
Research Areas research areas


  • Shuili Du is Professor of Marketing at the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire. She is well-known for her research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) aimed at increasing both business and social value. Her research focuses specifically on how companies can leverage sustainability and CSR initiatives to build stronger stakeholder relationships and increase firm value. She serves as the section editor of Journal of Business Ethics (a Financial Times 50 Journal), for the Corporate Responsibility Quantitative Issues section. In 2019-2020, she is the recipient of a Fulbright distinguished chair award, the most prestigious appointment in the Fulbright Scholar Program. During her five-month Fulbright visit to Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland, she engaged in numerous activities to promote cultural exchange and sharing of research expertise, including an expert panel discussion on “Artificial Intelligence for Better Business and a Better World” hosted jointly by the U.S. Embassy in Finland and the University of Helsinki and a public-facing seminar on “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” hosted by Hanken School of Economics.

    Prof. Du's publications appear in many premier journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Management Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Management Review, Harvard Business Review, and others. Her research on CSR communication and the effect of CSR on stakeholder relationships and competitive advantage has been widely cited and contributes significant knowledge to the field of CSR. Her more recent research focuses on sustainable new product innovation and the evolving role of CSR in the age of big data and artificial intelligence.

    Prof. Du has won numerous research awards, including a University Excellence in Research Award, an EMAC and IJRM Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp Award for Long-term Impact, a UN Principles of Responsible Management (PRME) Research Award for the PRME North America Chapter, a UNH Sustainability Award for Faculty Research, a Best Paper Award at the American Marketing Association (AMA) Academic Conference, and research excellence awards at the University of New Hampshire and Boston University. She frequently serves as associate editor or track chair for AMA academic conferences and frequently presents her research in leading academic forums both nationally and internationally. In addition, she has consulted to various companies on their CSR strategies, including Stonyfield Farm, Procter and Gamble, Allianz, among others.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2024 Differential Market Reaction to Data Security Breaches: A Screening PerspectiveCommunications of the Association for Information Systems.  54:376-401. 2024
    2023 AI Through a CSR Lens: Consumer Issues and Public PolicyJournal of Public Policy and Marketing.  42:351-353. 2023
    2023 Quantitative Research on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Quest for Relevance and Rigor in a Quickly Evolving, Turbulent WorldJournal of Business Ethics.  187:1-15. 2023
    2023 Is social capital associated with individual social responsibility? The case of social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemicEmpirical Economics: a quarterly journal of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna .  64:1861-1896. 2023
    2022 Is a specific claim always better? The double-edged effects of claim specificity in green advertisingJournal of Business Research.  151:435-447. 2022
    2022 Technology, Megatrends and Work: Thoughts on the Future of Business EthicsJournal of Business Ethics.  180:879-902. 2022
    2022 Reimagining the Future of Technology: “The Social Dilemma” ReviewJournal of Business Ethics International Journal of Value-Based Management.  177:213-215. 2022
    2022 Sustainability-focused Innovation in the business-to-business context: Antecedents and managerial ImplicationsJournal of Business Research.  138:117-129. 2022
    2022 The effects of crowdsourcing contribution type and temporal consistency on new product development successR and D Management.  52:126-138. 2022
    2021 Do Corporate Social Responsibility Reports Convey Value Relevant Information? Evidence from Report Readability and ToneJournal of Business Ethics.  172:253-274. 2021
    2021 Paradoxes of artificial intelligence in consumer markets: Ethical challenges and opportunitiesJournal of Business Research.  129:961-974. 2021
    2020 Does corporate social responsibility affect auditor-client contracting? Evidence from auditor selection and audit feesAdvances in Accounting: a Research Annual.  51:100499-100499. 2020
    2020 The Impact of Social Capital on Individual Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Social DistancingSSRN2020
    2019 Consumer reactions to corporate social responsibility: The role of CSR domainsJournal of Business Research.  95:502-513. 2019
    2018 Emerging Research Themes in Innovation and New Product Development: Insights from the 2017 PDMA-UNH Doctoral ConsortiumJournal of Product Innovation Management.  35:300-307. 2018
    2017 Organic consumption behavior: A social identification perspectiveFood Quality and Preference.  62:190-198. 2017
    2017 The Business Case for Sustainability Reporting: Evidence from Stock Market ReactionsJournal of Public Policy and Marketing.  36:313-330. 2017
    2016 Sustainability, Social Media Driven Open Innovation, and New Product Development PerformanceJournal of Product Innovation Management.  33:55-71. 2016
    2016 Corporate social responsibility: a consumer psychology perspectiveCurrent Opinion in Psychology.  10:70-75. 2016
    2016 Challenging Competition with CSR: Going Beyond the Marketing Mix to Make a DifferenceMarketing Intelligence Review.  8:18-23. 2016
    2015 Exploring the relationship between corporate social responsibility and firm innovationMarketing Letters.  26:703-714. 2015
    2015 Corporate Social Responsibility, Multi-faceted Job-Products, and Employee OutcomesJournal of Business Ethics International Journal of Value-Based Management.  131:319-335. 2015
    2013 How virtual corporate social responsibility dialogs generate value: A framework and propositionsJournal of Business Research.  66:1494-1504. 2013
    2013 The Roles of Leadership Styles in Corporate Social ResponsibilityJournal of Business Ethics International Journal of Value-Based Management.  114:155-169. 2013
    2012 Striving for Legitimacy Through Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights from Oil CompaniesJournal of Business Ethics International Journal of Value-Based Management.  110:413-427. 2012
    2012 "Good” companies launch more new productsHarvard Business Review.  90:28-28. 2012
    2012 Sustainability Matters: Why and How Corporate Boards Should Become Involved 2012
    2011 Corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage: Overcoming the trust barrierManagement Science.  57:1528-1545. 2011
    2010 Maximizing Business Returns to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The Role of CSR CommunicationInternational Journal of Management Reviews.  12:8-19. 2010
    2010 BEYOND THE MARKETING MIX: COMPETING THROUGH CORPORATE SOCIAL INITIATIVESEnhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing.  292-292. 2010
    2009 Building brand relationships through corporate social responsibilityHandbook of brand relationships.  195-211. 2009
    2008 Exploring the Social and Business Returns of a Corporate Oral Health Initiative Aimed at Disadvantaged Hispanic FamiliesJournal of Consumer Research.  35:483-494. 2008
    2007 Reaping relational rewards from corporate social responsibility: The role of competitive positioningInternational Journal of Research in Marketing.  24:224-241. 2007
    2007 Convergence of Interests–Cultivating Consumer Trust Through Corporate Social InitiativesACR North American Advances2007
    2006 Bidders’ regret in auctionsAdvances in Consumer Research.  33:516-516. 2006
    Are Brands Doing Too Much? Brand Activism in a Controversial WorldJournal of Product and Brand Management
    Differential Market Reaction to Data Security Breaches: A Screening PerspectiveCommunications of the Association for Information Systems.  54:376-401.
    Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Consumer Products: A Conceptual FrameworkJournal of Business Research
    The Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications of Crowdsourcing ResearchJournal of Business Ethics
    The Socially Irresponsible Side of Data Breach: Can Corporate Social Responsibility Shield the Breached Firm?Journal of Business Ethics
    The Socially Irresponsible Side of Data Breach: Can Corporate Social Responsibility Shield the Breached FirmJournal of Business Ethics International Journal of Value-Based Management


    Year Title
    2016 On the Effectiveness of CSR Communication: The Roles of Ethical Labels, Prior CSR Record, and Consumer Skepticism 2016
    2016 On the Effectiveness of CSR Communication: The Roles of Ethical Labels, Prior CSR Record, and Consumer Skepticism 2016
    2016 Impact of Core and Non-core Contributions on Crowdsourcing Performance 2016
    2016 Sustainability Orientation in New Product Development: Antecedents and Managerial Implications 2016
    2016 Sustainability Orientation in New Product Development: Antecedents and Managerial Implications 2016
    2015 Sustainability Orientation in New Product Development: Antecedents and Managerial Implications 2015
    2013 Everybody is Talking but is Anybody Listening? Stock Market Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility Communication 2013
    2013 Investor reactions to Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2013
    2013 Will Consumers Pay More (or Less) for "Normative" Products 2013
    2012 Corporate Social Responsibility and Context Effects 2012
    2012 From Responsibility to New Opportunity? Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Innovation 2012
    2011 Organizational Leadership Styles and Corporate Social Responsibility 2011
    2010 Does Being Good Imply Doing Good? Context Effects on Corporate Social Responsibility 2010
    2010 Using Corporate Social Responsibility to Enhance the Job-Product Offering 2010
    2009 The Triple Bottom Line: A Positive Sum Game 2009
    2008 Measuring CSR Returns to an Oft-Neglected Stakeholder Group: the Cause Beneficiaries 2008
    2008 Strengthening Consumer Relationships through Corporate Citizenship Initiatives 2008
    2007 Promoting Health Behavior through Corporate Health Initiatives 2007
    2006 Building Brand Trust through Corporate Social Initiatives 2006
    2005 Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility Perceptions 2005


    Year Title
    2017 Effectiveness and Accountability of Digital CSR Communication: A Contingency Model 2017
    2014 Leveraging Corporate Social Responsibility to Maximize Social Value 2014

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    2017 Sustainability Orientation in New Product Development: Antecedents and Managerial Implications 2017
    2017 Stock Market Reaction to Data Breaches: The Moderating Role of Corporate Social ResponsibilityCyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics And Assessment (Cyber SA), 2017 International Conference On. 1-2. 2017
    2016 Impact of Core and Non-core Contributions on Crowdsourcing Performance 2016
    2016 Sustainability Orientation in New Product Development: Antecedents and Managerial Implications 2016
    2016 Sustainability Orientation in New Product Development: Antecedents and Managerial Implications 2016
    2016 Leveraging corporate social responsibility to maximize social valuePersuasion and social marketing. 239-266. 2016
    2016 L’efficacité des communications RSE: les rôles des labels éthiques, de la performance passé de entreprise en matière de RSE, et du scepticisme des consommateurs10èmes Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales INRA–SFER–CIRAD. 2016
    2015 Sustainability Orientation in New Product Development: Antecedents and Managerial Implications 2015
    2015 A Cross-Country Investigation of Organic Consumption Behavior: a Social Identification PerspectiveACR Asia-Pacific Advances. 2015
    2014 Sustainability, Open Innovation, and New Product Program Success 2014
    2013 Everybody’s Talking But is Anybody Listening? Stock Market Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility CommunicationsConference Paper presented at the Sustainability and the Corporation: Big Ideas, Harvard Business School, Cambridge MA, Retrieved July. 2015-2015. 2013
    2011 Competing Through Corporate Social Initiatives: the Roles of Initiative Participation and Brand TrustACR North American Advances. 2011
    2011 Csr 2.0: How Co-Participation in Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) Generates Value For Stakeholders, the Cause, and the CompanyACR Asia-Pacific Advances. 2011
    2011 What Board Members Should Know about Communicating CSR 2011
    2011 When Does Being Good Imply Doing Good?: Exploring Context Effects of Corporate Social ResponsibilityACR Asia-Pacific Advances. 2011
    2010 Corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage: Overcoming the trust barrier 2010
    2005 Convergence of Interests–Producing Social and Business Gains Through Corporate Social 2005
    Configurations of Sustainability-Focused Innovation Practices
    Consumer Reactions to Community Focus of Smart Products: The Moderating Role of Political Ideology
    Consumer Reactions to the Community Focus of a Smart Product: The Moderating Role of Political Ideology
    Consumers’ evaluations of CSR advertising: The role of three executional elements
    Does Global Perspective Lead to Sustainable Innovation? Empirical Evidence from International Firms.
    Effects of Crowdsourcing Contribution Type and Timing on NPD Success
    Effects of Crowdsourcing Contribution Type and Timing on NPD Success
    Humanizing Health Apps to Promote Usage among the Elderly Population
    Humanizing Health Apps to Promote Usage among the Elderly Population
    Incorporating Sustainability into the Marketing Curriculum: A New Course Development
    Innovating in the Crowd: The Impact of Core and Non-Core Contributions on Designer Success
    Moral Foundations and Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social ResponsibilityACR North America Conference Proceedings 2017.
    Sustainability orientation in new product development: Antecedents and managerial implications
    The Role of Global Perspective on Sustainability-focused Innovation
    Using Artificial Intelligence to Spur Innovations in Corporate Social Responsibility: A global and stakeholder-oriented approach

    Teaching Activities

  • Marketing Research Taught course
  • Marketing Research Taught course
  • Marketing Research Taught course
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2023
  • Top/Sustainability & Marketing Taught course 2023
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2022
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2022
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2022
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2022
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2021
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2021
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2021
  • Marketing Taught course 2021
  • Marketing Taught course 2020
  • Marketing Taught course 2020
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2020
  • Marketing Taught course 2020
  • Marketing Taught course 2020
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2019
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2019
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2019
  • Marketing Taught course 2018
  • Marketing Taught course 2018
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2018
  • Marketing Taught course 2017
  • Marketing Taught course 2017
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2017
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2017
  • Marketing Taught course 2016
  • Marketing Taught course 2016
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2016
  • Marketing Taught course 2015
  • Marketing Taught course 2015
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2015
  • Marketing Research Taught course 2015
  • Marketing Taught course 2014
  • Marketing Taught course 2014
  • Marketing Taught course 2014
  • Marketing Taught course 2014
  • Education And Training

  • B.A. English, Tsinghua University
  • D.B.A Marketing, Boston University
  • M.A. Economics, Fudan University
  • Full Name

  • Shuili Du