
Research Areas research areas


  • I am an environmental scientist focusing on the terrestrial carbon cycle, vegetation dynamics, landscape ecology, and snow characterization using field measurements, remote sensing, and geospatial science. My research ranges from field studies of vegetation structure to the use of satellite imagery in an effort to predict disease, understand forest dynamics, and find and interpret past human settlement patterns. At UNH, I am the coordinator for the Environmental Science interdisciplinary undergraduate major, and presently lead the Graduate Geospatial Science Certificate Program. I am or have been a Principal Investigator on ten major remote sensing projects, seven completed and three active. My research has received external funding from NASA, NSF, USAID, USDA, USGS, and DOD. I am actively developing an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) center and have deployed UAS systems for five different field projects around the globe. As a previous affiliate faculty at the University of Brasilia, I have aided and hosted visiting Brazilian PhD students. I am a former TEDx speaker, where my talked focused on the creative aspects of science the interdisciplinary aspects of scientific studies. At UNH, I teach graduate and undergraduate courses in geospatial science, remote sensing, environmental science, and tropical ecology. I have been active member in the scientific community, leading sessions at conferences, reviewing papers for multiple journals, and serving on review panels for NASA, NSF, and DOE. I also served on NASA Data Review Panels and DOE planning campaigns. Production of electronic music and audio field recording, as a semi-professional, is a focus of my creative outlet. I have numerous albums under the pseudonym “horchata” and have made many field recordings during my trips to Amazonia and other locations. Recently, I have been using modified image sensors to track the body movements of dancers in real-time and in three dimensions, while converting the data to sound and music.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2024 Spatial and temporal distribution of Ixodes scapularis and tick-borne pathogens across the northeastern United States.Parasites and Vectors.  17:481. 2024
    2023 Amazonian pollen assemblages reflect biogeographic gradients and forest coverJournal of Biogeography.  50:1926-1938. 2023
    2023 Evaluating the Effects of UAS Flight Speed on Lidar Snow Depth Estimation in a Heterogeneous LandscapeRemote Sensing.  15:5091-5091. 2023
    2023 Expanding omnidirectional geospatial modeling for archaeology: A case study of dispersal in a “New England” colonial frontier (ca. 1600–1750)Journal of Archaeological Science.  150:105710-105710. 2023
    2023 lakeCoSTR: A tool to facilitate use of Landsat Collection 2 to estimate lake surface water temperaturesEcosphere.  14. 2023
    2022 Smallholder Knowledge of Local Climate Conditions Predicts Positive On-Farm OutcomesWeather, Climate and Society.  14:671-680. 2022
    2022 Permafrost thaw driven changes in hydrology and vegetation cover increase trace gas emissions and climate forcing in Stordalen Mire from 1970 to 2014.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.  380:20210022. 2022
    2021 Maximum entropy modeling to identify physical drivers of shallow snowpack heterogeneity using unpiloted aerial system (UAS) lidarJournal of Hydrology.  602:126722-126722. 2021
    2021 Spatially optimized distribution of household rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling systemsJournal of Cleaner Production.  312:127736-127736. 2021
    2021 Teleconnections between Rainfall in Equatorial Africa and Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures: A Focus on Western UgandaJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.  60:967-979. 2021
    2021 Remote Sensing of Lake Water Clarity: Performance and Transferability of Both Historical Algorithms and Machine LearningRemote Sensing.  13:1434-1434. 2021
    2021 Snow depth mapping with unpiloted aerial system lidar observations: a case study in Durham, New Hampshire, United StatesThe Cryosphere.  15:1485-1500. 2021
    2021 Pantropical variability in tree crown allometryGlobal Ecology and Biogeography.  30:459-475. 2021
    2020 Topography and fire legacies drive variable post-fire juvenile conifer regeneration in eastern Oregon, USAForest Ecology and Management.  474:Not-Available. 2020
    2020 The IsoGenie database: an interdisciplinary data management solution for ecosystems biology and environmental researchPeerJ.  8:e9467-e9467. 2020
    2020 Finding common ground: agreement on increasing wildfire risk crosses political linesEnvironmental Research Letters.  15:065002-065002. 2020
    2020 Remotely Sensed Big Data and Iterative Approaches to Cultural Feature Detection and Past Landscape Process AnalysisJournal of Field Archaeology.  45:S27-S38. 2020
    2020 Shallow snow depth mapping with unmanned aerial systems lidar observations: A case study in Durham, New Hampshire, United States 2020
    2020 A late Holocene record of human impacts on tropical environments from non-pollen palynomorphs, Albertine Rift, western UgandaQuaternary Research.  93:172-186. 2020
    2020 Tree Species Traits Determine the Success of LiDAR-Based Crown Mapping in a Mixed Temperate ForestRemote Sensing.  12:309-309. 2020
    2019 Rainfall Characteristics and Trends-and the Role of Congo Westerlies-in the Western Uganda Transition Zone of Equatorial Africa From 1983 to 2017Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.  124:10712-10729. 2019
    2019 Long-Term Measurements of Methane Ebullition From Thaw PondsJournal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences.  124:2208-2221. 2019
    2018 Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)Remote Sensing.  10:1498-1498. 2018
    2018 Automated method for measuring the extent of selective logging damage with airborne LiDAR dataISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.  139:228-240. 2018
    2018 Does it matter if people think climate change is human caused?Climate Services.  10:53-62. 2018
    2018 Park isolation in anthropogenic landscapes: land change and livelihoods at park boundaries in the African Albertine RiftRegional Environmental Change.  18:913-928. 2018
    2018 The impact of industrial oil development on a protected area landscape: demographic and social change at Murchison Falls Conservation Area, UgandaPopulation and Environment.  39:197-218. 2018
    2018 Climate change beliefs and forest management in eastern Oregon: implications for individual adaptive capacityEcology and Society: a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability.  23. 2018
    2017 Ancient Amazonian populations left lasting impacts on forest structureEcosphere.  8:e02035. 2017
    2017 Comparison of lidar- and allometry-derived canopy height models in an eastern deciduous forestForest Ecology and Management.  406:83-94. 2017
    2017 Paleoenvironmental change in tropical Africa during the Holocene based on a record from Lake Kifuruka, western UgandaJournal of Quaternary Science.  32:1099-1111. 2017
    2017 Modeling Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Habitat Connectivity to Identify Potential Corridors for Rabies Spread.Trop Med Infect Dis.  2:E44. 2017
    2017 Population pressure and global markets drive a decade of forest cover change in Africa's Albertine RiftApplied Geography.  81:52-59. 2017
    2017 Evaluating multiple causes of persistent low microwave backscatter from Amazon forests after the 2005 drought.PLoS One.  12:e0183308. 2017
    2017 Relationships between vegetation indices, fractional cover retrievals and the structure and composition of Brazilian Cerrado natural vegetationInternational Journal of Remote Sensing.  38:874-905. 2017
    2017 The impact of industrial oil development on a protected area landscape: population pressure and struggles for land at Murchison Falls conservation area, UgandaPopulation and Environment2017
    2016 Shifting environmental concern in rural eastern Oregon: the role of demographic and place-based factorsPopulation and Environment.  38:207-216. 2016
    2016 Perceptions of risk in communities near parks in an African biodiversity hotspot.Ambio.  45:692-705. 2016
    2016 Wildfire, climate, and perceptions in Northeast OregonRegional Environmental Change.  16:1819-1832. 2016
    2016 Geospatial modeling approach to monument construction using Michigan from A.D. 1000-1600 as a case study.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA.  113:7443-7448. 2016
    2016 Morton et al. reply.Nature.  531:E6. 2016
    2016 Anthropogenic Habitats Facilitate Dispersal of an Early Successional Obligate: Implications for Restoration of an Endangered Ecosystem.PLoS One.  11:e0148842. 2016
    2016 Detecting Precontact Anthropogenic Microtopographic Features in a Forested Landscape with Lidar: A Case Study from the Upper Great Lakes Region, AD 1000-1600.PLoS One.  11:e0162062. 2016
    2016 Estimating Tropical Forest Structure Using a Terrestrial Lidar.PLoS One.  11:e0154115. 2016
    2016 Toward an integrated monitoring framework to assess the effects of tropical forest degradation and recovery on carbon stocks and biodiversity.Global Change Biology.  22:92-109. 2016
    2015 Anthropogenic influence on Amazonian forests in pre‐history: An ecological perspectiveJournal of Biogeography.  42:2277-2288. 2015
    2015 Remote sensing of foliar nitrogen in cultivated grasslands of human dominated landscapesRemote Sensing of Environment: an interdisciplinary journal.  167:88-97. 2015
    2015 Now there is no land: a story of ethnic migration in a protected area landscape in western UgandaPopulation and Environment.  36:452-479. 2015
    2015 Estimating forest structure in a tropical forest using field measurements, a synthetic model and discrete return lidar dataRemote Sensing of Environment: an interdisciplinary journal.  161:1-11. 2015
    2015 Corrigendum: Size and frequency of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance.Nature Communications.  6:6638. 2015
    2015 Tropical-Forest Biomass Estimation at X-Band From the Spaceborne TanDEM-X InterferometerIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.  12:239-243. 2015
    2015 Forest views: Shifting attitudes toward the environment in northeast Oregon 2015
    2015 Tropical-Forest Biomass Estimation at X-Band From the Spaceborne TanDEM-X Interferometer 2015
    2014 Multivariate statistical analysis of asynchronous lidar data and vegetation models in a neotropical forestRemote Sensing of Environment: an interdisciplinary journal.  154:368-377. 2014
    2014 Validation of Satellite Rainfall Products for Western UgandaJournal of Hydrometeorology.  15:2030-2038. 2014
    2014 Bamboo‐dominated forests and pre‐Columbian earthwork formations in south‐western AmazoniaJournal of Biogeography.  41:1733-1745. 2014
    2014 Satellite-based rainfall data reveal a recent drying trend in central equatorial AfricaClimatic Change: an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the description, causes and implications of climatic change.  126:263-272. 2014
    2014 Satellite-based rainfall data reveal a recent drying trend in central equatorial AfricaClimatic Change: an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the description, causes and implications of climatic change.  126:263-272. 2014
    2014 Moderate-Resolution Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analyses of Microclimates, Mounds, and Maize in the Northern Great LakesADVANCES IN ARCHAEOLOGICAL PRACTICE.  2:195-207. 2014
    2014 Size and frequency of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance.Nature Communications.  5:3434. 2014
    2014 Regional Variations in Biomass Distribution in Brazilian Savanna WoodlandBiotropica.  46:125-138. 2014
    2014 Predicting pre-Columbian anthropogenic soils in Amazonia.Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.  281:20132475. 2014
    2014 Amazon forests maintain consistent canopy structure and greenness during the dry season.Nature.  506:221-224. 2014
    2014 Can Plant Community Turnover Mitigate Permafrost Thaw Feedbacks to the Climate System?AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:0139-0139. 2014
    2014 Estimating forest structure at five tropical forested sites using lidar point cloud dataAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:03-03. 2014
    2014 Population pressure and global markets drive a decade of forest cover change in Africa’s Albertine RiftarXiv preprint arXiv:1409.72802014
    2014 The spectrum of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balanceAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:02-02. 2014
    2014 Use of High Resolution UAS Imagery to Classify Sub-Arctic Vegetation TypesAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:0089-0089. 2014
    2013 Holocene fires, forest stability and human occupation in south‐western AmazoniaJournal of Biogeography.  40:521-533. 2013
    2013 Historical fire and bamboo dynamics in western AmazoniaJournal of Biogeography.  40:299-309. 2013
    2013 Employing passive acoustics as a temporally precise monologue for constraining ebullitive methane fluxes in warming subarctic lakesAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:0458-0458. 2013
    2013 Estimating Mercury Sequestration as a Function of Vegetation along a Thawing Permafrost GradientAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:0422-0422. 2013
    2013 Satellite Remote Sensing of Vegetation Structure: Functional Synthesis of InSAR and Lidar 2013
    2012 Detection of Large-Scale Forest Canopy Change in Pan-Tropical Humid Forests 2000-2009 With the SeaWinds Ku-Band ScatterometerIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.  50:2603-2617. 2012
    2012 Population, Environment, and Climate in the Albertine Rift: Understanding Local Impacts of Regional ChangeAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:0737-0737. 2012
    2011 Tropical forest backscatter anomaly evident in Sea Winds scatterometer morning overpass data during 2005 drought in AmazoniaRemote Sensing of Environment: an interdisciplinary journal.  115:897-907. 2011
    2011 Height-diameter allometry of tropical forest treesBiogeosciences.  8:1081-1106. 2011
    2011 Special Section: Vegetation Three-Dimensional Structure From Space-G00E02 Forest disturbance and recovery: A general review in the context of spaceborne remote sensing of impacts on aboveground biomass and canopy structure (doi 10.1029/2008JG000911)Journal of Geophysical Research-Part G-BioGeo2011
    2010 Forest carbon densities and uncertainties from Lidar, QuickBird, and field measurements in CaliforniaRemote Sensing of Environment: an interdisciplinary journal.  114:1561-1575. 2010
    2009 Forest disturbance and recovery: A general review in the context of spaceborne remote sensing of impacts on aboveground biomass and canopy structureJournal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences.  114:n/a-n/a. 2009
    2009 LBA-ECO TG-07 Ground-based Biometry Data at km 83 Site, TapajosNational Forest: 1997 2009
    2008 Necromass production: studies in undisturbed and logged Amazon forests.Ecological Applications.  18:873-884. 2008
    2008 Spatial partitioning of biomass and diversity in a lowland Bolivian forest: Linking field and remote sensing measurementsForest Ecology and Management.  255:2602-2616. 2008
    2008 Amazon forest structure from IKONOS satellite data and the automated characterization of forest canopy propertiesBiotropica.  40:141-150. 2008
    2008 Scaling Forest Biometric Properties Estimated from High Resolution Imagery to the Amazon and Cerrado Regions using Moderate Resolution Spectral Reflectance DataAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:0347-0347. 2008
    2007 Regional ecosystem structure and function: ecological insights from remote sensing of tropical forests.Trends in Ecology and Evolution.  22:414-423. 2007
    2007 Necromass in undisturbed and logged forests in the Brazilian AmazonForest Ecology and Management.  238:309-318. 2007
    2007 Automated measurements of soil-atmosphere methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide fluxes in an undisturbed forest in the Brazilian AmazonAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:0932-0932. 2007
    2007 Ecology and EvolutionEvolution.  22:389-440. 2007
    2007 LBA-ECO CD-10 Forest Litter Data for km 67 Tower Site, Tapajos National ForestData set. Available on-line [http://www. daac. ornl. gov] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA doi.  10. 2007
    2007 LBA-ECO CD-10 Ground-based Biometry Data at km 67 Tower Site, Tapajos National ForestOak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center2007
    2006 Canopy Estimation in Logged Forests in the Brazilian Amazon using IKONOS ImageryAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:0166-0166. 2006
    2004 Carbon balance and vegetation dynamics in an old-growth Amazonian forestEcological Applications.  14:S55-S71. 2004
    2004 Coarse woody debris in undisturbed and logged forests in the eastern Brazilian AmazonGlobal Change Biology.  10:784-795. 2004
    2003 IKONOS imagery for the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)Remote Sensing of Environment: an interdisciplinary journal.  88:111-127. 2003
    2002 Estimating canopy structure in an Amazon Forest from laser range finder and IKONOS satellite observationsBiotropica.  34:483-492. 2002
    2002 Automated crown detection algorithm: an analysis of two tropical Amazonian forestsAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:0736-0736. 2002
    2002 Scaling Forest Properties Derived from High-resolution Imagery to the Amazon BasinAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.  1:0747-0747. 2002
    2001 Biomass estimation in the Tapajos National Forest, Brazil - Examination of sampling and allometric uncertaintiesForest Ecology and Management.  154:371-382. 2001
    Brief communication: Comparison of in situ ephemeral snow depth measurements over a mixed-use temperate forest landscapeThe Cryosphere.  17:3435-3442.
    Spatial and temporal analysis of vector-borne Lyme disease in New Hampshire


    Year Title
    1998 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Application and Calculation of Nutrient and Sediment Loadings: Appendix H: Tracking Best Management Practice Nutrient Reductions in the Chesapeake Bay Program 1998


    Year Title
    2012 A Review of Above Ground Necromass in Tropical Forests.  215-252. 2012
    2004 Sustainability of selective logging in upland forests in the Brazilian Amazon.  41-41. 2004

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    2017 C: N and delta13C indicate aquatic carbon source for methanogenesis in peatland lakesAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2017
    2017 Field-and Remote Sensing-based Structural Attributes Measured at Multiple Scales Influence the Relationship Between Nitrogen and Reflectance of Forest CanopiesAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2017
    2017 Four years of UAS Imagery Reveals Vegetation Change Due to Permafrost ThawAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2017
    2017 Scaling isotopic emissions and microbes across a permafrost thaw landscapeAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2017
    2017 Spatial and temporal variability in carbon cycling in a northeastern US forest in relation to leaf traits, canopy diversity and climate variabilityAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2017
    2017 The Use of Satellite Data to Relate Waterbody Surface Area and Temperature to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Across a Subarctic LandscapeAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2017
    2017 University of New Hampshire’s Project SMART 2017: Marine and Environmental Science for High School StudentsAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2017
    2014 Characterization of Permafrost Degradation and Plant Communities Using Hyperspectral ReflectanceAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0087-0087. 2014
    2014 Characterization of subarctic vegetation using ground based remote sensing methodsAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0088-0088. 2014
    2014 Comparison of Stem Map Developed from Crown Geometry Allometry Linked Census Data to Airborne and Terrestrial Lidar at Harvard Forest, MAAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0087-0087. 2014
    2014 Exploring Vegetation Profiles from TanDEM-X Phase, Lidar, and Field Measurements in Tropical ForestsProceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR. 1-3. 2014
    2014 Multi-sensor remote sensing of the extent and persistence of the 2005 Amazon droughtAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0002-0002. 2014
    2014 The Influence of Vegetation on Methane Ebullition in a Temperate WetlandAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0270-0270. 2014
    2014 Using LiDAR, RADAR, and Optical data to improve a NFMS in Kalimantan, IndonesiaAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0209-0209. 2014
    2013 A Drying Trend in Central Equatorial AfricaAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0935-0935. 2013
    2013 Acoustic and manual measurements of methane ebullition in peatlandsAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0336-0336. 2013
    2013 Assessing forest degradation in Guyana with GeoEye, Quickbird and Landsat 2013
    2013 Estimating tropical forest structure using LIDAR AND X-BAND INSARAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0528-0528. 2013
    2013 Measuring Ebullition of Methane in a Temperate WetlandAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0340-0340. 2013
    2013 Species Composition at the Sub-meter Level in Discontinuous Permafrost in Subarctic, SwedenAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0400-0400. 2013
    2013 The sound of bubbles: Monitoring methane fluxes from thaw ponds using acoustic systemsAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0335-0335. 2013
    2012 Acoustic Monitoring of Ebullitive Flux from a Mire Ecosystem in Subarctic SwedenAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0447-0447. 2012
    2012 Detection of Amazonian Black Earth Sites using Hyperspectral Satellite ImageryAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0422-0422. 2012
    2012 Estimating tropical forest structure using discrete return lidar data and a locally trained synthetic forest algorithmAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0345-0345. 2012
    2012 Predicting anthropogenic soils across the AmazoniaAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0724-0724. 2012
    2012 Relative vegetation profiles in a Neotropical forest: comparison of lidar instrumentation and field-based measurementsAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0352-0352. 2012
    2011 Predicting distributions of charcoal in Amazonian soils: approaches from earth and spaceAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 07-07. 2011
    2011 Using an acoustic system to estimate the timing and magnitude of ebullition release from wetland ecosystemsAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0642-0642. 2011
    2011 What drives the Amazon green up phenomenon?AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 02P-02P. 2011
    2010 Examining the Spatial and Temporal Ecology of Vector-Borne Lyme Disease in New Hampshire 2010
    2010 PS 81-128: Examining the spatial and temporal ecology of vector-borne lyme diseaseThe 95th ESA Annual Meeting. 2010
    2010 Temporal and spatial variability of greenhouse gas fluxes from soil in an undisturbed forest in the Brazilian AmazonAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0413-0413. 2010
    2009 Biometric Properties Estimated from High Resolution Imagery in the Amazon and the Cerrado RegionsAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0323-0323. 2009
    2009 Estimation of Tropical Forest Structure Using the Full Waveform Lidar from ICESatAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 0321-0321. 2009
    2007 Examination of Tropical Forest Structure Using Field Data and High Spatial Resolution Image DataAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1450-1450. 2007
    2006 Detection of Canopy Opening in Undisturbed and Selectively Logging Tropical Forests by Gap Fraction DataAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1127-1127. 2006
    2006 Forest Structure at Five Sites in the Brazilian AmazonAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 1119-1119. 2006
    2006 Necromass Creation in an Amazon Forest: Examination of Undisturbed and Logged Forest SitesAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 07-07. 2006
    2004 Sustainability of selective logging of upland forests in the Brazilian Amazon - Carbon budgets and remote sensing as tools for evaluating logging effectsWORKING FORESTS IN THE NEOTROPICS-CONSERVATION THROUGH SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT?. 41-63. 2004
    2002 Automated Chamber Measurements of Soil-Atmosphere Carbon Dioxide Flux in Undisturbed Forest at the Tapajos National Forest, BrazilAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2002
    A landscape model simulating Ficus trees and their obligate wasp pollinator
    Automatic Tracking of Pregenesis Tropical Disturbances Within the Deviation Angle Variance System.......................... OG Rodrlguez-Herrera, KM Wood, KP Dolling, WT Black, EA Ritchie, and JS Tyo 254 Spatiotemporal Pattern Recognition and Nonlinear PCA for Global Horizontal Irradiance Forecasting.................................................... GA Licciardi, R. Dambreville, J. Chanussot, and S. Dubost 284 Vegetation and Land Surface
    Necromass Production in an Amazon Forest: What is the Appropriate Measure of Mortality for Carbon Cycling Studies?
    Regional Extrapolation of Tropical Ecosystem Structural Properties
    Remote sensing of terra preta in Amazonia

    Principal Investigator On

  • RII Track-2: Comp Methods  awarded by Dartmouth College 2019 - 2025
  • Smoke on the Water: Lake-based  awarded by National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA) 2020 - 2025
  • Smoke on the Water: Lake-based calibration of Amazonian fire histories  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2020 - 2023
  • Predicting density and occurre  awarded by University of Vermont 2021 - 2023
  • Predicting density and occurrence of keystone and umbrella species using drone-based LiDAR  awarded by University of Vermont 2021 - 2023
  • Dynamic Modeling of Ecosystem Processes and Services in North American Boreal Forests  awarded by Dartmouth College 2019 - 2023
  • North American Boreal Forests  awarded by Dartmouth College 2019 - 2023
  • Understanding Role of Moisture  awarded by Georgia State University 2017 - 2023
  • Understanding the Role of Moisture in Rainfall Variability and Agricultural Decision Making  awarded by Georgia State University 2017 - 2023
  • RII Track-2: Computational Methods and Autonomous Robotics Systems for Modeling and Predicting  awarded by Dartmouth College 2019 - 2022
  • Drought-Induced Vegetation Change and Fire in Amazonian Forests: Past, Present, and Future  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2014 - 2019
  • Operational Multi-Sensor Design for National Scale Forest Carbon Monitoring to Support REDD MRV Systems  awarded by Applied GeoSolutions LLC 2013 - 2017
  • Examining the Spatial and Temporal Ecology of Vector-Borne Lyme Disease in NH  awarded by NH Department of Health & Human Services 2017
  • Mounds, Microclimates, and Maize: Understanding the Influence of Inland Lakes on Agriculture in Pre-contact Indigenous Societies Using Remote Sensing Image Data  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2013 - 2017
  • Tropical Moist Forest Structure and Biomass Estimation from Bistatic InSAR at X-band (TanDEM-X), Small and Large-Spot Lidar, and Field Measurements  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2012 - 2016
  • Estimating Forest Structure and Change Using High Resolution Lidar  awarded by US DA, Department of Agriculture 2012 - 2015
  • Estimation of Tropical Forest Structure Using Multiple Remote Sensing Platforms and Field Based Data  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2010 - 2014
  • Environmental, Social and Economic Consequences of a Tar Sands Pipeline in New England  awarded by Natl Wildlife Federation 2013 - 2014
  • Analysis and Detection of Amazonian Black Earth Sites using Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2010 - 2013
  • Scaling Forest Biometric Properties Derived from High Resolution Imagery using Moderate Resolution Spectral Reflectance Data  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2008 - 2012
  • A Historical Reconstruction of Vegetation and a Carbon Budget for the Brazilian Cerrado using Multiple Satellite Sensors and Historical Aerial Photography  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2008 - 2012
  • Investigator On

  • Resiliency in Salt Marshes  awarded by US Army Research & Development Center 2024 - 2025
  • Developing and Evaluating Novel Techniques for Moose Monitoring in New Hampshire  awarded by NH Department of Fish & Game 2022 - 2025
  • Biophysical Drivers Sediment  awarded by US Army Research & Development Center 2021 - 2025
  • Biophysical Drivers of Sedimentation in Salt Marsh Environments with Implications for Coastal Resiliency  awarded by US Army Research & Development Center 2021 - 2024
  • Predicting density and occurrence of keystone and umbrella species using drone-based LiDAR  awarded by University of Vermont 2021 - 2023
  • From Archea to the Atmosphere  awarded by National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA) 2017 - 2023
  • From Archea to the Atmosphere: Integrating Microbial, Isotopic and Landscape-Scale Observations to Quantify Methane Emissions from Global High-Latitude Ecosystems  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2017 - 2023
  • Effects of Catchment on Water  awarded by Dartmouth College 2017 - 2022
  • Biological Diversity Influence  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2016 - 2022
  • MSF-FRA: The Influence of Biological Diversity on Land-Atmosphere Exchange in Forests: Confronting Theory with Data  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2016 - 2022
  • Interactive Effects of Catchment and Climate Change on Water Quality  awarded by Dartmouth College 2017 - 2022
  • Landscape Scale Detection  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2017 - 2022
  • Landscape Scale Detection and Analysis of Dispersed Physical Food Storage Archeological Features in the Northern Great Lakes Region  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2017 - 2022
  • Cold Regions Operations and Assessment Research  awarded by US DOD, Department of Defense 2018 - 2021
  • Collaborative Research: Towards a Mechanistic Prediction of Methane Ebullition Fluxes from Northern Peatlands  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2016 - 2020
  • Climate Change Adaptation in Working Landscapes of the Intermountain Northwest  awarded by University of Colorado 2014 - 2019
  • Using Spatial and Genetic Tools to Understand Functional Connectivity in a Patchy Landscape  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2013 - 2015
  • Teaching Activities

  • Earth in Film Taught course
  • Earth/Envi Sci Remote Sensing Taught course
  • Earth/Envi Sci Remote Sensing Taught course
  • Earth/Envi Sciences GIS Taught course
  • Advanced Research Experience Taught course 2023
  • Earth in Film Taught course 2023
  • Earth/Envi Sci Remote Sensing Taught course 2023
  • Earth/Envi Sciences GIS Taught course 2022
  • Earth in Film Taught course 2022
  • Earth/Envi Sci Remote Sensing Taught course 2022
  • Top/Geospatial Disease Climate Taught course 2022
  • Earth/Envi Sciences GIS Taught course 2021
  • Adv Rsrch Exp/Earth Sciences Taught course 2021
  • Earth in Film Taught course 2021
  • Earth in Film/Honors Taught course 2021
  • Earth/Envi Sci Remote Sensing Taught course 2021
  • Earth/Envi Sciences GIS Taught course 2020
  • Adv Rsrch Exp/Earth Sciences Taught course 2020
  • Earth in Film Taught course 2020
  • Top/Geospatial NetworkAnalysis Taught course 2020
  • Adv Rsrch Exp/Earth Sciences Taught course 2019
  • Advanced Seminar/Earth Taught course 2019
  • Earth/Envi Sciences GIS Taught course 2019
  • Earth/Envi Sci Remote Sensing Taught course 2019
  • Earth/Envi Sciences GIS Taught course 2018
  • Top/Geospatial NetworkAnalysis Taught course 2018
  • Top/GIS for Earth & Env Sci Taught course 2017
  • Earth in Film Taught course 2017
  • Top/Remote Sensing Earth & Env Taught course 2017
  • Earth in Film Taught course 2016
  • Top/GIS for Earth & Env Sci Taught course 2015
  • Proj/Environmental Science I Taught course 2015
  • Intro to Environmental Science Taught course 2014
  • Intro to Environmental Science Taught course 2014
  • Professional Perspective NR Taught course 2014
  • Proj/Environmental Science I Taught course 2014
  • Elements of GSS Taught course 2013 - 2014
  • Education And Training

  • B.A. Archaelogy/Envir Sci, University of Virginia
  • M.S. Environmental Science, University of Virginia
  • Ph.D. Natural Resources Management, University of New Hampshire
  • Full Name

  • Michael Palace