Awards Grant
A Multi-regional approach to balancing milk and forage quality tradeoffs in organic dairies
A Multidisciplinary Approach Toward Understanding and Limiting the Effects of Invasive Plants in Early-Successional Habitats
A Planning Network of Organic Farmers, Researchers, and dairy Processors to Optimize Productivity and Resiliency of Forage Production on Organic Dairy Farms
Acquisition of UHPLC-MS-MS Instrumentation to Strengthen Interdisciplinary Research on Biomolecules and Emerging Contaminants in Agroecosystems
Advancing Blueberry Plant Protection: Creating Identification and Monitoring Tools for Parasitoids of Blueberry Gall Midge
Advancing the Development of Seed-Propagated Strawberry Varieties
Assessing Coarse Woody Material in Forest Ecosystems
Assisting Organic Dairy Producers to Meet the Demands of New and Emerging Milk Markets
Berry's Brook Restoration
CIG for Phragmites Management and Bio-Fuel Development
Calcium Oxalate Pools in Forest Soils
Carbon Stock Changes Forestry and Land-Use Change
Changing Homeowner's Lawn Care Behavior to Reduce Nutrient Losses in New England's Urbanizing Watershed
Collaborative Research EaSM-3: Decadal Prediction of Sustainable Agriculture and Forest Management-Earth System Prediction Differs From Climate Prediction
Collateral Protection: Quantifying and Mitigating Impacts of Seed Treatments on Weeds and Their Natural Enemies
Community and Environment in Rural America (CERA)
Community and Forest: Linked Human-Ecosystem Respones to Natural Disturbances in Oregon
Comparative Microbial Genomics of Mastitis Pathogens and the Dairy Environment
Cooperative Extension Programs at 1862 Land-grant Institutions - 2022 smith Lever 3(b) and 3(c)
Credit Ready Meat and Poultry Lending Initiative
Developing Advanced Perennial Legume-Grass Mixtures Harvested as Stored Feeds to Improve herd Productivity and Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Organic Dairies in the Northeast
Developing a Model of the Carbon Balance of Tropical Peatlands under Pressures from Land Use and Climate Change
Developing and testing a novel tap design for increasing sugarbush sap yields and sustainability through research, extension, and producer partnerships
Development and Application of a New Approach for Assessing Microbial Metabolism in Soils
Development and Optimization of EAB Adult Rearing and Ash Phloem Chemistry Sampling and Processing
Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant 2020
Diversifying the maple syrup industry to enhance socioecological resilience and ecosystem services
Document Entire Community of Adult and Fledgling Shrubland-and Mature Forest-Nesting Songbirds
Economic Winter Cover Crops for Diversified Forage Systems: Demonstrating Alternative Crop Rotations for NH Dairy and Livestock Producers
Effects of Forest Harvesting Practices on Amphibians
Effects of Past and Projected Changes in Climate and Atmospheric Composition on Forest Ecosystems Across the Northeastern US: Model Development, Testing and Projections
Effects of Pesticide Seed Treatments on Soil Food Web Composition and Function in Agroecosystems
Efficient Sampling for Biosecurity Applications
Elucidation and Characterization of Frankia Signal Molecules in the Actinorhizal Symbiosis
Enhancement of Oyster Conservationist Program for Restoration of Oyster Populations in New Hampshire
Establishing Gene Editing in Genetically Intractable Microbes Involved in Plant-Microbe Interactions
Estimating Forest Structure and Change Using High Resolution Lidar
Examining the Effects of Emerald Ash Borer Density and Tree Condition on Rates of Parasitism by Native and Introduced Natural Enemies
Examining the Effects of Emerald Ash Borer Density and Tree Condition on Rates of Parasitism by Native and Introduced Natural Enemies
Experimental Testing of Buffer Requirements for Amphibians
Exploration of Endogenous Frankia Strains in Egypt
Field variation in emamectin benzoate concentrations and its impacts on Emerald ash borer and its biological control agents
Fire Management Options Controlling Woody Invasive Plant
Food Security
Forage Brassicas
Forest Management for Amphibians
Forest Pest Outreach 2019
Forest Pest Outreach 2020
Forest Pest Outreach FY 2021
Functional Diversity, Rehabilitation, and Ecosystem Service Resilience in the Northern Forest
Gene Transfer Methods For Frankia
Getting from here to there: Protecting and Promoting Ecosystem Services During the Conversion of Forests to Fields in New England
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Transition from Traditional to Organic Dairy Farming: An Education and Research Collaboration
Identification of Potential Signal Molecules in the Actionorhizal Symbiosis
Identifying Poor Quality Forest Stands and Demonstrating Rehabilitative Silviculture in NH
Increasing Consumer Participation in Alternative Food Network to Support Small and Medium Sized Farms
Infrastructure Investment & Rural Economic Development
Integrated Understanding of American Ash Resistance to the Emerald Ash Borer Across Tree Sizes
Integrated Understanding of Ash Resistance and Emamectin Benzoate
Intergrated Understanding of American Ash Resistance to the Emerald Ash Borer
Landowner Engagement Improves Eastern White Pine Resilience and Value in a Changing Environment
Linking Small Mammals and Mycorrhizal Fungi to Forest Regeneration
Long-Term Field Measurements on the Bartlett and Massabesic Experimental Forests
Market Feasibility Study for Cold Hardy Kiwifruit as a Novel High-Value, Direct Market Horticultural Crop for Northern NH Growers
Measuring and Managing what Matters for Cover Crop Contributions to Soil Carbon Cycles
Mechanisms for adaptation to climate in fungal forest pathogens
Microbial Contributions Carbon Sequestration No-Tilage
Microbial Ecophysiology as an Explanation for Observed Differences in Soil C Concentrations Between an Organic and Conventional Agricultural System
Model Calibration for Carbon change Estimation
Modeling Soil Moisture at the Watershed Scale Using in situ Networks
Molasses as an Alternative Energy Feed Source for Organic Dairies
Monitoring Productivity on Permanent Plots on the White Mountain National Forest
Movement Dynamics of Emamectin Benzoate in Ash: impacts on chemical and biological control of Emerald ash borer
NERC Climate Variability Working Group
NRCS Agreement Forest Practices and Support 18-21
NRCS Turtle Monitoring and Conservation
New Hampshire Building Community Resilience
Nitrogen Synchrony at the Crop-Soil Interface: Optimizing Rootmicrobe Interactions to Minimize Environmental N Losses
Northeastern NACP Tier III Site: Scaling Field and Flux Measurements Using a Tiered RS Method
Northeastern States Research Cooperative 2009-2014
Optimized Management Strategies To Support Bioenergy Feedstock Yield And Ecosystem Services In
Optimizing Aquaponic Production Using and Integrated Systems Approach
Pesky Weeds and Patchy Resources: Understanding the Role of Soil Spatial Heterogeneity and Root Foraging in Mediating Interspecific Competition
Plant Exploration in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions of the United States to Collect Historically-Disseminated Actinidia Arguta Germplasm for Crop Improvement
Quantifying Forest Carbon at the National Scale
Reproductive Success of Northern Goshawks
Request to Host a Borlaug Fellow From Senegal
Research and Extension Needs Assessment of the Organic Dairy Industry in the Northeast
Role of Motility and Other Signal Transduction Events in the Pathogenic and Symbiotic Life Stages of Photorhabdus
Sampling Coarse Woody Materials in Forest Ecosystems
Seed Grant: Relationship Between Ruminal Microbiome and Methane Emissions
SitS: FroSen: Novel soil frost sensing systems for tracking freeze -thaw cycles and their implications for ecosystem carbon and nutrient dynamics
Skin Structure & Pigment Defects in Summer Flounder
Structure-Based Discovery of Nematicides Targeting Phosphodiesterase Enzymes in Phytoparasitic Nematodes
Studio Soils: Integrating Soils and Climate Change Issues within a Student-Centered Active Learning Environment
Sustaining and Enhancing Local Agriculture in Rural Areas: Assessing Key Producer and Consumer Issues in Northern New England
The Economics and Spatial Ecology of Managing Invasive Plants in Forests with Heterogeneous Landownerships
Tradeoffs Between Soil Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Organic Pastures Under Management Intensive Grazing.
UNH Oyster Conservationist Program for 2009-2010
UNH Rural Distance-Learning Capacity Increase and TeleECHO Infrastructure Development
USDA Food Security, Food Assistance Participation, Among Transition Age Youth with Disabilities
USDA Great Bay Estuary Contirbution Agreement
Uncovering the Belowground Drivers of Weed-Crop Competition for Improved Weed Management
Understanding drought sensitivity in eastern U.S. forests to inform sustainable forest management practices
Using Groups to Reduce Invasive Plant Dominance in Naturally Regenerated New Hampshire Woodlots
Vesicle Development & Function in Frankia