National Science Foundation (NSF)


Awards Grant

  • Collaborative Research: AON: The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory (Arctic-GRO)
  • "FESD, Type 1" Sun to Ice: Impacts on Earth of Extreme Solar Events
  • 2004 AMSE International Mechanical Engineering Congress and RD & D Exposition (IMECRDDE)
  • A 1500m Ice Core from South Pole
  • A Geochronological and Paleoenvironmental Framework for the Nanxiong Basin, Guangdong Provice, Sotuh China
  • A Lengthening Vernal Window: How Vernal Asynchronies in Energy, Water, and Carbon Fluxes Impact Ecosystem Function
  • A Mechanic Understanding of Biogeogrphic Patterns and Life Histories in Benthic Organisms in Advective Coastal Environments
  • A Neural Network Model for Predicting the Solar Energetic Particles Events
  • A New Paradigm for Understanding How Leaf Litter Quality Affects Stream Ecosystems
  • A Novel Approach to Understanding Microbial Metabolism and Soil Carbon Dynamics
  • A Spectroscopic Study of Starters, Jets and Gigantic Jets
  • ADBC Program
  • ADVANCE PAID: Enhancing and Advancing the Scholarship of STEM Women Faculty at the University of New Hampshire
  • Aboveground-Belowground Interactions: Relating Plant Community Composition and Diversity to Methane Cycling in Wetland Ecosystems
  • Acquisition of Paleomagnetic Equipment
  • Acquisition of a Cell BE Based Cluster for Development and Deployment of Advanced Computational Methods
  • Acquisition of a Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer for Earth Science Research and Research Training
  • Acquisition of a PyroCube IsoPrime 100 EA-IRMS for Stable Isotope Research
  • Acquisition of an Illumina HiSeq 2000
  • Acquisition of an Integrated High Frame-Rate Particle Image Velocimetry (HFR-PIV) System
  • Aerosol Acidity & Multiple Chemical Processes NE Coast Atm
  • Albebraic Theory of Tensor Categories
  • Alexander Pszenney NSF IPA
  • An Integrated Model for Performance-Based Assessment and Design of Secondary Systems Mounted on Building Structures
  • An Interdisciplinary Research Team Laboratory
  • An International Symposium on Combinatorial Search
  • Analysis of Polar Module on the 2010 General Social Survey
  • Anatomy of an Overlapping Spreading Center; Geochemical and Geological Study of the EPR9deg 03'N OSC
  • ArcSEES: Water, Energy and Food Security in the North
  • Archiving the Karen VonDamm Legacy Hydrothermal Fluid Collection
  • Arctic Village Dynamics: Longitudinal Study of Population, Environment, and Community Change in Alaska
  • Ash Particles and the Bubbles that Make Them: Measuring Bubble Size from Ash Fragments for Insights Regarding Eruption Dynamics
  • Aspects of Global String Compactifications
  • Assessing Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics over North America by Integrating Eddy Covariance, MODIS, and New Ecological Data through Upscaling and Model-data Synthesis
  • Asymptotic and Spectral Analysis of Energy Harvesting Models
  • Automated Shock Analysis for Space Weather Predictions
  • BAC Libraries From Diverse Crustacean Taxa
  • BREAD ABRDC: Integrated Resource Development for the Genome-Enabled Improvement of Shea Tree for Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Balloon Observation of Gamma-Ray Glows from Thunderstorms
  • Basin Scale Forcing of Long Timescale Flows on Western-Boundary Shelves
  • Bighorn Basin Coring Project (BBCP) Targeted Continental Drilling of Paleogene Hyperthermals
  • Bioremediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Antarctic Soils
  • Braided Tensor Categories, Their Structure, Symmetries, and Graded Extensions
  • Bubble Size Distributions as a Diagnostic Tool for Volcanic Processes
  • Building Capacity for a Master's Program in NH
  • CAREER: A research foundation to improve understanding of the post-thaw permafrost microbiome via collaborative networks and experiential learning
  • CAREER: An Experimentally-Informed Multi-Level Framework Incorporating Interfaces for Modeling Fracture of Hexagonal Metals to Facilitate Scientific Exploration and Materials Design
  • CAREER: An Integrated Platform for Measuring Neurotransmitters and Cytokines from Cells
  • CAREER: Automated Storage Manager 'Operating System'
  • CAREER: Binuclear Chemistry of Heterogenized Molecular Catalysts in Solar CO2 Reduction
  • CAREER: Decision Theoretic Life Cycle Assessment
  • CAREER: Development of a Wideband Acoustic System for Quantifying the Flux of Free Gas in Methane Seeps
  • CAREER: Experimental Studies of Turbulent Inflows and Wakes Relevant to Marine Hydrokinetic (MHK) Energy Conversion
  • CAREER: Experimental Studies of the Rheology and Flow Properties of Liquified Biomass in Wall-bounded Turbulent Flows
  • CAREER: Fluid-Sediment Interactions over Complex Coastal Topography
  • CAREER: From Research to Meta-Research to Practice- The Development of ELE Framework for School Algebra
  • CAREER: Innovation in Turbulence Research and the Scientific Computing Curriculum
  • CAREER: Investigating Earthquake Cycles on Mid-Ocean Ridge Transform Faults
  • CAREER: Investigation of Beginning Teachers' Expertise to Teach Mathematics
  • CAREER: Molecular Simulation Methods to Probe RNA Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Interfacial Interactions
  • CAREER: Proactive Defense Methods for Chip Integrity and Security
  • CAREER: Topics in String Compactifications
  • CAREER: Utilizing Fine-grained Knowledge Annotations in Text Understanding and Retrieval
  • CCDNI Engineer: CI Leadership for the University of New Hampshire
  • CI-TEAM: Cyber-Infrastructure Digital Education and Research (CIDER)
  • CNH: Experimental Frameworks for Evaluating Net Effects of Hydrologic Service Payments on Coupled Socio-Ecohydrologic Systems in Mexico
  • CRII: CHS: Human-Robot Collaboration in Special Education: A Robot that Learns Service Delivery from Teachers' Demonstrations
  • CRII: SaTC: Simplification of Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic Obfuscated
  • CRISP Type I-Collaborative Research: Sustainable and Resilient Design Interdependent Water
  • Calibrating Multibeam Sonars for Surveying Midwater Fish
  • Characterization of the Replication Protein A (RPA)-70 Gene Family in Arabidopsis
  • Characterization, Modeling, and Optimization of Magnetic Pulsed Welding Processes
  • Climate, Ice Dynamics and Biology Using a Deep Ice Core from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Ice Divide
  • Cognitive Developmental Factors and Rule-violating Behavior: The Role of Personal Attributes, Attitudes, and Peers
  • Collab Proposal:MRA:Linking Land-to-Water Transport & Stream Carbon Cycling to Inform Macrosystem Carbon Balance
  • Collab Proposal:MSA:Controls on Coupled Nitrogen & Carbon Cycles of Watersheds Across Eco-Regions
  • Collab Research: Solar-Driven Hydrogenation of CO2 Using Hierarchically Porous TiO2
  • Collaborative Proposal: Plastic Spiraling in River Networks (Plastic-SIReN): Determining the controls
  • Collaborative Proposal: Use of Elastin-Like Polymer as an Electrochemical Sensor
  • Collaborative Research LTREB: Soil Warming and Forest Ecosystem Feedbacks to the Climate System
  • Collaborative Research RCN: EukHiTs: Eukaryotic Biodiversity Research Using High-Throughput Sequencing
  • Collaborative Research-GOALI: Fundamental Studies on Interface Structures and Properties from Impact Welding Across Varying Length Scales
  • Collaborative Research: AccelNet: ICNet Global
  • Collaborative Research: Adding Animals to the Equation: Linking Observational, Experimental and Modeling Approaches to Assess Herbivore Impacts on Carbon Cycling in Northern Alaska
  • Collaborative Research: Digitization TCN: Mobilizing New England Plant Speciman Data to Create New Possibilities for Global Change Science
  • Collaborative Research: Dimensions: Evolutionary Ecology of Sponges and Their Microbiomes
  • Collaborative Research: Mechanisms Supporting Persistence of a Key Plankton Species During Climate Change on the Northwest Continental Shelf
  • Collaborative Research: Optimizing Multibeam Data Acquisition, Operations, and Quality for the U.S. Academic Research Fleet
  • Collaborative Research: SitS NSF UKRI: Decoding Nitrogen Dynamics in Soil through Novel Integration of in Situ Wireless Soil Sensors with Numerical Modeling
  • Collaborative Research: TC3-Triboluminescent Crack Categorization
  • Collaborative Research: The Neural Basis of Becoming a Parent: From Genotype to Phenotype
  • Collaborative Research: A High-Latitude Conjugate Area Array Experiment to Investigate Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
  • Collaborative Research: A New System for Air-Sea CO2 Flux Measurements from Moored and Unmanned Surface Platforms
  • Collaborative Research: AON: The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory (ArcticGRO)
  • Collaborative Research: Advancing Predictability of Sea Ice: Phase 2 of the SIPN
  • Collaborative Research: Airborne Detector for Energetic Lightning Emissions (ADELE) Operations on the Hurricane and severe Storm Sentinel
  • Collaborative Research: An Ice Core from Hercules Dome, East Antarctica
  • Collaborative Research: Archaic Adaptive Strategies in Northern Belize: Investigating Human Ecodynamics In and Around Crooked Tree Island
  • Collaborative Research: Assessing the Sensitivity of High-Altitude Environments to Globally Warm Climate as Recorded by Lacustrine Microbialite Carbonates
  • Collaborative Research: CNS Core: Small: Resource-efficient, Strongly Consistent Replication for the Cloud
  • Collaborative Research: Chemistry for the Community: Quantifying the Impact of Service Learning
  • Collaborative Research: Continental-scale Monitoring, Modeling and Forecasting of Phenological Responses to Climate Change
  • Collaborative Research: Continued Study of ULF Waves at Cusp Latitudes on Svalbard to Probe Earth's Space Environment
  • Collaborative Research: DMREF: Grain Interface Functional Design to Create Damage Resistance in Polycrystalline Metallic Materials
  • Collaborative Research: Digitization TCN: Digitizing Collections to Trace Parasige-Host Associations and Predict the Spread of Vector-Borne Disease
  • Collaborative Research: Digitization TCN: Extending Anthophila research through image and trait
  • Collaborative Research: Digitization TCN: The Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium: Accessing 150 Years of Speciman Data to Understand Changes in the Marine/Aquatic Environment
  • Collaborative Research: Dissolved Organic Phosphorus Controls on Marine Nitrogen Fixation and Export Production
  • Collaborative Research: Earthquake Catalog and Waveform Analysis to Assess the Evolution of Axial Seamount Surrounding the 2015 Eruption
  • Collaborative Research: Expanding the List of Determinants of Rates of Protein Evolution and Dissecting Their Molecular Bases
  • Collaborative Research: FW-HTF Theme 2: The Next Mobile Office for Knowledge Workers
  • Collaborative Research: Forest Water Use and the Influence of Acid Deposition
  • Collaborative Research: From Dinosaurs to Primates: 100 Million Year Record of Tectonics and Vertebrate Evolution in the Western Branch of the East African Rift System
  • Collaborative Research: GOALI: Strain Gradient Plasticity Modeling to Link Microstructural Non-local Effects of Dislocation-Interface Interactions with Ductility and Springback
  • Collaborative Research: Hybrid Flow-Sediment-Structure Interaction Analysis of Extreme Scour due to Coastal Flooding
  • Collaborative Research: IRES: US-German Research on Human Computer Interaction in Ubiquitous Computing
  • Collaborative Research: IUSE: A Data-Driven Employer-Academia Partnership
  • Collaborative Research: Implications of bacterially driven cross-kingdom chemical interactions
  • Collaborative Research: Improved Cenozoic Paleoelevation Estimates for Sierra Nevada, California: Linking Geodynamics with Atmospheric Dynamics
  • Collaborative Research: Improving Quantification of Larval Dispersal in the Global Coastal Ocean to Understand the Genetic Structure, Biogeography, and Spread of Benthic Organisms
  • Collaborative Research: Interactions Between Air Temperature, Permafrost and Hydrology in the High Latitudes of Eurasia
  • Collaborative Research: Investigating Interfacial Sites in Metal-TiO2
  • Collaborative Research: Investigating Northern Peatland Methane Dynamics by Synthesizing Measurements, Remote Sensing and Modeling from Local to Regional to Continental Scales
  • Collaborative Research: Investigating the Relationship Between Ocean Surface Gravity- Capillary Waves, Surface-Layer Hydrodynamics, and Air-Sea Momentum Flux
  • Collaborative Research: Investigations of Wind-Driven Exchange and Long-Wave Modulation of Surface Fluxes Under Strong Wind Conditions Using OOI Data
  • Collaborative Research: LTREB: Soil Warming and Forest Ecosystem Feedbacks to the Climate System
  • Collaborative Research: Longitudinal Impact of PLTL on Student and Peer Leader Retention of General Chemistry Concepts and Attitudes Toward Chemistry
  • Collaborative Research: MRA: Constraining the continental-scale terrestrial carbon cycle using NEON
  • Collaborative Research: MRA: Distributions of macrofungi: quantifying ecosystem and climate drivers
  • Collaborative Research: Mineral-associated organic matter: an overlooked source and mediator of bioavailable nitrogen
  • Collaborative Research: NNA Track 1: Change, Resilience and Sustainability of Frozen Commons in Alaskan and Northeastern Siberian Communities
  • Collaborative Research: NNA Track 2: Seismic Resilience and Adaptation of Arctic Infrastructure and Social Systems amid Changing Climate
  • Collaborative Research: Nitrogen Retention and Ecosystem Succession: Theory Meets Data
  • Collaborative Research: Observations of High-Energy Radiation Associated with Thunderstorms
  • Collaborative Research: Optimization of the Multibeam Sonar Systems of the US Academic Fleet Through Coordinated System Testing, Tool Development, and Community Outreach
  • Collaborative Research: Organic Alkalinity: Impacts of the (OTHER) Alkalinity on Estuary and Coastal Ocean Chemistry
  • Collaborative Research: Permafrost–Climate Feedbacks
  • Collaborative Research: Petermann Gletscher, Greenland Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
  • Collaborative Research: Planktonic Sources of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in Seawater
  • Collaborative Research: Quantifying the Impact of Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation on Atmospheric NOx and O3
  • Collaborative Research: RUI: Biogenesis and Evolution of Hagfish Slime and slime glands
  • Collaborative Research: Reconciliation Between In-Situ and Remote Sensing Analyses
  • Collaborative Research: Small Molecules as Chemical Probes of Protein Dynamics and Protein-Protein Interactions
  • Collaborative Research: Solar CO2 Reduction by Atomically Dispersed Metal Sites
  • Collaborative Research: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Surface Albedo and Light Absorbing Chemical Species in Greenland
  • Collaborative Research: Studies of Solar Wind - magnetosphere Interactions using Observations of ULF Waves Vat an Extensive Ground Array at High Altitudes
  • Collaborative Research: Studies of ULF Waves Associated with Solar Wind Coupling to the Magnetosphere and Inosphere
  • Collaborative Research: Studies of ULF Waves and Support for the MICA
  • Collaborative Research: Synoptic Geospace Systems Analysis Utilizing Instrumentation from South Pole and McMurdo Stations
  • Collaborative Research: The Confluence of Music, Art and Science at Long term Ecological Research Sites
  • Collaborative Research: Three-Dimensional Stability of Kinetic Flux Rope Structures in Collisionless Magnetized Plasma
  • Collaborative Research: Towards a Mechanistic Prediction of Methane Ebullition Fluxes from Northern Peatlands
  • Collaborative Research: Transparent Exopolymer and Phytoplankton Vertical Migration as Sources for Preformed Nitrate Anomalies in the Subtropical N. Pacific Ocean
  • Collaborative Research: Water and Energy Fluxes to the Arctic Ocean Using Tree-Ring Data and Hydrological Modeling
  • Collaborative Research: What controls the marine refractory DOC reservoir?
  • Collaborative: Towards Elucidating the Transport Mechanisms of Fine Volcanic Ash
  • Color Pattern Divergence in a Mimetic Radiation
  • Combinatorial Search Algorithms as Rational Agents
  • Coming Out Bilingual: Latina-o Gay and Lesbian Discourses and Identities in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
  • Commercializing novel mobile platform technology to both prevent and respond to high school violence
  • Community Workshop: Atmospheric and Space Research in Polar Regions
  • Comprehensive Analysis of Seismic Processes in a Deep South African Mine
  • Computerized Undergraduate Psychology Vision Laboratory
  • Control and Stabilization Problems for Aircraft Wing Models in Subsonic Air Flow
  • Coordinate Regulation of Symbiotic-Colonization Traits
  • Creating a Common Thermodynamics
  • Crossing Borders: The Fenians and the Transatlantic Crisis over Citizenship
  • Culturally Responsive and Effective Stem Teaching (CREST): Strengthening the Foundation for Teacher Success in High Needs Schools
  • DASI Track 2: Space Weather Underground (SWUG)
  • Data Management Using Smart Storage Systems
  • Deciphering the Role of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) in Stream Nutrient Cycling
  • Defining Stream Biomes to Better Understand and Forecast Stream Ecosystem Change
  • Determining Seasonal and Interannual Controls on Air-Sea Carbon Dioxide Flux in a Highly Productive Marginal Sea
  • Developing an ab initio Model of CMEs Incorporating all Forms of Helicity
  • Development and Characterization of femto Electrospray Ionization
  • Development of Fast and High-order Accurate Time-Domain PDE Solvers for Complex Geometrics
  • Development of Hyperplastic and Superplastic Microforming Processes and Related Educational Activities
  • Development of a Faculty Colleague Bias Intervention Guide and Decision Tool
  • Development of an Asymptotically-Reduced, Multi-Scale Model of Turbulent Boundary Layer Dynamics at Extreme Reynolds Numbers
  • Development of an Autonomous Real-time Remote Observatory (ARRO)
  • Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Microbial Biodiversity and Functionality in Deep Shale and its Interfaces
  • Dissertation Research: Response of Decomposer Fingi to Simultaneous Warming and Nitrogen Additions
  • Dynamic Sys Control Div Student Travel Intl Mech Engr
  • EAGER: Mobilizing Our Coastal Communities: Facilitating Rapid Response Observations
  • EAGER: PERR: Development of a Contest-based Crowdsourcing Scheme for Public Water Quality Monitoring
  • EAGER: SAI-E: Collaborative Research: Behavior Theories for Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure - A New Paradigm in Performance Assessment and Modeling
  • EPSCOR 2006 - Enabling Technologies for Scientific Innovation through Sensor Development
  • EPSCoR RII-Track 1 NH Center for Multiscale Modeling and Manufacturing
  • Early-Career Participant Support: NUMIFORM 2019
  • Ecohydrological Controls of Watershed Response to Land use Change in a Montane Cloud Forest Zone in Veracruz, Central Mexico
  • Ecosystem Computing Challenge: Partnership Model to Build Access to Relevant Computing Education for Underrepresented High School Students
  • Effect of Nitrogen Enrichment Litter Decomposer Community
  • Effects of Global Warming on Paleocene Eocene Ecosystems
  • Encoding the Criminal: Criminology & State
  • Enhancing Preparation of Secondary Preservice Mathematics Teachers
  • Environment and Social Change in the North Atlantic ARC
  • Evaluating Controls on Holocene Glacier Fluctuations and Climate Variability in the Southern Peruvian Andes
  • Evaluating Marine Clines to Predict Larval Retention
  • Examining Undergraduate Attitudes Towards the Use of Math in Biology
  • Experimental Constraints on Contributions of Mycorrhizal Symbioses to Bedrock Weathering of Calcium and Magnesium
  • Experimental Evolution in Symbiosis
  • Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity
  • Exploitation of an Experimentally Characterized Stress Based Failure Criterion to Advance Sheet Metal Forming
  • Exploring Ecosystems and the Atmosphere in the K-12 Classroom: A Plan to Integrate NASA Carbon Cycle Science with GLOBE
  • Fluids for Life Science Students
  • Flutter Analysis and Control for Elastic Structure in Axial Air Flow: Applications to Palatal Flutter and Energy Harvesting
  • Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst Intensity, Range and Dynamics
  • Free Probability Theory and its Applications in Operator Algebras
  • Fundamental Investigation of Turbulent Ablation
  • Fundamental Investigations of Compressible MHD Turbulence
  • Fungal Production of Methyl Halides
  • GCR: Collaborative Research: The Convergent Facilitation of Viruses, Minerals, and Microscale Physics on Phytoplankton Carbon Sequestration
  • GEM Workshop Coordination
  • GEM: Linking the plasma sheet and ionosphere through ENA and auroral imaging
  • GEM: The Role of Heavy Ion Outflow in Driving Sawtooth Oscillations
  • GEM: The Role of O+ on Onset and Energy Release in the Earth's Magnetotail
  • GEO-Teach: Transforming Earth System Science Education
  • GOALI: Continuous-Bending-Under-Tension Studies to Enhance the Formability of Advanced Steels and Aluminum Alloys
  • GOALI: Fundamental Studies and Modeling of High Impact Pressure, Supersonic Water Droplets (HIP-SWaD) for Material Deformation and Removal
  • GOALI: Fundamental Understanding and Suppression of Microcracking in Three Dimensional Woven Composites During Curing
  • GOALI: Immiscible Phase Interface-Driven Processing of Ultrafine-Laminated Structures for Lightweight
  • GP-Extra: Collaborative Links to Ocean Science and Earth Science Graduate Academic Programs
  • Galaxy-Cluster Baryons and the Cooling-Flow Problem
  • Gas-Phase Chemistry of Thermal & Plasma CVS TI-SI-N Films
  • Generation of Geo-Referenced Video Mosaics in Support of Submersible and ROV Operations
  • Geochemical Structure and Dynamics of the Mantle below the East African Rift System
  • Geochronology & Mammalian Paleobiogeography
  • Glaciation in the Peruvian Andes
  • HCC III: MyDome - Defining the Computational and Cognitive Potential of Interactive Simulation in an Immersive Dome Environment
  • Halogen Chemistry Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer
  • Halogen Chemistry Processing N. American Pollutant Outflow
  • High Energy Routes to Strained Molecules and Reactive Intermediates
  • High Resoltuion Calibration of the Maastrichtian to Paleocene of the Western US: Integration of Geochronology, Magnetostratigraphy and Paleontology
  • High Volume Synthesis SWNTS Uniform Tunable Proporties
  • Holocene NE Pacific Decadal to Millennial Scale Climate
  • How Does Changing Seasonality Affect the Capacity of Arctic Stream Networks to Influence Nutrient Fluxes from the Landscape to the Ocean?
  • Huang NSF IPA
  • Human Adaptation to Large-Scale Ecological Decline
  • Hydrogeologic Analysis of Oriented Concretions
  • I-Corps Sites: Maturation of Innovation from Idea Generation to Commercialization at the University of New Hampshire
  • III: Small: Robust Reinforcement Learning for Invasive Species Management
  • IIII-CXT: Interactive and Intelligent Searching of Biological Images by Query and Network Navigation with Learning Capabilities
  • IPY Collaborative Research: Is the Srctic Human Environment Moving to a New State?
  • IPY: Ice Planet Earth
  • IRES Track 1: International Collaborative Experiences to Track Arctic LaKe Systems (ICE TALKS)
  • IRES: Human-Computer Interaction in Ubiquitous Computing
  • IRES: Track I: Andean-Amazonian Watershed Experience: Exploring
  • IUCRC Planning Grant University of New Hampshire: Center for Digital Factory Innovations (CDFI)
  • Impact of Ionospheric Ions Magnetospheric Dynamics
  • Improving Models to Better Represent the Complex Structure of Coronal Mass Ejections
  • Incorporating 3D RMHD Turbulence Simulations and Kinetic Plasma Physics into a Two-Fluid Model of Solar Wind
  • Instabilities Driven by Anisotropic Ion and electron Beams in the Solar Wind: Analytical Theory, Numerical Simulations, and In-Situ Observations
  • Integrating Reference Data and Accuracy Assessment for Globe
  • Integrating Structural Health Monitoring, Intelligent Transportation Systems and Model Updating into a Bridge Condition Assessment Framework
  • Integrating the Chemistry Systemic Initiatives
  • Interaction of Estuarine Circulation and Wind-Driven Shelf Circulation
  • Interactions Among Climate, Land Use and Ecosystem Services
  • Intermittency and Ion Heating in RMHD Turbulence
  • International Gender and Language Association Group Travel to Hong Kong
  • International Symposium on Heuristic Search and Its Applications
  • Intl Global Atmospheric Chem Core Project Office
  • Intrinsic Residual Stresses in 3D Woven Composites: Measurement, Modeling, and Mitigation
  • Investigating Late Prehistory in the Landscapes of Douglas Lake, Michigan
  • Investigating Lightning Initiation and Propagation with an Advanced Computer Model and Code
  • Landscape Scale Detection and Analysis of Dispersed Physical Food Storage Archeological Features in the Northern Great Lakes Region
  • Landscape and Regional Scale Studies of Nitrogen Gas Flux
  • Langmuir Circulation Internal Wave Interations
  • Learning Math Through Teaching
  • Legal Socialization and Rule-Violating Behavior
  • Linking Biotic Interactions and Environmental Change to Understand Range Dynamics of Montane Mammals Over the Past Century
  • Linking Microbial Ecophysiology to Soil Organic Matter Abundance and Stabilization
  • Long Term Anthropogenic Influences on the Crater Lake Environmental Landscape of Western Uganda
  • MBMS Studies of CVD of Metal Nitrodes
  • MRI: Acquisition of a Computer Cluster for the Study of Fluids, Heliophysics, and Astrophysical Plasma
  • MRI: Acquisition of Analytical SEM for Engineering and Earth Science Research
  • MRI: Acquisition of Digital Imaging Correlation System to Advance Research, Teaching, and Education in Engineering
  • MRI: Acquisition of Environmental Flows Water Tunnel
  • MRI: Acquisition of a 700 MHz High Field NMR Spectrometer
  • MSF-FRA: The Influence of Biological Diversity on Land-Atmosphere Exchange in Forests: Confronting Theory with Data
  • Magma Genesis Beneath Continents
  • Making Mathematical Connections
  • Making Noyce in NH: A Teacher Leaders Program to Improve STEM Learning for all Students
  • Manufacturing Interface Dominated Microstructures in Bulk Metal-Metal Composites for Ultra-High Strength and Formability
  • Mapping and Quantifying Methane Seeps on the Eastern Siberian Shelf and Slope: A Component of the Swedish Russian US Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions (SWERUS-C3)
  • Materials Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory
  • Materials World Network: Multi-Scale Study of Chemical Vapor Infiltrated Carbon-Carbon Composites
  • Mathematical Analysis of Aircraft Wing Models and Application to Flutter Control
  • Measurement and Analysis of Extremely Low Frequency(ELF) Waves at South Pole Station
  • Measurements of Coarse Aerosol During WINTER
  • Microbial Control of Litter Decay at the Cellulose-Lignin Interface
  • Microforming Processes Fundamental Studies & Developments
  • Modeling and Isotopes Link Mycorrhizal Fungi to Soil Carbon and Organic Nitrogen Use
  • Modern Inventory of Polyclad Fauna Caribbean
  • Multi-Spacecraft Observational Study and MHD Modeling of ICMEs Observed in Conjuction
  • Multiscale Modeling, Simulation and Observation of the Oceanic Mixed Layer: Coupling Submesoscale Variability and Shear-Driven Turbulent Mixing
  • NEESR: Tsunami Induced Coherent Structures and their Impact on our Coastal Infrastructure
  • NH EPSCoR RII Track-1 Planning Grant
  • NLD Forecasting for Signal Processing Applications
  • NRT: Convergent Arctic Research and Perspectives (CARPE)
  • NSF Bio Oc- Nutritional ecology of climate change: Impacts on Northwest Atlantic fishes
  • NSF IUSE: Collaborative Research: Community Sourcing Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences
  • NSF Includes DDLP: Advanced Partnerships Broadening Participation in NH's Workforce
  • NSF-DOE Advanced Combustion Engines: Collaborative Research: A Comprehensive Investigation of Unsteady Reciprocating Effects on Near Wall Heat Transfer in Engines
  • Network to Improve Sea Ice Prediction
  • New Mexico Carbonate Cementation in Alluvial Aquifer
  • Next Generation of Deep Drawing Using Smart Observers, Closed-Loop Control, and 3D-Servo-Press
  • North East Cyberinfrastructure Consortium
  • Northeastern Carbon Sink: Enhanced Growth, Regrowth, or Both?
  • Northern New England LSAMP Pre-Alliance Planning
  • Numerical Investigation of CME-CME Interaction and its Consequences From the Low Corona to 1AU
  • OPUS: CRS, Biogeochemical responses to interacting global change drivers and feedbacks to the climate system
  • Operator Algebras and Applications
  • Opertor Algebras and Applications
  • Origin and Acceleration of Suprathermal Ions Near Earth Orbit
  • P2C2: Collaborative Research: Reconstructing Central Alaskan Precipitation Variability and Atmospheric Circulation During the Past Millennium
  • PENGIUN a High-latitude Window to Geospace Dynamics
  • PFI:BIC: The Living Bridge: The Future of Smart, Sustainable, User-Centered Transportation Infrastructure
  • Partnership Research Opportunities Benefit Education
  • Pathways to Professions in the Biosciences Program
  • Perceived Integration, Youth Aspirations, and the Stress Process in Emerging Adulthood: The Rural Youth Panel Study
  • Phylum Nematoda: Integrating Multidisciplinary Expertise
  • Physical/Chemical Heterogeneity of Aquifers
  • Planning and Acting While Time Passes
  • Polar Experiment Network for Geospoace Upper-atmosphere Investifations (PENGUIS): Advancing the Vision for Global Studies
  • Probing the Possible Coupling of Helioseismic Modes to Earth's Magnetosphere
  • Problems in Operator Theory
  • Problems in Operator Theory
  • Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry KLearning (POGIL) and Research Based Pedagogy for Future Chemistry Faculty
  • Quantification of Organic Nitrogen Use in FACE and Culture Experiments
  • Quantifying Feedbacks between Fluvial Morphodynamics and Riparian Vegetation
  • RAPID Collaborative: FIREBIRD II
  • RAPID: Structural Damage Data Collection and Analysis of a Recently Damaged Bridge
  • RAPID: Impacts of Godzilla dust cloud on a tropical forest
  • RAPID: Taxonomic and Metagenetic Test of Species Distribution for Marine Meiofauna from the Gulf of Mexico
  • RCN SEES: Engineering Research Collaboratory for Sustainable Infrastructure in a Changing Climate
  • RET SITE: Rise UP
  • RET Site: Research to Inspire Student in Engineering (RISE) through Inquiry
  • REU Site: The Influence of Climate Change on Biogeochemical Processes in Northern Ecosystems: An International Perspective in Earth System Science
  • REU Site: Volcanology and Quaternary Processes in the San Francisco Volcanic Field, Northern Arizona
  • RI: SMALL: Robust Reinforcement Learning Using Bayesian Models
  • RII Track-2 FEC: Advancing Manufacturing and Biotechnology through an On-Demand Sensor Platform: Investments in the Development of Engineering Principles and the Future Workforce
  • RII Track-2 FEC: Strengthening the Scientific Basis for Decision-Making About Dams: Multi-Scale, Coupled-Systems Research on Ecological, Social, and Economic Trade-Offs
  • RII Track-2FEC: Genomic Ecology of Coastal Organisms (GECO): A Systems-based Research and Training Program in Genome-Phenome Relationships in the Wild
  • RII Track-4 Next Generation Climate Modeling of Winter Climate in the United States
  • RII Track-4: Canary in the Watershed: Concentration-Discharge Relationships as a Sentinel of Change
  • RII Track-4: Making Galaxies Out of An (Ultra) Light Invisible Matter Halo
  • RII Track-4: NSF: Measurement of charge exchange X-ray spectra using the NIST EBIT and TES microcalorimeter array
  • RII Track-4: NSF: Towards tracking organic carbon cycling in a changing Arctic Ocean
  • RII Track-4: Winter Weather Whiplash and its Impacts on Socio-Ecological Systems
  • RPA-Directed Repair of DNA Damage in Plants
  • Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe) Overlying the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic Ocean
  • Reduced Dynamical Descriptions of Infinite-Dimensional Systems Using Basis Functions from Upper Bound Theory
  • Relating VE Properties For Different Test Geometries
  • Resilience, Reliability, and Externalities of Integrated Centralized and Distributed Water and Energy
  • Revealing the Role of Inhomogeneities and disorder in 2D Materials: Correlating Transport with Spatial and Electronic Topography
  • Robert Noyce Scholarship Project at UNH: Subtitle
  • Robust Learning of Sequential Motion from Human Demonstrations
  • SCALER Stream Consumers
  • SHINE Workshop Coordination
  • SHINE Workshop Coordination
  • SHINE: Collaborative Research: Data-Constrained Simulations of Coronal Mass Ejection Initiation and Propagation
  • SaTC: CORE: Small: Securing the Hardware and Software for Approximate Computing Systems
  • SaTC: STARSS: Small: Collaborative: Managing Hardware Security in Three-Dimensional Integrated
  • Science, State, and Citizenship in Latin America
  • Scientific Partnerships & Research to Inspire Next Generation Scientists (SPRINGS)
  • Scientific Protocols for Land Cover/Biology Globe Program
  • Scientific Support for Globe Land Cover Investigation
  • Seafloor Sounding Polar and Remote Regions
  • Sediment Supply in a Regime of Accelerated Coastal Erosion (SedS-RACE): Paleo-Perspectives, Anthropogenic Influences and Future Challenges
  • Seismic Site Response Analysis Considering Partially Saturated Soil Conditions
  • Simulating the Multi-Messenger Emission from Merging Neutron Stars
  • Smart Sediment Grains and the Motion and Transport of Heterogeneous Sediment in Unsteady Forcing Environments
  • Solar-Wind Discontinuities and Turbulence
  • Spatial Ability STEM Undergraduate Students
  • Stabilization of Chaotic Systems with Uncertain Equilibrium States and its Application to Energy Efficient HVAC System
  • Statistical Analysis for Censored Data and Long Memory Data Using Wavelet Method
  • Statistical Analysis of Magnetic Helicity in Solar Wind
  • Strained Ultrathin Interfaces for Controlled Molecular Self-Assembly
  • String Theory and Geometry
  • Strong Alfven-Wave Turbulence with Cross Helicity
  • Structual Characteriztion of Phosphodiestrase 6 Using Mass Spectrometry
  • Structural-Functional Characterization of a Hyperactive Antifreeze Protein
  • Student Travel Grant - 2002 American Control Conference
  • Student Travel to International Linguistics Conference in Gaborone, Botswana
  • Studies of 3D Dynamics in the Global Magnetosphere using High-Performance Heterogenous Computing Architectures
  • Studies of Solar Wind - Magnetosphere Interactions using Ground-Based Induction Magnetometers at Manned Stations as Part of an Extensive Ground Array
  • Studies of Solar Wind Magnetosphere Interactions using Observations of ULF at Manned Stations of an Extensive Array
  • Study of Dam-Reservoir-Induced Hydrologic Changes in Siberian Regions: Regional Analysis to Pan-Arctic Synthesis
  • Study of ULF Waves at Cusp Latitudes on Svalbard to Probe Earth's Space Enviroment
  • Successive and Interacting CMEs and Their Geo-Effectiveness: Combined Numerical Investigations and Data Analysis
  • Supporting the Multibeam Sonar Systems of the US Academic Research Fleet: Coordinating Operations to Optimize Data Quality
  • Sustaining Coastal Systems: Linking Science and Decision-Making to Reduce Pollution-Related Impairment
  • TEAM Scholarships: Supporting Community College Transfer Students in Earning STEM Degrees at UNH
  • Tectonic Activity and Climate as Drivers of Landscape Evolution in the Teton Range, USA
  • Temporal Variations Hydrothermal Fluid Chemistry
  • Testing the Impacts of Vital Effects and Mineralogy on the Clumped Isotopes Signatures of Modern Benthic Foraminifera
  • The Bighorn Basin Coring project (BBCP)
  • The Changing Diversity and Evolution of Decomposer Fungi in Response to Soil Warming and Nitrogen Additions
  • The Economic Effects of Caring for Adult Family Members
  • The Finishers Program: A Cohesive Support System From High School Through College
  • The Influence of CO2 Solubility on Trace Element Partitioning in Clinopyroxene-alkali Basalt Systems: Towards the Development of a Magmatic Carbon Meter
  • The Interplay of Emotion, Cognitive, and Authority Factors in the Legal Socialization Model
  • The Missing link: Gas-Phase Chemistry of Plasma CVD
  • The Non-Ideal Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections: Numerical Studies
  • Three-Dimensional Hybrid Simulation Study of Alfven Waves
  • Time-Aware Heuristic Search and Planning
  • Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
  • Transforming STEM Gateway Teaching and Learning through Interdisciplinary Practices
  • Turbulence and Perpendicular Heating in the Corona and Solar Wind
  • UNH ADVANCE IT: Leadership Development and Policy Change to Promote Institutional Transformation
  • UNHM Manchester Scholars in Science & Technology
  • US-Mexicao Workshop: Catalyzing International Collaborations to Develop a Platform for Ecohydrological Research
  • Ultrahigh-Resolution Analyses of Organic Constituents in Shale Well Fluids and Their Environmental Persistence
  • Understanding the Scaling of N Cycle Controls Throughout a River Network
  • United States Regional GLOBE Science Fairs
  • University of New Hampshire Planning Grant: I-UCRC for Metal Deformation Processes
  • Upgrade of University of New Hampshire Paleomagnetism Laboratory
  • Use of Genome Enabled Tools to Understand Symbiosis
  • Using Ground-Based Observations of ULF Waves at Cusp Latitudes on Svalbard to Probe Earth's Space Environment
  • Using Ground-based Observations of ULF Waves at Auroral and Sub-auroral latitudes in Antarctica to Probe Earth's Space Environment
  • Using Spatial and Genetic Tools to Understand Functional Connectivity in a Patchy Landscape
  • Using the Solar Wind as a Turbulence Laboratory to Investigate the Role of Intermittency and Shear
  • Watershed Watch: Monitoring the Merrimack and Pasquotank Drainage Basins as STEM Undergraduate Recruitment Tool
  • Weak Hope Algebras & Dynamical Twisting Quantum Groups
  • Windows on the Inquiry Classroom: Full Course Instructor-and-Apprentice-Annotated Video for Professional Development in STEM Inquiry Teaching
  • Wireless Occupancy Detection to Improve Building Energy Efficiency
  • Zooplankton Population Dynamics on Georges Bank
  • uSafeHS
  • uSafeUS
  • von Neumann Algebras, Free Probability and Free Entropy