Manage Profile
Manage Profile
US DOC, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Funding Organization
Temporal Graph
Map of Science
Awards Grant
2004-07 Atlantic Marine Aquaculture Center
2005 Northeast Consortium Administration Program Support
2005-07 Cooperative Institute for Coastal & Esturaine Environmental Technology
2005-07 Northeast Consortium
2006 Northeast Consortium: Opportunities for Cooperative Research
2006-07 Joint Center for Ocean Observing Technology JCOOT
2006-08 Sea Grant Program
2006-10 Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology
2006-2010 Joint Hydrographic Center
2007 Northeast Consortium
2009-2012 Northeast Consortium
2010-11 Great Bay SWMP & Marsh Biomonitoring
2014-2017 NH Sea Grant Omnibus
2016-17 NOAA Great Bay System Wide Monitoring Program
2017-18 NOAA Great Bay System Wide Monitoring Program
2018-19 NOAA Great Bay System Wide Monitoring Program
2021-22 NOAA Great Bay System Wide Monitoring Program
A Multi-Trophic, All-Season Aquaculture Raft
AIRMAP: A UNH Air Quality and Climate Program
AIRMAP: A UNH Air Quality and Climate Programs
Advancing Submerged Mussel Farming Technologies to Alleviate Eider Duck Predation
Assessing Microbial Safety Issues Associated with Emerging Shellfish Aquaculture Practices to Increase Productivity in the Northeast US
Atlantic Marine Aquaculture Center
CICEET 2001-2003
Coastal Communities' Pavement Resilience to Sea Level Rise using Natural and Nature- Based Solutions
Commercial Scale Offshore Aquaculture Demonstration, Training and Permitting to Increase Steelhead Trout and Blue Bussel Production in New England
Community Based Habitat Restoration at South Mill Pond
Conservation Engineering in the Shrimp Fishery
Continuation of the NOAA JHC at the University of New Hampshire
Continuation of the NOAA Joint Hydrographic Center at the University of New Hampshire
Continuation of the NOAA Joint Hydrographic Center at the University of New Hampshire
Cooperative Agreement Between SEA and UNH
Coordinated Ocean Energy Expertise for Northeast Coastal Stakeholders: New Hampshire
Culvert Impacts & Tidal Restoration Fish Communities
Design and Test of a Topless Shrimp Trawl to Reduce Finsidh Bycatch in the Pink Shrimp Fishery
Determining Natal Sources of Adult Winter Flounder in the GOM and SNE/MA Stocks: Tracking Fish Using Otolith Chemical Signatures as natural Tags
Development of Enhanced Techniques for Computing Potential
Does the Great Bay Estuary Support a Self-Recruiting Lobster Population?
Ecological Responses to Local Effects of Ditching and Ditch-Plugging in New England Salt Marshes (Vincent)
Effects of Oyster Reefs on Water Quality
Effects of Seawalls & Berms on Salt Marshes
Fish Passage in Tidal Marshes - A. Eberhardt
Forging the Link: A Collaborative Approach to Applying Science and Technology to Coastal Problem Solving
Gauging Public Perceptions of Coastal Environmental Conditions in the Puget Sound Region: A Socio-Ecological Approach
Gauging Public Perceptions of Coastal Environmental Conditions in the Puget Sound Region: A Socio-Ecological Approach
Gear Technology Transfer: Topless Shrimp Trawls for the Gulf of Maine Shrimp Fishing Industry
Hydrographic Training
IOCM Research in Support of Super Storm Sandy Disaster Relief
IT Support NOAA - 3 users
IT Support for NOAA Employees and Contractors at UNH
IT Support for NOAA Employees and Contractors at UNH
IT Support for NOAA Employees and Contractors at the Joint Hydrographic Center
IT Support for NOAA Employees and Contractors at the University of New Hampshire, EA-133C-14RQ-1076
Impacts of Berms on Plant Diversity in Norhtern New England Salt Marshes
Influence of Nonpoint Source Pollution on Estuarine Bacteria
Integrated Analysis of the Value of Wetland Services in Coastal Adaptation; Methodology and Case Study of Hampton-Seabrook Estuary, New Hampshire
Inter-Stock Comparison of Response to Ocean Acidification in Early Lifestages of Winter Flounder
Joint Hydrographic Center
Joint Hydrographic Center
Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO) University of Washington
Leveraging multi-species and multi-year telemetry datasets to identify seasonal, ontogenetic, and interannual shifts in habitat use and phenology of Chesapeake Bay fishes
NERRS Fellowship - Iulia Barbu
NH Sea Grant 2018-2021 Omnibus
NH Sea Grant Omnibus 2022-2024
National Ocean Serv National Marine Fish Serv Meetings
New Hampshire American Eel Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences Project
Northeast Consortium 2004
Northeast Regional Tagging Symposium: Transportation, Report Writing and Conference Facilitation - Keynote Speaker Services
Oyster Restoration Studies Great Bay Estuary NH
Practical Mosaicing
Reducing Uncertainty in the Data-Poor Assessment of Atlantic Wolffish (Anarhichas Lupus)
Saildrone Surveyor: Autonomous Mapping & Environmental Characterization Using Deep Ocean ASV
Salt Marsh Restoration Performance Study
Sea Grant 2001-2006
Sea Grant Northeast Regional Lobster Extension Program: New Hampshire Sea Grant
Sea Grant Omnibus 2010-2012
SeaBASS 2016: A Marine Bioacoustic Summer School
SeaBASS 2018: BioAcoustic Summer School
Stereo Image Measurement Software Application
Submerged Culture of Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) for Open Ocean Aquaculture in the Northeastern United States
Support of Benthic Habitat Mapping
Sustainable Innovations for the Channeled Whelk Fishery: Trap Modificaiton and Alternative Bait
Sustainable US Cleanerfish production: developing a lumpfish broodstock program
Techniques to Restore Tidal Exchange in Salt Marshes
Tracking Environmental Trends in the Great Bay Estuarine System through Comparisons of Historical and present-Day Green Algal Nutrient Content and Community Structure Data - J. Nettleton
Tracking Ocean Alkalinity Using New Carbon Measurement Technologies (TACT)