
Research Areas research areas


  • Bruce E. Pfeiffer is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati. His primary research interests are in the broad area of consumer information processing. He conducts research investigating the affective, behavioral, and cognitive aspects of consumer judgment and decision making. Topic areas include: inferences, biases, social influence, automatic information processing, implicit theories, ease of retrieval, and processing fluency. His research has been published in Marketing Letters, the Journal of Consumer Research, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, the Journal of Business Research, Thinking & Reasoning, and Psychology & Marketing and featured in various news outlets including the Washington Post, the Atlantic, the Nation, Science Daily, the O’Reilly Factor, and Futurity.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2022 The influence of language style (formal vs. colloquial) on the effectiveness of charitable appealsPsychology and Marketing.  40:542-553. 2022
    2022 Financial scarcity and caloric intake: It is not always about motivationJournal of Consumer Behaviour: an international research review.  21:1454-1463. 2022
    2021 Not too ugly to be tasty: Guiding consumer food inferences for the greater goodFood Quality and Preference.  92:104218-104218. 2021
    2019 The effect of message credibility, need for cognitive closure, and information sufficiency on thought-induced attitude changeMarketing Letters.  30:193-205. 2019
    2014 Effects of Construal Level on Omission Detection and Multiattribute EvaluationPsychology and Marketing.  31:992-1007. 2014
    2014 Using imagine instructions to induce consumers to generate ad-supporting contentJournal of Business Research.  67:1567-1572. 2014
    2014 No product is perfect: The positive influence of acknowledging the negativeThinking and Reasoning.  20:500-512. 2014
    2012 Affective Influences on Evaluative ProcessingJournal of Consumer Research.  38:833-845. 2012
    2012 Omission Neglect in Consumer PsychologyInternational Journal of Psychology Research2012
    2012 The Less the Public Knows the Better? The Effects of Increased Knowledge on Celebrity EvaluationsBasic and Applied Social Psychology.  34:499-507. 2012
    2005 The firm's management of social interactionsMarketing Letters.  16:415-428. 2005


    Year Title
    2015 Thought Induced Attitude Depolarization 2015
    2013 Effects of Construal Level on Omission Detection and Multiattribute Evaluation 2013
    2011 When Do Metacognitive Experiences Matter? The Different Roles of Ease of Retrieval 2011
    2011 Marketing celebrity figures: The less the public knows the better? 2011
    2011 Priming Identity Affects Consumer Attitudes Toward Green Products 2011
    2010 Subliminal Prime-to-Behavior Effects 2010
    2010 The Effects of Consumer Implicit Theories and Need for Cognitive Closure on Attitude Polarization 2010
    2009 Effects of Confusion on Resistance to Persuasion 2009
    2009 Imagine Instructions: When do they Help or Hurt Persuasion? 2009
    2009 The Role of Temporal Construal in Omission Neglect 2009
    2009 Asymmetric Associations and Affective Evaluations: Influences of Positive and negative Affect 2009
    2008 Conversational Inference and the Trivial Attribute Effect 2008
    2007 Affect and Asymmetric Association of Positive and Negative Judgments 2007
    2007 The Role of Affect in Asymmetric Evaluative Judgments 2007


    Year Title
    2012 Omission Neglect in Consumer Judgment and Choice 2012
    2011 Media and Consumer Psychology 2011
    2010 Advertising Psychology 2010

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    2015 Thought Induced Attitude DepolarizationProceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology. 2015
    2013 Effects of Construal Level on Omission Detection and Multiattribute EvaluationAdvances in Consumer Research. 2013
    2012 The Effect of Message Credibility, Need for Cognitive Closure, and Information Sufficiency on Thought-Induced Attitude ChangeAdvances in Consumer Research. 2012
    2011 When Do Metacognitive Experiences Matter? The Different Roles of Ease of RetrievalAdvances in Consumer Research. 2011
    2011 Marketing Celebrity Figures: The Less the Public Knows the Better? 2011
    2011 Priming Identity Affects Consumer Attitudes Toward Green Products 2011
    2010 Subliminal Prime-to-Behavior EffectsAdvances in Consumer Research. 2010
    2010 Effects of Confusion on Resistance to PersuasionAdvances in Consumer Research. 543-544. 2010
    2010 Imagine Instructions: When Do They Help or Hurt Persuasion?Advances in Consumer Research. 751-752. 2010
    2009 The Role of Temporal Construal in Omission Neglect 2009
    2009 Asymmetric Associations and Affective Evaluations: Influences of Positive and Negative Affect 2009
    2007 The Role of Affect in Asymmetric Evaluative Judgments 2007
    2007 Affect and Asymmetric Association of Positive and Negative Judgments 2007
    2007 Conversational Inference and the Trivial Attribute Effect 2007
    Ask Formally: The Role of Formality on Charitable Giving Advertising

    Teaching Activities

  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course
  • Honors/The Research Process Taught course
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2022
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2022
  • Honors/The Research Process Taught course 2022
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2022
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2022
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2021
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2021
  • Honors/The Research Process Taught course 2021
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2021
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2021
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2021
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2020
  • Honors/The Research Process Taught course 2020
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2020
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2020
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2019
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2019
  • Honors/The Research Process Taught course 2019
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2019
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2019
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2018
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2018
  • Honors/The Research Process Taught course 2018
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2018
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2018
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2017
  • Honors/The Research Process Taught course 2017
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2017
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2017
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2017
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2016
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2015
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2015
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2015
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2015
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2014
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2014
  • Independent Study Taught course 2014
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2014
  • Consumer/Buyer Behavior Taught course 2014
  • Education And Training

  • B.S. Business Administration, University of Colorado at Boulder
  • M.B.A. Marketing and Finance, Rockhurst University
  • M.S. Marketing, University of Colorado at Boulder
  • Ph.D. Marketing, University of Cincinnati
  • Full Name

  • Bruce Pfeiffer