
Research Areas research areas


  • I am interested in questions at the interface of community ecology, historical ecology, and landscape ecology, and in promoting the use of natural history collections data in ecology and conservation. I conduct field surveys and use historical records and geospatial data to investigate the impact of climate change and land use on species’ distributions and community dynamics, and the processes shaping patterns of diversity along both spatial gradients and disturbance gradients. Work to date has focused on small mammals in mountainous regions. My research is motivated by the need for synthesis across ecological disciplines spanning a range of spatial and temporal scales to provide the necessary framework to better understand and forecast the chronic and cumulative effects of anthropogenic environmental change. Central to this work is the question of how patterns of biodiversity, both their detection and attribution, vary across spatial scales.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2023 Southern Red-backed Vole (Myodes gapperi) habitat associations in northern New England forestsJournal of Mammalogy.  104:1400-1407. 2023
    2023 Wind and Small Mammals Disperse Complementary Fungal CommunitiesThe Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.  104. 2023
    2023 Using structure to model function: incorporating canopy structure improves estimates of ecosystem carbon flux in arctic dry heath tundraEnvironmental Research Letters.  18:065004-065004. 2023
    2023 Wind and small mammals are complementary fungal dispersers.Ecology.  104:e4039. 2023
    2022 Small but mighty: Impacts of rodent-herbivore structures on carbon and nutrient cycling in arctic tundraFunctional Ecology.  36:2331-2343. 2022
    2022 Reevaluating trophic discrimination factors (Delta delta C-13 and Delta delta N-15) for diet reconstructionEcological Monographs.  92. 2022
    2022 Small herbivores with big impacts: Tundra voles (Microtus oeconomus) alter post-fire ecosystem dynamics.Ecology.  103:e3689. 2022
    2022 Nutritional and environmental factors influence small mammal seed selection in a northern temperate forestEcosphere.  13. 2022
    2022 Model responses to CO2 and warming are underestimated without explicit representation of Arctic small-mammal grazing.Ecological Applications.  32:e02478. 2022
    2021 Estimating species relative abundances from museum recordsMethods in Ecology and Evolution.  14:431-443. 2021
    2021 Functional, temporal and spatial complementarity in mammal-fungal spore networks enhances mycorrhizal dispersal following forest harvestingFunctional Ecology.  35:2072-2083. 2021
    2021 Herbivore absence can shift dry heath tundra from carbon source to sink during peak growing seasonEnvironmental Research Letters.  16:024027-024027. 2021
    2020 Accounting for Carbon Flux to Mycorrhizal Fungi May Resolve Discrepancies in Forest Carbon BudgetsEcosystems.  23:715-729. 2020
    2020 The underappreciated role of rodent generalists in fungal spore dispersal networks.Ecology.  101:e02972. 2020
    2020 Signaling from below: rodents select for deeper fruiting truffles with stronger volatile emissions.Ecology.  101:e02964. 2020
    2018 Skeletal injuries in small mammals: a multispecies assessment of prevalence and locationJournal of Mammalogy.  99:486-497. 2018
    2017 Drivers of truffle biomass, community composition, and richness among forest types in the northeastern USFungal Ecology.  29:30-41. 2017
    2017 Synchrony in small mammal community dynamics across a forested landscapeEcography: pattern and diversity in ecology.  40:1198-1209. 2017
    2017 Home range and habitat affinity of the singing vole on the North Slope of AlaskaArctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research.  49:243-257. 2017
    2017 Temporal shifts in the saltmarsh-Nelson's sparrow hybrid zone revealed by replicated demographic and genetic surveysConservation Genetics.  18:453-466. 2017
    2016 Genotype-environment associations support a mosaic hybrid zone between two tidal marsh birds.Ecology and Evolution.  6:279-294. 2016
    2015 Scale effects on the pattern and predictors of small mammal diversity along a local elevational gradient in the Great BasinJournal of Biogeography.  42:1964-1974. 2015
    2015 Energy flow and functional compensation in Great Basin small mammals under natural and anthropogenic environmental change.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA.  112:9656-9661. 2015
    2015 Dead mice can grow - variation of standard external mammal measurements from live and three postmortem body statesJournal of Mammalogy.  96:185-193. 2015
    2014 A Scale-Explicit Framework for Conceptualizing the Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Land Use ChangesSustainability.  6:8432-8451. 2014
    2014 Great Basin mammalian diversity through timeJournal of Mammalogy.  95:1087-1089. 2014
    2014 Historical land use and altered habitats in the Great BasinJournal of Mammalogy.  95:1144-1156. 2014
    2014 Small mammal responses to environmental change: integrating past and present dynamicsJournal of Mammalogy.  95:1157-1174. 2014
    2011 Environmental change and declining resource availability for small-mammal communities in the Great Basin.Ecology.  92:1366-1375. 2011
    2011 Mammals of the northern Philippines: tolerance for habitat disturbance and resistance to invasive species in an endemic insular faunaDiversity and Distributions: a journal of conservation biogeography.  17:530-541. 2011
    2011 SHREWS OF THE RUBY MOUNTAINS, NORTHEASTERN NEVADASouthwestern Naturalist.  56:95-102. 2011
    2010 Range dynamics of small mammals along an elevational gradient over an 80-year intervalGlobal Change Biology.  16:2930-2943. 2010
    2010 Range dynamics of small mammals along an elevational gradient over an 80‐year intervalGlobal Change Biology.  16:2930-2943. 2010
    2009 Environmental and geometric drivers of small mammal diversity along elevational gradients in UtahEcography: pattern and diversity in ecology.  32:411-422. 2009
    2009 Elevational gradients and species richness: do methods change pattern perception?Global Ecology and Biogeography.  18:163-177. 2009
    2007 Legacies of land use and recent climatic change: the small mammal fauna in the mountains of Utah.The American Naturalist.  170:242-257. 2007
    2005 Elevational gradient analyses and the use of historical museum specimens: a cautionary taleJournal of Biogeography.  32:1883-1897. 2005

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    2011 Environmental change and declining resource availability for small mammal communities in the Great BasinIntegrative and Comparative Biology. E118-E118. 2011

    Principal Investigator On

  • Small Mammal Population and Community Dynamics in Northern Forests  awarded by US DA, United States Forest Service 2019 - 2024
  • Collaborative Research: Adding Animals to the Equation: Linking Observational, Experimental and Modeling Approaches to Assess Herbivore Impacts on Carbon Cycling in Northern Alaska  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2016 - 2023
  • Population and Habitat Assessment of the Endangered Blanding's Turtle, an Indicator of Environmental Health  awarded by Sarah K. deCoizart Article TENTH Perpetual Charitable Trust 2020 - 2022
  • Linking Small Mammals and Mycorrhizal Fungi to Forest Regeneration  awarded by US DA, Department of Agriculture 2019 - 2022
  • Small mammals as forest architects: exploring the role of rodents in mycorrhizal mushroom dispersal  awarded by Amer Society of Mammalogists 2020 - 2021
  • Linking Biotic Interactions and Environmental Change to Understand Range Dynamics of Montane Mammals Over the Past Century  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2015 - 2019
  • Small mammals as indicators of environmental change and ecosystem health in northern New England forests  awarded by USDA NIFA 2017 - 2018
  • ASM GIA-Small Mammal Community Dynamics Over Space and Time in the Great Basin  awarded by Amer Society of Mammalogists 2016 - 2017
  • Mycophagy and Consumer Competition: Small Mammals as Ecosystem Engineers of Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Diversity  awarded by Amer Society of Mammalogists 2015 - 2016
  • Environmental Change and the Ecological Dynamics of Great Basin Small Mammals over the Past Century: Insights from Historical Museum Records and Modern Resurveys  awarded by University of Utah 2012 - 2013
  • Teaching Activities

  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course
  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course
  • Mammalogy Taught course
  • Mammalogy Taught course
  • Mammalogy Taught course
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2023
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2023
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2023
  • Approach to Research Taught course 2022
  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course 2022
  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course 2022
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2022
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2022
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2022
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2021
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2021
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2021
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2021
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2021
  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course 2020
  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course 2020
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2020
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2020
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2020
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2019
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2019
  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course 2019
  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course 2019
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2018
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2018
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2018
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2018
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2018
  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course 2017
  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course 2017
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2016
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2016
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2016
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2016
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2016
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2015
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2015
  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course 2015
  • Introduction to Biogeography Taught course 2015
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2014
  • Landscape Ecology Taught course 2014
  • Mammalogy Taught course 2014
  • Education And Training

  • B.A. Biology and Anthropology, Bowdoin College
  • Ph.D. Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago
  • Full Name

  • Rebecca Rowe
  • Mailing Address

  • University of New Hampshire

    Natural Resources & the Environment

    56 College Road

    Durham, NH  03824

    United States