields: Van Allen Probes observations.Geophysical Research Letters.  42:6170-6179. 2015
2015 Multipoint observations of the open-closed field line boundary as observed by the Van Allen Probes and geostationary satellites during the 14 November 2012 geomagnetic stormJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:6596-6613. 2015
2015 Van Allen Probes observation and modeling of chorus excitation and propagation during weak geomagnetic activitiesJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:6371-6385. 2015
2015 A background correction algorithm for Van Allen Probes MagEIS electron flux measurementsJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:5703-5727. 2015
2015 A statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster: 1. Wave propertiesJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:5574-5592. 2015
2015 Van Allen probes, NOAA, GOES, and ground observations of an intense EMIC wave event extending over 12 h in magnetic local timeJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:5465-5488. 2015
2015 Extreme geomagnetic disturbances due to shocks within CMEsGeophysical Research Letters.  42:4694-4701. 2015
2015 Butterfly pitch angle distribution of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt: Evidence of nonadiabatic scatteringJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:4279-4297. 2015
2015 Update on Radiation Dose From Galactic and Solar Protons at the Moon Using the LRO/CRaTER MicrodosimeterSpace Weather.  13:363-364. 2015
2015 Variability of the pitch angle distribution of radiation belt ultrarelativistic electrons during and following intense geomagnetic storms: Van Allen Probes observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:4863-4876. 2015
2015 Disappearance of plasmaspheric hiss following interplanetary shockGeophysical Research Letters.  42:3129-3140. 2015
2015 Unraveling the drivers of the storm time radiation belt responseGeophysical Research Letters.  42:3076-3084. 2015
2015 Analysis of plasmaspheric hiss wave amplitudes inferred from low-altitude POES electron data: Technique sensitivity analysisJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:3552-3563. 2015
2015 Energetic, relativistic, and ultrarelativistic electrons: Comparison of long-term VERB code simulations with Van Allen Probes measurementsJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:3574-3587. 2015
2015 Study of EMIC wave excitation using direct ion measurementsJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:2702-2719. 2015
2015 Van Allen Probes show that the inner radiation zone contains no MeV electrons: ECT/MagEIS dataGeophysical Research Letters.  42:1283-1289. 2015
2015 On the use of drift echoes to characterize on-orbit sensor discrepanciesJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:2076-2087. 2015
2015 Shock-induced prompt relativistic electron acceleration in the inner magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:1661-1674. 2015
2015 Modeling inward diffusion and slow decay of energetic electrons in the Earth's outer radiation beltGeophysical Research Letters.  42:987-995. 2015
2015 Plasmatrough exohiss waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Evidence for leakage from plasmasphere and resonant scattering of radiation belt electronsGeophysical Research Letters.  42:1012-1019. 2015
2015 Dielectric breakdown weathering of the Moon's polar regolithJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:210-225. 2015
2015 Formation of the oxygen torus in the inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:1182-1196. 2015
2015 Van Allen Probes observations linking radiation belt electrons to chorus waves during 2014 multiple stormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:938-948. 2015
2015 Broken Power-law Distributions from Low Coronal Compression Regions or ShocksJournal of Physics : Conference Series.  642:012025-012025. 2015
2015 Deep dielectric charging and breakdown of lunar polar regolithJournal of Physics : Conference Series.  646:012010-012010. 2015
2015 Van Allen Probe observations of drift-bounce resonances with Pc 4 pulsations and wave-particle interactions in the pre-midnight inner magnetosphereAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  33:955-964. 2015
2014 Investigation of EMIC wave scattering as the cause for the BARREL 17 January 2013 relativistic electron precipitation event: A quantitative comparison of simulation with observationsGeophysical Research Letters.  41:8722-8729. 2014
2014 Quantifying the relative contributions of substorm injections and chorus waves to the rapid outward extension of electron radiation beltJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:10-040. 2014
2014 Does the worsening galactic cosmic radiation environment observed by CRaTER preclude future manned deep space exploration?Space Weather.  12:622-632. 2014
2014 Excitation of nightside magnetosonic waves observed by Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:9125-9133. 2014
2014 Interactions of energetic electrons with ULF waves triggered by interplanetary shock: Van Allen Probes observations in the magnetotailJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:8262-8273. 2014
2014 The trapping of equatorial magnetosonic waves in the Earth's outer plasmasphereGeophysical Research Letters.  41:6307-6313. 2014
2014 Simulation of Van Allen Probes plasmapause encountersJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:7464-7484. 2014
2014 Generation of unusually low frequency plasmaspheric hissGeophysical Research Letters.  41:5702-5709. 2014
2014 Deep dielectric charging of regolith within the Moon's permanently shadowed regionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:1806-1821. 2014
2014 Excitation of EMIC waves detected by the Van Allen Probes on 28 April 2013Geophysical Research Letters.  41:4101-4108. 2014
2014 Nitrate deposition to surface snow at Summit, Greenland, following the 9 November 2000 solar proton eventJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.  119:6938-6957. 2014
2014 Intense duskside lower band chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Generation and potential acceleration effect on radiation belt electronsJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:4266-4273. 2014
2014 Radiation belt electron acceleration by chorus waves during the 17 March 2013 stormJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:4681-4693. 2014
2014 Radiation environment at the Moon: Comparisons of transport code modeling and measurements from the CRaTER instrumentSpace Weather.  12:329-336. 2014
2014 Synthesis of 3-D Coronal-Solar Wind Energetic Particle Acceleration ModulesSpace Weather.  12:323-328. 2014
2014 Chorus acceleration of radiation belt relativistic electrons during March 2013 geomagnetic stormJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:3325-3332. 2014
2014 Simulations of inner magnetosphere dynamics with an expanded RAM-SCB model and comparisons with Van Allen Probes observationsGeophysical Research Letters.  41:2687-2694. 2014
2014 Quantifying the radiation belt seed population in the 17 March 2013 electron acceleration eventGeophysical Research Letters.  41:2275-2281. 2014
2014 Resonant scattering of energetic electrons by unusual low- frequency hissGeophysical Research Letters.  41:1854-1861. 2014
2014 Van Allen Probes observations of direct wave- particle interactionsGeophysical Research Letters.  41:1869-1875. 2014
2014 Effect of EMIC waves on relativistic and ultrarelativistic electron populations: Ground- based and Van Allen Probes observationsGeophysical Research Letters.  41:1375-1381. 2014
2014 Event-specific chorus wave and electron seed population models in DREAM3D using the Van Allen ProbesGeophysical Research Letters.  41:1359-1366. 2014
2014 Gradual diffusion and punctuated phase space density enhancements of highly relativistic electrons: Van Allen Probes observationsGeophysical Research Letters.  41:1351-1358. 2014
2014 Application and testing of the L* neural network with the self-consistent magnetic field model of RAM-SCBJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:1683-1692. 2014
2014 Competing source and loss mechanisms due to wave-particle interactions in Earth's outer radiation belt during the 30 September to 3 October 2012 geomagnetic stormJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:1960-1979. 2014
2014 On the cause and extent of outer radiation belt losses during the 30 September 2012 dropout eventJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:1530-1540. 2014
2014 REPAD: An empirical model of pitch angle distributions for energetic electrons in the Earth's outer radiation beltJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:1693-1708. 2014
2014 Quantifying hiss-driven energetic electron precipitation: A detailed conjunction event analysisGeophysical Research Letters.  41:1085-1092. 2014
2014 Radiation modeling in the Earth and Mars atmospheres using LRO/CRaTER with the EMMREM ModuleSpace Weather.  12:112-119. 2014
2014 An empirically observed pitch-angle diffusion eigenmode in the Earth's electron belt near L*=5.0Geophysical Research Letters.  41:251-258. 2014
2014 Nonstorm time dynamics of electron radiation belts observed by the Van Allen ProbesGeophysical Research Letters.  41:229-235. 2014
2014 Prompt energization of relativistic and highly relativistic electrons during a substorm interval: Van Allen Probes observationsGeophysical Research Letters.  41:20-25. 2014
2013 Rapid local acceleration of relativistic radiation-belt electrons by magnetospheric chorus.Nature.  504:411-414. 2013
2013 James Van Allen and His Namesake NASA MissionEos.  94:469-470. 2013
2013 Discovery of the action of a geophysical synchrotron in the Earth's Van Allen radiation beltsNature Communications.  4:2795. 2013
2013 Helium, Oxygen, Proton, and Electron (HOPE) Mass Spectrometer for the Radiation Belt Storm Probes MissionSpace Science Reviews.  179:423-484. 2013
2013 Relative contributions of galactic cosmic rays and lunar proton "albedo" to dose and dose rates near the MoonSpace Weather.  11:643-650. 2013
2013 Science Goals and Overview of the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma (ECT) Suite on NASA's Van Allen Probes MissionSpace Science Reviews.  179:311-336. 2013
2013 The Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) Instruments Aboard the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) SpacecraftSpace Science Reviews.  179:383-421. 2013
2013 The Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope (REPT) Instrument on Board the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Spacecraft: Characterization of Earth's Radiation Belt High-Energy Particle PopulationsSpace Science Reviews.  179:337-381. 2013
2013 Dose spectra from energetic particles and neutronsSpace Weather.  11:547-556. 2013
2013 First results from CSSWE CubeSat: Characteristics of relativistic electrons in the near-Earth environment during the October 2012 magnetic stormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  118:6489-6499. 2013
2013 Multiple bidirectional EMIC waves observed by Cluster at middle magnetic latitudes in the dayside magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  118:6266-6278. 2013
2013 Van Allen Probes observation of localized drift resonance between poloidal mode ultra-low frequency waves and 60 keV electronsGeophysical Research Letters.  40:4491-4497. 2013
2013 Electron acceleration in the heart of the Van Allen radiation belts.Science.  341:991-994. 2013
2013 Excitation of poloidal standing Alfven waves through drift resonance wave-particle interactionGeophysical Research Letters.  40:4127-4132. 2013
2013 An unusual enhancement of low-frequency plasmaspheric hiss in the outer plasmasphere associated with substorm-injected electronsGeophysical Research Letters.  40:3798-3803. 2013
2013 Evolution and slow decay of an unusual narrow ring of relativistic electrons near L similar to 3.2 following the September 2012 magnetic stormGeophysical Research Letters.  40:3507-3511. 2013
2013 Revision of empirical electric field modeling in the inner magnetosphere using Cluster dataJournal of Geophysical Research.  118:4119-4134. 2013
2013 The deep space galactic cosmic ray lineal energy spectrum at solar minimumSpace Weather.  11:361-368. 2013
2013 The formation of molecular hydrogen from water ice in the lunar regolith by energetic charged particlesJournal of Geophysical Research.  118:1257-1264. 2013
2013 Validation of PREDICCS using LRO/CRaTER observations during three major solar events in 2012Space Weather.  11:350-360. 2013
2013 Measurements of galactic cosmic ray shielding with the CRaTER instrumentSpace Weather.  11:284-296. 2013
2013 A long-lived relativistic electron storage ring embedded in Earth's outer Van Allen belt.Science.  340:186-190. 2013
2013 The radiation environment near the lunar surface: CRaTER observations and Geant4 simulationsSpace Weather.  11:142-152. 2013
2013 The CRaTER Special Issue of Space Weather: Building the observational foundation to deduce biological effects of space radiationSpace Weather.  11:47-48. 2013
2012 Focusing on Size and Energy Dependence of Electron Microbursts From the Van Allen Radiation BeltsSpace Weather.  10. 2012
2012 The first cosmic ray albedo proton map of the MoonJournal of Geophysical Research.  117:n/a-n/a. 2012
2012 Lunar radiation environment and space weathering from the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER)Journal of Geophysical Research.  117:n/a-n/a. 2012
2011 Revisiting two-step Forbush decreasesJournal of Geophysical Research.  116:n/a-n/a. 2011
2011 CORONAL ELECTRON TEMPERATURE FROM THE SOLAR WIND SCALING LAW THROUGHOUT THE SPACE AGEThe Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics.  739:9-9. 2011
2011 Does the space environment affect the ecosphere?Eos.  92:297-298. 2011
2011 New measurements of total ionizing dose in the lunar environmentSpace Weather.  9:n/a-n/a. 2011
2011 Remote observations of ion temperatures in the quiet time magnetosphereGeophysical Research Letters.  38:n/a-n/a. 2011
2010 Examining Periodic Solar-Wind Density Structures Observed in the SECCHI Heliospheric ImagersSolar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics.  267:175-202. 2010
2010 GCR access to the Moon as measured by the CRaTER instrument on LROGeophysical Research Letters.  37:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 Modeling radiation belt radial diffusion in ULF wave fields: 1. Quantifying ULF wave power at geosynchronous orbit in observations and in global MHD modelJournal of Geophysical Research.  115:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 Modeling radiation belt radial diffusion in ULF wave fields: 2. Estimating rates of radial diffusion using combined MHD and particle codesJournal of Geophysical Research.  115:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 Galactic cosmic ray radiation hazard in the unusual extended solar minimum between solar cycles 23 and 24Space Weather.  8:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 Parameterizations of the linear energy transfer spectrum for the CRaTER instrument during the LRO missionSpace Weather.  8:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 Earth-Moon-Mars Radiation Environment Module frameworkSpace Weather.  8:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 CRaTER: The Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation Experiment on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter MissionSpace Science Reviews.  150:243-284. 2010
2009 Are periodic solar wind number density structures formed in the solar corona?Geophysical Research Letters.  36. 2009
2009 Interhemispheric observations of impulsive nitrate enhancements associated with the four large ground-level solar cosmic ray events (1940-1950)Journal of Atmospheric and Solar: Terrestrial Physics.  71:1840-1845. 2009
2009 Ion observations from geosynchronous orbit as a proxy for ion cyclotron wave growth during storm timesJournal of Geophysical Research.  114:n/a-n/a. 2009
2009 Multipoint, high time resolution galactic cosmic ray observations associated with two interplanetary coronal mass ejectionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  114:n/a-n/a. 2009
2009 A novel metric for coronal MHD modelsJournal of Geophysical Research.  114:n/a-n/a. 2009
2009 Assessing access of galactic cosmic rays at Moon's orbitGeophysical Research Letters.  36. 2009
2009 Relative occurrence rates and connection of discrete frequency oscillations in the solar wind density and dayside magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  114:n/a-n/a. 2009
2008 Ambient solar wind's effect on ICME transit timesGeophysical Research Letters.  35. 2008
2008 Metrics for solar wind prediction models: Comparison of empirical, hybrid, and physics-based schemes with 8 years of L1 observationsSpace Weather.  6:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Inherent length-scales of periodic solar wind number density structuresJournal of Geophysical Research.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Posteruptive phenomena in coronal mass ejections and substorms: Indicators of a universal process?Journal of Geophysical Research.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 An event study to provide validation of TING and CMIT geomagnetic middle-latitude electron densities at the F-2 peakJournal of Geophysical Research.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Geotail and LFM comparisons of plasma sheet climatology: 1. Average valuesJournal of Geophysical Research.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Geotail and LFM comparisons of plasma sheet climatology: 2. Flow variabilityJournal of Geophysical Research.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 A quantitative assessment of empirical magnetic field models at geosynchronous orbit during magnetic stormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Space technology 5 multi-point measurements of near-Earth magnetic fields: Initial resultsGeophysical Research Letters.  35. 2008
2007 Separation of spatial and temporal structure of auroral particle precipitationJournal of Geophysical Research.  112:n/a-n/a. 2007
2007 Predicting magnetospheric dynamics with a coupled Sun-to-Earth model: Challenges and first resultsSpace Weather.  5:n/a-n/a. 2007
2007 Lunar reconnaissance orbiter overview: The instrument suite and missionSpace Science Reviews.  129:391-419. 2007
2007 Role of coronal mass ejections in the heliospheric Hale cycleGeophysical Research Letters.  34. 2007
2007 Predicting magnetopause crossings at geosynchronous orbit during the Halloween stormsSpace Weather.  5:n/a-n/a. 2007
2006 Storm-time configuration of the inner magnetosphere: Lyon-Fedder- Mobarry MHD code, Tsyganenko model, and GOES observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  111. 2006
2006 Magnetospheric influence on the Moon's exosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  111. 2006
2006 Solar proton events for 450 years: The Carrington event in perspectiveAdvances in Space Research.  38:232-238. 2006
2006 Two groups of extremely large > 30 MeV solar proton fluence eventsAdvances in Space Research.  37:1734-1740. 2006
2005 An event-based approach to validating solar wind speed predictions: High-speed enhancements in the Wang-Sheeley-Arge modelJournal of Geophysical Research.  110. 2005
2005 Plasmoid in the high latitude boundary/cusp region observed by ClusterGeophysical Research Letters.  32. 2005
2005 Reverse convection and cusp proton aurora: Cluster, polar and image observationAdvances in Space Research.  36:1779-1784. 2005
2004 A statistical study of the global structure of the ring currentJournal of Geophysical Research.  109. 2004
2004 Energetic particle sounding of the magnetopause: A contribution by Cluster/RAPIDJournal of Geophysical Research.  109. 2004
2004 Relative timing of substorm onset phenomenaJournal of Geophysical Research.  109. 2004
2004 Heliospheric plasma sheetsJournal of Geophysical Research.  109. 2004
2004 On the solar wind control of cusp aurora during northward IMFGeophysical Research Letters.  31. 2004
2004 Center for integrated space weather modeling metrics plan and initial model validation resultsJournal of Atmospheric and Solar: Terrestrial Physics.  66:1499-1507. 2004
2004 Plasma sheet climatology: Geotail observations and LFM model comparisonsJournal of Atmospheric and Solar: Terrestrial Physics.  66:1351-1360. 2004
2004 Roles of empirical modeling within CISMJournal of Atmospheric and Solar: Terrestrial Physics.  66:1481-1489. 2004
2004 Sun-to-magnetosphere modeling: CISM forecast model development using linked empirical methodsJournal of Atmospheric and Solar: Terrestrial Physics.  66:1491-1497. 2004
2003 Bursty energetic electrons confined in flux ropes in the cusp regionPlanetary and Space Science.  51:821-830. 2003
2003 Reply to comment on ''MeV magnetosheath ions energized at the bow shock'' by J. Chen, T. A. Fritz, and R. B. SheldonJournal of Geophysical Research.  108. 2003
2003 Observations of discrete, global magnetospheric oscillations directly driven by solar wind density variationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  108. 2003
2003 Suprathermal electron isotropy in high-beta solar wind and its role in heat flux dropoutsGeophysical Research Letters.  30. 2003
2003 Cusp energetic ions: A bow shock source (vol 25, pg 3729, 1998)Geophysical Research Letters.  30. 2003
2002 ULF waves in the solar wind as direct drivers of magnetospheric pulsationsGeophysical Research Letters.  29:39-1-39-4. 2002
2002 A new look at the pulsed reconnection model of the dayside magnetopauseAdvances in Space Research.  30:2295-2300. 2002
2001 Investigation of magnetopause reconnection models using two colocated, low-altitude satellites: A unifying reconnection geometryJournal of Geophysical Research.  106:29451-29466. 2001
2001 MeV magnetosheath ions energized at the bow shockJournal of Geophysical Research.  106:19101-19115. 2001
2001 Charge exchange contribution to the decay of the ring current, measured by energetic neutral atoms (ENAs)Journal of Geophysical Research.  106:1931-1937. 2001
2000 Association of energetic neutral atom bursts and magnetospheric substormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  105:18753-18763. 2000
2000 Energetic magnetosheath ions connected to the Earth's bow shock: Possible source of cusp energetic ionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  105:5471-5488. 2000
2000 Polar CEPPAD/IPS energetic neutral atom (ENA) images of a substorm injectionAdvances in Space Research.  25:2407-2416. 2000
1999 A study of omega bands and Ps6 pulsations on the ground, at low altitude and at geostationary orbitJournal of Geophysical Research.  104:14705-14715. 1999
1999 Cusp energetic particle events measured by POLAR spacecraftPhysics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science.  24:135-140. 1999
1999 Dayside open field line region boundary at high altitudesPhysics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science.  24:129-133. 1999
1999 Energetic neutral atom imaging with the POLAR CEPPAD/IPS instrument: Initial forward modeling resultsPhysics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science.  24:203-208. 1999
1998 Cusp energetic ions: A bow shock sourceGeophysical Research Letters.  25:3729-3732. 1998
1998 The global response of relativistic radiation belt electrons to the January 1997 magnetic cloudGeophysical Research Letters.  25:3265-3268. 1998
1998 Coronal mass ejections, magnetic clouds, and relativistic magnetospheric electron events: ISTPJournal of Geophysical Research.  103:17279-17291. 1998
1998 The discovery of trapped energetic electrons in the outer cuspGeophysical Research Letters.  25:1825-1828. 1998
1998 Observation of the 40 keV field-aligned ion beamsGeophysical Research Letters.  25:1617-1620. 1998
1998 AMPTE/CCE-SCATHA simultaneous observations of substorm-associated magnetic fluctuationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  103:4671-4682. 1998
1998 A new magnetic storm modelGeophysical Monograph Series1998
1998 Cusp energetic particle events: Implications for a major acceleration region of the magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  103:69-78. 1998
1998 The Kilo-Satellite Constellation ConceptScience Closure and Enabling Technologies for Constellation Class Missions1998
1997 Global energetic neutral atom (ENA) measurements and their association with the Dst indexGeophysical Research Letters.  24:3173-3176. 1997
1997 Recurrent geomagnetic storms and relativistic electron enhancements in the outer magnetosphere: ISTP coordinated measurementsJournal of Geophysical Research.  102:14141-14148. 1997
1997 A new, temporarily confined population in the polar cap during the August 27, 1996 geomagnetic field distortion periodGeophysical Research Letters.  24:1447-1450. 1997
1997 First polar and 1995-034 observations of the midaltitude cusp during a persistent northward IMF conditionGeophysical Research Letters.  24:1475-1478. 1997
1997 Initial POLAR MFE observation of substorm signatures in the polar magnetosphereGeophysical Research Letters.  24:1459-1462. 1997
1997 First energetic neutral atom images from PolarGeophysical Research Letters.  24:1167-1170. 1997
1997 Alfven boundaries: Noses and zippersAdvances in Space Research.  20:445-448. 1997
1997 First observations by the CEPPAD imaging proton spectrometer aboard polarAdvances in Space Research.  20:933-936. 1997
1997 ISTP: Relativistic particle acceleration and global energy transportAdvances in Space Research.  20:1075-1080. 1997
1997 On separating space and time variations of auroral precipitation: Dual DMSP-F6 and -F8 observationsAdvances in Space Research.  20:453-456. 1997
1997 Tail lobe and open field line region entries at mid to high latitudesAdvances in Space Research.  20:431-435. 1997
1997 Towards inner magnetosphere particle and field modelsAdvances in Space Research.  20:427-430. 1997
1996 AMPTE/CCE and SCATHA simultaneous observations of magnetic signatures associated with a substorm onsetPhysics Scholarship1996
1996 CRRES observations of particle flux dropout eventsAdvances in Space Research.  18:217-228. 1996
1996 Geospace Environment Modeling Program flourishesEos, Transactions American Geophysical Union1996
1996 Low altitude signatures of the plasma sheet: Model predictions of local time dependenceEarth, Planets and Space.  48:887-895. 1996
1996 The what, where, when, and why of magnetospheric substorm triggersEos, Transactions American Geophysical Union1996
1994 EMPIRICAL MODELING OF THE QUIET TIME NIGHTSIDE MAGNETOSPHEREJournal of Geophysical Research.  99:151-157. 1994
1993 CHARACTERISTICS OF ION FLOW IN THE QUIET STATE OF THE INNER PLASMA SHEETGeophysical Research Letters.  20:1711-1714. 1993
1992 ON THE STANDING WAVE MODE OF GIANT PULSATIONSJournal of Geophysical Research.  97:10717-10732. 1992
1991 DMSP-F7 OBSERVATIONS OF A SUBSTORM FIELD-ALIGNED CURRENTJournal of Geophysical Research.  96:19409-19415. 1991
1989 MAGNETOSPHERIC PLASMA PRESSURES IN THE MIDNIGHT MERIDIAN - OBSERVATIONS FROM 2.5 TO 35 REJournal of Geophysical Research.  94:5264-5272. 1989
1988 Comparison of field-aligned currents at ionospheric and magnetospheric altitudesAdvances in Space Research1988
1985 SIMULATION STUDIES OF IONOSPHERIC AIRGLOW SIGNATURES OF PLASMA DEPLETIONS AT THE EQUATORJournal of Atmospheric and Solar: Terrestrial Physics.  47:885-893. 1985
Decadal Survey White Paper Reprising 2012 Decadal Platforms Working Group report: Infrastructure needs for optimal system science effortsBulletin of the AAS
Disentangling the Spatiotemporal Structure of Turbulence Using Multi-Spacecraft DataBulletin of the AAS
HelioSwarm: A Multipoint, Multiscale Mission to Characterize TurbulenceBulletin of the AAS
Plasma turbulence: Challenges and next transformative steps from the perspective of multi-spacecraft measurementsBulletin of the AAS


Year Title
2023 Observation of an Electron Microburst With an Inverse Time-of-Flight Energy Dispersion 2023
2022 Dipolarization Events With Inductive, Radial Electric Fields Observed by Van Allen Probes 2022


Year Title
2016 An Overview of Early Results from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma Suite on NASA's Van Allen Probes Mission.  425-442. 2016

Conference Paper

Year Title
2016 Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP)Journal of Physics : Conference Series. 012025-012025. 2016
2016 Mars-Moons Exploration, Reconnaissance, and Landed Investigation (MERLIN)IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 2016
2014 A statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster: 1. Wave properties2014 XXXITH URSI GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM (URSI GASS). 2014
2014 Acceleration and Loss Driven by VLF Chorus: Van Allen Probes Observations and DREAM Model Results2014 XXXITH URSI GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM (URSI GASS). 2014
2014 Excitation of EMIC waves detected by the Van Allen Probes on 28 April 20132014 XXXITH URSI GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM (URSI GASS). 2014
2013 Radiation Belt Electron Enhancements: History and New Results from RBSP2013 US NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF URSI NATIONAL RADIO SCIENCE MEETING (USNC-URSI NRSM). 2013
2012 Observed and Simulated LET Spectra Comparison for the CRaTER Instrument on LROIEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 1-6. 2012
2007 Earth-Moon-Mars Radiation Environment Module (EMMREM)IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings. 520-+. 2007
2006 Solar and cosmic ray physics and the space environment: Studies for and with LISAAIP Conference Proceedings. 172-+. 2006
2001 Scintillator-based low energy particle imaging spectrometer for nanosatellitesEuropean Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. 287-292. 2001
1999 Magnetospheric Constellation: Past, present and futureGeophysical Monograph Series. 247-262. 1999

Principal Investigator On

  • IMPAX CubeSat  awarded by University of Minnesota 2023 - 2028
  • HelioSwarm Phase-B  awarded by National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA) 2024 - 2025
  • AFIRE CubeSat Proposal  awarded by University of Colorado 2019 - 2024
  • HelioSwarm  awarded by National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA) 2020 - 2024
  • CRaTER - Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2011 - 2024
  • AFIRE CubeSat Proposal  awarded by University of Colorado 2019 - 2023
  • HelioSwarm: The Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2020 - 2022
  • MMS EPD ESM1  awarded by Johns Hopkins University 2018 - 2022
  • GEOSPACE Storms  awarded by Johns Hopkins University 2020 - 2022
  • GEOSPACE Storms  awarded by Johns Hopkins University 2020 - 2022
  • RBSP-ECT Instrument Suite  awarded by Johns Hopkins University 2016 - 2021
  • RBSP-ECT Instrument Suite Efforts During Extended Mission Phase of the Van Allen Probes Mission  awarded by Johns Hopkins University 2016 - 2021
  • "FESD, Type 1" Sun to Ice: Impacts on Earth of Extreme Solar Events  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2011 - 2018
  • Energetic Particle Detector  awarded by Johns Hopkins University 2010 - 2018
  • Radiation Belt Storm Probe - ECT  awarded by Johns Hopkins University 2010 - 2016
  • RAPID Collaborative: FIREBIRD II  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2013 - 2016
  • Dynamic Response of the Environment at the Moon  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2009 - 2014
  • Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst Intensity, Range and Dynamics  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2010 - 2013
  • Teaching Activities

  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2016
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2015
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2015
  • Education And Training

  • B.A. Astronomy, Boston University
  • B.A. Physics, Boston University
  • M.S. Geophysics & Space Physics, University of California
  • Ph.D. Geophysics & Space Physics, University of California
  • Full Name

  • Harlan Spence