

  • Research Affiliations and Current Projects

    Thought Experiments in Mathematics Teaching (ThEMaT). An NSF funded project led by Dan Chazan at the University of Maryland and Patricio Herbst at the University of Michigan. The project uses innovative technological tools and mixed-methods research techniques to study mathematics teachers’ practical rationality and norms. - http://www.education.umd.edu/MathEd/Research/ThEMaT.html
    The UNH Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program – with Sharon McCrone (PI), Neil Portnoy (Mathematics), Dawn Meredith (Physics), Judy Robb (Science Education). www.unh.edu/noyce
    Curriculum Development Project, Technion, Israel. Co-Author of a team-written mathematics textbook series and teacher guides for grades 7-9 “Efshar Gam Aheret” (There is another way)(In Hebrew). http://matheducation.co.il
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2024 Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Proof: Comparing Secondary Teachers, Pre-Service Secondary Teachers, and Undergraduate MajorsInternational Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.  10:255-283. 2024
    2024 On convincing power of counterexamplesThe Montana Math Enthusiast.  21:423-423. 2024
    2023 Making university mathematics matter for secondary teacher preparationZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education.  55:719-736. 2023
    2023 Preparing prospective secondary teachers to teach mathematical reasoning and proof: the case of the role of examples in provingZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education.  55:779-792. 2023
    2021 Preservice teachers learning to teach proof through classroom implementation: Successes and challenges (vol 58, MATBEH_2019_64, 2020)The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.  63. 2021
    2021 Preservice teachers learning to teach proof through classroom implementation: Successes and challenges (vol 58C, 100779 , 2020)The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.  63. 2021
    2021 Preservice teachers learning to teach proof through classroom implementation: Successes and challenges (vol 58C, 100779 , 2020)The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.  63. 2021
    2021 Preservice teachers learning to teach proof through classroom implementation: Successes and challenges (vol 58C, 100779, 2019)The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.  63. 2021
    2021 Strengths and inconsistencies in students' understanding of the roles of examples in proving (vol 53C, pg 129, 2018)The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.  63. 2021
    2021 Strengths and inconsistencies in students' understanding of the roles of examples in proving (vol 53C, pg 129, 2018)The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.  63. 2021
    2021 Strengths and inconsistencies in students(sic)(TM) understanding of the roles of examples in proving (vol 53, MATBEH_2018_13, 2018)The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.  63. 2021
    2021 Strengths and inconsistencies in studentsa(sic)(TM) understanding of the roles of examples in proving (vol 53C, pg 129, 2018)The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.  63. 2021
    2020 Preservice teachers learning to teach proof through classroom implementation: Successes and challengesThe Journal of Mathematical Behavior.  58:100779-100779. 2020
    2019 Strengths and inconsistencies in students' understanding of the roles of examples in provingThe Journal of Mathematical Behavior.  53:129-147. 2019
    2019 Solving Equations: Exploring Instructional Exchanges as Lenses to Understand Teaching and Its Resistance to ReformJournal for Research in Mathematics Education.  50:51-83. 2019
    2018 Supporting prospective secondary mathematics teachers in creating instructional explanations through video based experienceJournal of Technology and Teacher Education.  26:33-56. 2018
    2018 Guided discovery of the nine-point circle theorem and its proofInternational Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.  49:138-153. 2018
    2015 Insights into the School Mathematics Tradition from Solving Linear EquationsFor the Learning of Mathematics.  35:1-8. 2015
    2011 Examining the role of examples in proving processes through a cognitive lens: the case of triangular numbersZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education.  43:257-267. 2011
    2011 Is this a coincidence? The role of examples in fostering a need for proofZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education.  43:269-281. 2011
    Algebra teachers’ decision making about non-standard student solutions when solving linear equations
    An Ode to a Mathematician: Commemorating Uri LeronDigital Experiences in Mathematics Education
    Examining Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Learning to Teach Mathematics via Reasoning and Proving through the Commognitive Lens.Frontiers in Education, section Teacher Education
    Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Reflective Noticing from 360-degree Video Recordings of Their Own Teaching.Journal of Technology and Teacher Education.  29:279-308.
    Students’ understanding of the role of examples in proving: strengths and inconsistenciesJournal of Mathematical Behavior


    Year Title
    2018 Mathematics Teachers Engaging with Representations of Practice.  Ed. Buchbinder, Orly.  2018


    Year Title
    2022 The Research and Engagement Academy: A Model for STEM Faculty Development.  279-290. 2022
    2018 Examining the Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching of Proving in Scenarios Written by Pre-service Teachers.  Ed. Buchbinder, Orly.  131-154. 2018
    2018 Representations of Practice in Teacher Education and Research-Spotlights on Different Approaches.  Ed. Buchbinder, Orly.  1-8. 2018
    2018 Systematic Exploration of Examples as Proof: Analysis with Four Theoretical Frameworks.  253-268. 2018
    2018 Who is Right? – What Students’ and Prospective Teachers’ Responses to Scripted Dialog Reveal About Their Conceptions of Proof.  89-113. 2018
    2017 What Can You Infer from This Example? Applications of Online, Rich-Media Tasks for Enhancing Pre-service Teachers' Knowledge of the Roles of Examples in Proving.  215-235. 2017
    2017 What Can You Infer from This Example? Applications of Online, Rich-Media Tasks for Enhancing Pre-service Teachers' Knowledge of the Roles of Examples in Proving (vol 8, pg 215, 2017).  E1-E2. 2017
    A Cross-Institutional Faculty Online Learning Community: Community-Guided Faculty Development in Teaching College Geometry for Teachers
    Enhancing students’ proficiency with proof in Geometry for Teachers’ courses.
    Essential student learning objectives for teaching geometry to secondary pre-service teachers.
    Implementation of digital resources in relation to policy: Theoretical considerations and illustrative cases from Greece, Israel and the US.
    The Importance and Application of Technology in a Geometry for Teachers Course.

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    2017 Supporting classroom implementation of proof-oriented tasks: lessons from teacher researcher collaborationhttps://keynote.conference-services.net/resources/444/5118/pdf/CERME10_0281.pdf. 2017
    2017 Introduction to the papers of TWG01: Argumentation and proofPROCEEDINGS OF THE TENTH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (CERME10). 79-82. 2017
    2015 Introduction to the papers of TWG01: Argumentation and proofPROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (CERME9). 67-70. 2015
    Applying a commognitive-based framework to promote teachers’ communication about reasoning and proving46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
    Comparing STEM Majors, Practicing and Prospective Secondary Teachers’ Feedback on Mathematical Arguments: Towards Validating MKT-Proof.24th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 91-99.
    Contrasting social and sociomathematical norms of two groups of students in A Postsecondary Precalculus Class.Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,. 1130-1138.
    From University to school: exploring Beginning Teachers Integrating Reasoning and Proving.46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
    Guiding principles for teaching mathematics via reasoning and proving.Proceedings of the 12th Congress of European Research Society in Mathematics Education (CERME12).
    How novice teachers recontextualize the teaching of mathematics via reasoning proving – a dual case study.Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 13).
    Indirect reasoning task for prospective secondary teachers: opportunities and challenges
    Introduction to Thematic Working Group 1: Argumentation and Proof.
    Learning to Teach Reasoning and Proof in an Online Setting: The Case of Nancy.Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 357`-365.
    Lessons learned using FullProof, a digital proof platform, in a Geometry for Teachers course.
    Lessons learned using FullProof, a digital proof platform, in a Geometry for Teachers course.Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
    Mathematical Reasoning and Proving for Prospective Secondary Teachers.
    Moves teachers use to respond to students’ non-canonical approaches for solving equations..  1411-1419.
    Opportunities for Reasoning-and-Proving in Mathematical Tasks: A Discursive PerspectiveProceedings of the 44th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA). 839-848.
    Opportunities for reasoning and proving in mathematical tasks: A discursive perspective44th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. 857-866.
    Opportunities for reasoning-and-proving in mathematical tasks: A discursive perspective.chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.jct.ac.il/media/6827/jcrme_11_takzirim_23-1.pdf. 105-108.
    Opportunities to Engage Secondary Students in Proof Generated by Pre-service Teachershttp://sigmaa.maa.org/rume/RUME22_Proceedings.pdf. 76-83.
    Prospective teachers enacting proof tasks in secondary mathematics classrooms
    Secondary Prospective Teachers’ Strategies to Determine Equivalence of Conditional Statements.23rd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 62-69.
    Sociomathematical norms revealed during a Precalculus breaching instructional activity.
    Student Engagement in a Post-Secondary Developmental Mathematics Classhttp://sigmaa.maa.org/rume/RUME22_Proceedings.pdf. 1107-1108.
    Taking proof into secondary classrooms – supporting future mathematics teachers
    Understanding Preservice Teachers’ Noticing of Online TeachingNorth American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. 1807-1816.

    Teaching Activities

  • Analysis of SecondarySchl Math Taught course
  • Geometry Taught course
  • Intro to Mathematics Education Taught course
  • Teaching of Mathematics, 6-12 Taught course
  • Topics Mathematics Education I Taught course
  • Senior Seminar Taught course 2023
  • Teaching of Mathematics, 6-12 Taught course 2023
  • Geometry Taught course 2022
  • Topics in Math Education II Taught course 2022
  • Geometry Taught course 2021
  • Senior Seminar Taught course 2021
  • Top/Teaching and Learning Math Taught course 2021
  • Teaching of Mathematics, 6-12 Taught course 2021
  • Topics in Math Education II Taught course 2021
  • Geometry Taught course 2020
  • Senior Seminar Taught course 2020
  • Teaching of Mathematics, 6-12 Taught course 2020
  • Topics Mathematics Education I Taught course 2020
  • Geometry Taught course 2019
  • Senior Seminar Taught course 2019
  • Historical Foundations of Math Taught course 2019
  • Teaching of Mathematics, 6-12 Taught course 2019
  • Geometry Taught course 2018
  • Senior Seminar Taught course 2018
  • Historical Foundations of Math Taught course 2018
  • Teaching Mathematics, K-8 Taught course 2018
  • Senior Seminar Taught course 2017
  • Top in Mathematic Education II Taught course 2017
  • Teaching Middle School Math Taught course 2017
  • Foundations of Math Education Taught course 2016
  • Geometry Taught course 2016
  • Classroom Math Practicum Taught course 2016
  • Teaching of Mathematics, 7-12 Taught course 2016
  • Calculus I Taught course 2015
  • Geometry Taught course 2015
  • Top/Reasoning and Proof Taught course 2015
  • Calculus I Taught course 2015
  • Teaching of Mathematics, K-6 Taught course 2015
  • Geometry Taught course 2014
  • Full Name

  • Orly Buchbinder
  • Mailing Address

  • University of New Hampshire

    Mathematics and Statistics

    33 Academic way

    Durham, NH  03824

    United States