Opportunities to Engage Secondary Students in Proof Generated by Pre-service Teachers

Conference Paper


  • For reasoning and proving to become a reality in mathematics classrooms, pre-service teachers (PSTs) must develop knowledge and skills for creating lessons that engage students in proof-related activities. Supporting PSTs in this process was among the goals of a capstone course: Mathematical Reasoning and Proving for Secondary Teachers. During the course, the PSTs designed and implemented in local schools four lessons that integrated within the regular secondary curriculum one of the four proof themes discussed in the course: quantification and the role of examples in proving, conditional statements, direct proof and argument evaluation, and indirect reasoning. In this paper we report on the analysis of 60 PSTs’ lesson plans in terms of opportunities for students to learn about the proof themes, pedagogical features of the lessons and cognitive demand of the proof-related tasks.
  • Authors

  • Buchbinder, Orly
  • McCrone, Sharon
  • Publication Date

  • February 27, 2019
  • Keywords

  • Reasoning and Proving, Preservice Secondary Teachers, Lesson Plans
  • Start Page

  • 76
  • End Page

  • 83