
Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2023 The variable source of the plasma sheet during a geomagnetic storm.Nature Communications.  14:6143. 2023
2023 The Densities and Compositions of Background Cold Ions Based on the Van Allen Probe ObservationsGeophysical Research Letters.  50. 2023
2022 Preferential Energization of Lower-Charge-State Heavier Ions in the Near-Earth MagnetotailJournal of Geophysical Research.  127. 2022
2021 Impacts of Ionospheric Ions on Magnetic Reconnection and Earth's Magnetosphere DynamicsReviews of Geophysics.  59. 2021
2020 Formation of the Low-Energy "Finger" Ion Spectral Structure Near the Inner Edge of the Plasma SheetGeophysical Research Letters.  47. 2020
2020 Ionospheric and Solar Wind Contributions to the Storm-Time Near-Earth Plasma SheetGeophysical Research Letters.  47. 2020
2020 Geometrical effects of microchannel plates: Grazing incidence operation of time-of-flight mass spectrometry and comparison to standard carbon foil.Review of Scientific Instruments.  91:113107. 2020
2020 Prediction and Understanding of Soft-proton Contamination in XMM-Newton: A Machine Learning ApproachThe Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics.  903:89-89. 2020
2020 The Solar Orbiter Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) suiteAstronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal.  642:A16-A16. 2020
2020 Ionospheric and Solar Wind Contributions to the Storm-time Near-Earth Plasma Sheet 2020
2020 Factors Controlling O(+)and H(+)Outflow in the Cusp During a Geomagnetic Storm: FAST/TEAMS ObservationsGeophysical Research Letters.  47. 2020
2020 Oxygen torus and its coincidence with EMIC wave in the deep inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probe B and Arase observations.Earth, Planets and Space.  72:111. 2020
2019 Cusp and Nightside Auroral Sources of O+ in the Plasma SheetJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:10036-10047. 2019
2019 Cusp and Nightside Auroral Sources of O+ in the Plasma SheetJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:10036-10047. 2019
2019 Effects of a Realistic O+ Source on Modeling the Ring CurrentJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:9953-9962. 2019
2019 High-density O+ in Earth's outer magnetosphere and its effect on dayside magnetopause magnetic reconnectionJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:10257-10269. 2019
2019 Efficacy of Electric Field Models in Reproducing Observed Ring Current Ion Spectra During Two Geomagnetic StormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:8974-8991. 2019
2019 The Storm-Time Ring Current Response to ICMEs and CIRs Using Van Allen Probe ObservationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:9017-9039. 2019
2019 Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada: 2. Multiple-Instrument ObservationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:7459-7476. 2019
2019 The Storm Time Development of Source Electrons and Chorus Wave Activity During CME- and CIR-Driven StormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:6438-6452. 2019
2019 Mass Loading the Earth's Dayside Magnetopause Boundary Layer and Its Effect on Magnetic ReconnectionGeophysical Research Letters.  46:6204-6213. 2019
2019 Oscillatory Flows in the Magnetotail Plasma Sheet: Cluster Observations of the Distribution FunctionJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:2736-2754. 2019
2019 Storm Time EMIC Waves Observed by Swarm and Van Allen Probe SatellitesJournal of Geophysical Research.  124:293-312. 2019
2018 Instantaneous Frequency Analysis on Nonlinear EMIC Emissions: Arase ObservationGeophysical Research Letters.  45:13199-13205. 2018
2018 Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP): A New NASA MissionSpace Science Reviews.  214:116. 2018
2018 The Outer Radiation Belt Response to the Storm Time Development of Seed Electrons and Chorus Wave Activity During CME and CIR Driven StormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:10139-10157. 2018
2018 Influence of the IMF Cone Angle on Invariant Latitudes of Polar Region Footprints of FACs in the Magnetotail: Cluster ObservationJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:2588-2597. 2018
2018 On the Role of Ionospheric Ions in Sawtooth EventsJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:665-684. 2018
2018 Temporal Evolution of Ion Spectral Structures During a Geomagnetic Storm: Observations and ModelingJournal of Geophysical Research.  123:179-196. 2018
2017 Contribution of energetic and heavy ions to the plasma pressure: The 27 September to 3 October 2002 stormJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:9427-9439. 2017
2017 Dominance of high-energy (> 150keV) heavy ion intensities in Earth's middle to outer magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:9282-9293. 2017
2017 Temperature of the plasmasphere from Van Allen Probes HOPEJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:310-323. 2017
2017 The role of convection in the buildup of the ring current pressure during the 17 March 2013 stormJournal of Geophysical Research.  122:475-492. 2017
2016 Ion nose spectral structures observed by the Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:12025-12046. 2016
2016 Time-of-flight mass spectrographs-From ions to neutral atomsJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:11647-11666. 2016
2016 Void structure of O+ ions in the inner magnetosphere observed by the Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:11698-11713. 2016
2016 Drift paths of ions composing multiple-nose spectral structures near the inner edge of the plasma sheetGeophysical Research Letters.  43:11484-11492. 2016
2016 Drift paths of ions composing multiple-nose spectral structures near the inner edge of the plasma sheetGeophysical Research Letters.  43:11484-11492. 2016
2016 Journal of Geophysical Research: Space PhysicsJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:7449-7460. 2016
2016 A statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster: 2. Associated plasma conditionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:6458-6479. 2016
2016 The source of O+ in the storm time ring currentJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:5333-5349. 2016
2016 The particle carriers of field-aligned currents in the Earth's magnetotail during a substormJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:3058-3068. 2016
2016 Electron heating in the exhaust of magnetic reconnection with negligible guide fieldJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:2104-2130. 2016
2016 The inner magnetosphere ion composition and local time distribution over a solar cycleJournal of Geophysical Research.  121:2009-2032. 2016
2015 Heavy-ion dominance near Cluster perigeesJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:10485-10505. 2015
2015 "Trunk-like" heavy ion structures observed by the Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:8738-8748. 2015
2015 The Earth: Plasma Sources, Losses, and Transport ProcessesSpace Science Reviews.  192:145-208. 2015
2015 The occurrence and wave properties of H+-, He+-, and O+-band EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen ProbesJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:7477-7492. 2015
2015 Dependence of the dayside magnetopause reconnection rate on local conditionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:6386-6408. 2015
2015 A statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster: 1. Wave propertiesJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:5574-5592. 2015
2015 Distribution of energetic oxygen and hydrogen in the near-Earth plasma sheetJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:3415-3431. 2015
2015 The heavy ion diffusion region in magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetotailJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:3535-3551. 2015
2015 Acceleration of O+ from the cusp to the plasma sheetJournal of Geophysical Research.  120:1022-1034. 2015
2014 Increases in plasma sheet temperature with solar wind driving during substorm growth phases.Geophysical Research Letters.  41:8713-8721. 2014
2014 Hot magnetospheric O+ and cold ion behavior in magnetopause reconnection: Cluster observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:9601-9623. 2014
2014 A statistical analysis of heliospheric plasma sheets, heliospheric current sheets, and sector boundaries observed in situ by STEREOJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:8721-8732. 2014
2014 Circulation of Heavy Ions and Their Dynamical Effects in the Magnetosphere: Recent Observations and ModelsSpace Science Reviews.  184:173-235. 2014
2014 Evidence for the braking of flow bursts as they propagate toward the EarthJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:9004-9018. 2014
2014 Simulation of Van Allen Probes plasmapause encountersJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:7464-7484. 2014
2014 Solar wind control of the terrestrial magnetotail as seen by STEREOJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:6342-6355. 2014
2014 The scale of the magnetotail reconnecting current sheet in the presence of O+Geophysical Research Letters.  41:4819-4827. 2014
2014 Excitation of EMIC waves detected by the Van Allen Probes on 28 April 2013Geophysical Research Letters.  41:4101-4108. 2014
2014 Evidence of strong energetic ion acceleration in the near-Earth magnetotailGeophysical Research Letters.  41:3724-3730. 2014
2014 Magnetic fluctuations embedded in dipolarization inside geosynchronous orbit and their associated selective acceleration of O+ ionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:4639-4655. 2014
2014 Spatial variation in the plasma sheet composition: Dependence on geomagnetic and solar activityJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:2836-2857. 2014
2014 The relationship between sawtooth events and O+ in the plasma sheetJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:1572-1586. 2014
2014 Testing linear theory of EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere: Cluster observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  119:1004-1027. 2014
2014 Background subtraction for the Cluster/CODIF plasma ion mass spectrometerGeoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems.  3:41-48. 2014
2014 Correction to "Oxygen and hydrogen ion abundance in the near-Earth magnetosphere: Statistical results on the response to the geomagnetic and solar wind activity conditions"Journal of Geophysical Research.  119:355-356. 2014
2013 Multiple bidirectional EMIC waves observed by Cluster at middle magnetic latitudes in the dayside magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  118:6266-6278. 2013
2013 The evolution of flux pileup regions in the plasma sheet: Cluster observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  118:6279-6290. 2013
2013 Energization of O+ ions in the Earth's inner magnetosphere and the effects on ring current buildup: A review of previous observations and possible mechanismsJournal of Geophysical Research.  118:4441-4464. 2013
2013 Pc2 EMIC waves generated high off the equator in the dayside outer magnetosphere (vol 39, L17102, 2012)Geophysical Research Letters.  40:1950-1951. 2013
2013 Heavy ion effects on substorm loading and unloading in the Earth's magnetotailJournal of Geophysical Research.  118:2101-2112. 2013
2013 Cluster observation of few-hour-scale evolution of structured plasma in the inner magnetosphereAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  31:1569-1578. 2013
2013 In-flight calibration of the Cluster/CODIF sensorGeoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems.  2:225-235. 2013
2012 Oxygen and hydrogen ion abundance in the near-Earth magnetosphere: Statistical results on the response to the geomagnetic and solar wind activity conditionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  117:n/a-n/a. 2012
2012 The Heliospheric Plasma Sheet Observed in situ by Three Spacecraft over Four Solar RotationsSolar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics.  281:423-447. 2012
2012 Solar cycle dependence of the cusp O+ access to the near-Earth magnetotailJournal of Geophysical Research.  117:n/a-n/a. 2012
2012 The role of the inner tail to midtail plasma sheet in channeling solar wind power to the ionosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  117:n/a-n/a. 2012
2012 Validation study of the magnetically self-consistent inner magnetosphere model RAM-SCBJournal of Geophysical Research.  117:n/a-n/a. 2012
2012 A study of the changes of the near-Earth plasma sheet and lobe driven by multiple substorms: Comparison with a full particle simulation of reconnectionJournal of Geophysical Research.  117. 2012
2011 A statistical study of EMIC wave-associated He+ energization in the outer magnetosphere: Cluster/CODIF observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  116:n/a-n/a. 2011
2011 Energy conversion regions as observed by Cluster in the plasma sheetJournal of Geophysical Research.  116:n/a-n/a. 2011
2011 Flushing effect in reconnection: Effects of minority species of oxygen ionsPlanetary and Space Science.  59:526-536. 2011
2011 Far tail (255 R-E) fast response to very weak magnetic activityJournal of Geophysical Research.  116. 2011
2011 Shock-driven variation in ionospheric outflow during the 11 October 2001 moderate stormJournal of Geophysical Research.  116:n/a-n/a. 2011
2010 H+ and O+ content of the plasma sheet at 15-19 Re as a function of geomagnetic and solar activityJournal of Geophysical Research.  115:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 Statistical study of O+ transport from the cusp to the lobes with Cluster CODIF dataJournal of Geophysical Research.  115:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 Escape of O+ through the distant tail plasma sheetGeophysical Research Letters.  37:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 South-north asymmetry of field-aligned currents in the magnetotail observed by ClusterJournal of Geophysical Research.  115. 2010
2010 A case study of EMIC wave-associated He plus energization in the outer magnetosphere: Cluster and Double Star 1 observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  115:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 Cusp as a source for oxygen in the plasma sheet during geomagnetic stormsJournal of Geophysical Research.  115:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 Diagnostics of corotating interaction regions with the kinetic properties of iron ions as determined with STEREO/PLASTICAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  28:491-497. 2010
2010 Geomagnetic activity effects on plasma sheet energy conversionAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  28:1813-1825. 2010
2010 Global reconnection topology as inferred from plasma observations inside Kelvin-Helmholtz vorticesAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  28:893-906. 2010
2010 Identifying The Ends Of High-Speed Streams Near 1 AU With In Situ Data From STEREO/PLASTICAIP Conference Proceedings.  1216:351-354. 2010
2010 Kinetic temperatures of iron ions in the solar wind observed with STEREO/PLASTICAIP Conference Proceedings.  1216:257-+. 2010
2009 Multifluid Block-Adaptive-Tree Solar wind Roe-type Upwind Scheme: Magnetospheric composition and dynamics during geomagnetic storms-Initial resultsJournal of Geophysical Research.  114:n/a-n/a. 2009
2009 Vortex-like plasma flow structures observed by Cluster at the boundary of the outer radiation belt and ring current: A link between the inner and outer magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  114:n/a-n/a. 2009
2009 In Situ Observations of Solar Wind Stream Interface EvolutionSolar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics.  259:323-344. 2009
2009 Anisotropy of the Taylor scale and the correlation scale in plasma sheet and solar wind magnetic field fluctuationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  114:n/a-n/a. 2009
2009 Temporal Evolution of the Solar Wind Bulk Velocity at Solar Minimum by Correlating the STEREO A and B PLASTIC MeasurementsSolar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics.  256:365-377. 2009
2009 Cluster and Double Star multipoint observations of a plasma bubbleAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  27:725-743. 2009
2009 Cluster view of the plasma sheet boundary layer and bursty bulk flow connectionAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  27:1729-1741. 2009
2009 Field line distribution of density at L=4.8 inferred from observations by CLUSTERAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  27:705-724. 2009
2009 In situ observations from STEREO/PLASTIC: a test for L5 space weather monitorsAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  27:3805-3809. 2009
2009 Occurrence and location of concentrated load and generator regions observed by Cluster in the plasma sheetAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  27:4131-4146. 2009
2009 Outflowing protons and heavy ions as a source for the sub-keV ring currentAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  27:839-849. 2009
2009 Scale size and life time of energy conversion regions observed by Cluster in the plasma sheetAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  27:4147-4155. 2009
2009 Solar wind ion trends and signatures: STEREO PLASTIC observations approaching solar minimumAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  27:3909-3922. 2009
2008 Oscillation of electron counts at 500 eV downstream of the quasi-perpendicular bow shockJournal of Geophysical Research.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Magnetotail dipolarization and associated current systems observed by Cluster and Double StarJournal of Geophysical Research.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Imaging cold ions in the plasma sheet from the Equator-S satelliteGeophysical Research Letters.  35. 2008
2008 Occurrence of reconnection jets at the dayside magnetopause: Double Star observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Near-Earth substorm features from multiple satellite observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 The Plasma and Suprathermal Ion Composition (PLASTIC) investigation on the STEREO observatoriesSpace Science Reviews.  136:437-486. 2008
2008 Two-stage oscillatory response of the magnetopause to a tangential discontinuity/vortex sheet followed by northward IMF: Cluster observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 An assessment of the role of the centrifugal acceleration mechanism in high altitude polar cap oxygen ion outflowAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  26:145-157. 2008
2008 Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during periods of extended high auroral activity: a case studyAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  26:583-591. 2008
2008 Transients in oxygen outflow above the polar cap as observed by the Cluster spacecraftAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  26:3365-3373. 2008
2007 Equator-S observations of drift mirror mode waves in the dawnside magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  112:n/a-n/a. 2007
2007 Plasma sheet fine structure at high latitudeGeophysical Research Letters.  34. 2007
2007 Cluster and DMSP observations of SAID electric fieldsJournal of Geophysical Research.  112:n/a-n/a. 2007
2007 Internal structure of a magnetic flux rope from Cluster observationsGeophysical Research Letters.  34. 2007
2007 Prelude to THEMIS tail conjunction studyAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  25:1001-1009. 2007
2006 Ion composition and pressure changes in storm time and nonstorm substorms in the vicinity of the near-Earth neutral lineJournal of Geophysical Research.  111. 2006
2006 Non-self-similar scaling of plasma sheet and solar wind probability distribution functions of magnetic field fluctuationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  111. 2006
2006 Kinetic signatures during a quasi-continuous lobe reconnection event: Cluster Ion Spectrometer (CIS) observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  111. 2006
2006 Bifurcated current sheets: Statistics from Cluster magnetometer measurementsJournal of Geophysical Research.  111. 2006
2006 Characteristics of high altitude oxygen ion energization and outflow as observed by Cluster: a statistical studyAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  24:1099-1112. 2006
2006 Cluster observation of plasma flow reversal in the magnetotail during a substormAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  24:2005-2013. 2006
2006 Cluster observations of reconnection due to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the dawnside magnetospheric flankAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  24:2619-2643. 2006
2006 Dynamics and characteristics of electric-field structures in the auroral return current region observed by ClusterPhysica Scripta: an international journal for experimental and theoretical physics.  T122:34-43. 2006
2006 Energy-dispersed ions in the plasma sheet boundary layer and associated phenomena: Ion heating, electron acceleration, Alfven waves, broadband waves, perpendicular electric field spikes, and auroral emissionsAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  24:2685-2707. 2006
2006 Experimental investigation of auroral generator regions with conjugate Cluster and FAST dataAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  24:619-635. 2006
2006 Observation of energy-dependent ionic charge states in impulsive solar energetic particle eventsAdvances in Space Research.  38:493-497. 2006
2006 Observations of concentrated generator regions in the nightside magnetosphere by Cluster/FAST conjunctionsAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  24:637-649. 2006
2006 The changing topology of the duskside magnetopause boundary layer in relation to IMF orientationAdvances in Space Research.  37:497-500. 2006
2006 The outer radiation belt injection, transport, acceleration and loss satellite (ORBITALS): A canadian small satellite mission for ILWSAdvances in Space Research.  38:1838-1860. 2006
2005 Contribution of nonadiabatic ions to the cross-tail current in an O+ dominated thin current sheetJournal of Geophysical Research.  110. 2005
2005 Dynamic Harris current sheet thickness from Cluster current density and plasma measurementsJournal of Geophysical Research.  110. 2005
2005 Cluster observations of currents in the plasma sheet during reconnectionGeophysical Research Letters.  32. 2005
2005 Plasma sheet turbulence observed by cluster IIJournal of Geophysical Research.  110. 2005
2005 Cluster and double star observations of dipolarizationAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  23:2915-2920. 2005
2005 Cluster observations of bounday layer structure and a flux transfer event near the cuspAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  23:2605-2620. 2005
2005 Cluster observes the high-altitude cusp regionSurveys in Geophysics: an international review journal of geophysics and planetary sciences.  26:135-175. 2005
2005 Multi-point observation of the high-speed flows in the plasma sheetAdvances in Space Research.  36:1444-1447. 2005
2005 Statistics of high-altitude and high-latitude O+ ion outflows observed by Cluster/CISAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  23:1909-1916. 2005
2005 Survey of energetic O+ ions near the dayside mid-latitude magnetopause with ClusterAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  23:1281-1294. 2005
2005 The HIA instrument on board the Tan Ce 1 Double Star near-equatorial spacecraft and its first resultsAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  23:2757-2774. 2005
2004 Correlation between suprathermal electron bursts, broadband extremely low frequency waves, and local ion heating in the midaltitude cleft/low-latitude boundary layer observed by ClusterJournal of Geophysical Research.  109. 2004
2004 Cluster observations of velocity space-restricted ion distributions near the plasma sheetGeophysical Research Letters.  31. 2004
2004 Ion injections at auroral latitude during the March 31, 2001 magnetic storm observed by ClusterGeophysical Research Letters.  31. 2004
2004 Multi-spacecraft observations of diffuse ions upstream of Earth's bow shockGeophysical Research Letters.  31:L20801-L20801. 2004
2004 Energetic magnetospheric oxygen in the magnetosheath and its response to IMF orientation: Cluster observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  109. 2004
2004 Transient ion beamlet injections into spatially separated PSBL flux tubes observed by Cluster-CISGeophysical Research Letters.  31:n/a-n/a. 2004
2004 Spatial scale of high-speed flows in the plasma sheet observed by ClusterGeophysical Research Letters.  31:n/a-n/a. 2004
2004 Flow shear near the boundary of the plasma sheet observed by Cluster and GeotailJournal of Geophysical Research.  109. 2004
2004 First comparisons of local ion measurements in the inner magnetosphere with energetic neutral atom magnetospheric image inversions: Cluster-CIS and IMAGE-HENA observationsJournal of Geophysical Research.  109. 2004
2004 Cluster observations of quasi-periodic impulsive signatures in the dayside northern lobe: High-latitude flux transfer events?Journal of Geophysical Research.  109. 2004
2004 Case studies of the dynamics of ionospheric ions in the Earth's magnetotailJournal of Geophysical Research.  109. 2004
2004 Bow shock specularly reflected ions in the presence of low-frequency electromagnetic waves: a case studyAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  22:2325-2335. 2004
2004 Characteristics of quasi-static potential structures observed in the auroral return current region by ClusterNonlinear Processes in Geophysics.  11:709-720. 2004
2004 Cluster observations of continuous reconnection at the magnetopause under steady interplanetary magnetic field conditionsAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  22:2355-2367. 2004
2004 Investigation of the source region of ionospheric oxygen outflow in the cleft/cusp using multi-spacecraft observations by CIS onboard clusterAdvances in Space Research.  34:2459-2464. 2004
2004 On the altitude dependence of transversely heated O+ distributions in the cusp/cleftAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  22:1787-1798. 2004
2004 On the origin of field-aligned beams at the quasi-perpendicular bow shock: multi-spacecraft observations by ClusterAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  22:2301-2308. 2004
2004 Shell-like configuration in O+ ion velocity distribution at high altitudes in the dayside magnetosphere observed by Cluster/CISAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  22:2473-2483. 2004
2004 The structure of high altitude O+ energization and outflow: a case studyAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  22:2497-2506. 2004
2003 Cusp structures: combining multi-spacecraft observations with ground-based observationsAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  21:2031-2041. 2003
2003 Production of gyrating ions from nonlinear wave-particle interaction upstream from the Earth's bow shock: A case study from Cluster-CISPlanetary and Space Science.  51:785-795. 2003
2003 Observation of energy-time dispersed ion structures in the magnetosheath by CLUSTER: possible signatures of transient acceleration processes at shockAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  21:1483-1495. 2003
2003 Current sheet structure near magnetic X-line observed by ClusterGeophysical Research Letters.  30. 2003
2003 Simultaneous Cluster and IMAGE observations of cusp reconnection and auroral proton spot for northward IMFGeophysical Research Letters.  30:16-11. 2003
2003 Effects of plasma sheet variability on the fast initial ring current decayGeophysical Research Letters.  30. 2003
2003 Radial localization of magnetospheric guided poloidal Pc 4-5 wavesJournal of Geophysical Research.  108. 2003
2003 What high altitude observations tell us about the auroral acceleration: A cluster/DMSP conjunctionGeophysical Research Letters.  30. 2003
2003 Evidence for impulsive solar wind plasma penetration through the dayside magnetopauseAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  21:457-472. 2003
2002 Cluster observations of the exterior cusp and its surrounding boundaries under northward IMFGeophysical Research Letters.  29:56-1-56-4. 2002
2002 Motion of the dipolarization front during a flow burst event observed by ClusterGeophysical Research Letters.  29:3-1-3-4. 2002
2002 Equator-S observations of ion cyclotron waves outside the dawnside magnetopauseJournal of Geophysical Research.  107. 2002
2002 Motion of auroral ion outflow structures observed with CLUSTER and IMAGE FUVJournal of Geophysical Research.  107:smp 17-1-smp 17-11. 2002
2002 Equator-S observations of He+ energization by EMIC waves in the dawnside equatorial magnetosphereGeophysical Research Letters.  29:74-1-74-4. 2002
2002 Charge states of energetic (approximate to 0.5 MeV/n) ions in corotating interaction regions at 1 AU and implications on source populationsGeophysical Research Letters.  29:1-4. 2002
2002 Equator-S observation of reconnection coupled to surface wavesAdvances in Space Research.  29:1129-1134. 2002
2002 Ionic charge state measurements in solar energetic particle eventsAdvances in Space Research.  30:33-43. 2002
2002 Ionic charge states of solar energetic particles from solar flare events during the current rise of solar activity as observed with ACE SEPICAAdvances in Space Research.  29:1501-1512. 2002
2002 Observations of heavy ion charge spectra in CME driven gradual solar energetic particle eventsAdvances in Space Research.  30:111-117. 2002
2001 Correlation studies of compressional Pc5 pulsations in space and Ps6 pulsations on the groundJournal of Geophysical Research.  106:29797-29806. 2001
2001 Effects of inner magnetospheric convection on ring current dynamics: March 10-12, 1998Journal of Geophysical Research.  106:29705-29720. 2001
2001 Equator-S magnetopause crossings at high time resolutionJournal of Geophysical Research.  106:25409-25418. 2001
2001 Compressional Pc5 type pulsations in the morningside plasma sheetAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  19:311-320. 2001
2001 The magnetopause at high time resolution: structure and lower-hybrid wavesGeophysical Research Letters.  28:681-684. 2001
2001 Cluster observations of the high-latitude magnetopause and cusp: initial results from the CIS ion instrumentsAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  19:1545-1566. 2001
2001 Evidence for an extended reconnection line at the dayside magnetopauseEarth, Planets and Space.  53:619-625. 2001
2001 First multispacecraft ion measurements in and near the Earth's magnetosphere with the identical Cluster ion spectrometry (CIS) experimentAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  19:1303-1354. 2001
2001 Intermittent thermal plasma acceleration linked to sporadic motions of the magnetopause, first Cluster resultsAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  19:1523-1532. 2001
2001 Observations of the spatial and temporal structure of field-aligned beam and gyrating ring distributions at the quasi-perpendicular bow shock with Cluster CISAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  19:1411-1420. 2001
2001 The Time-of-flight Energy, Angle, Mass Spectrograph (TEAMS) experiment for FASTSpace Science Reviews.  98:197-219. 2001
2000 Evidence for interplanetary magnetic field B-y controlled large-scale reconnection at the dayside magnetopauseJournal of Geophysical Research.  105:27497-27507. 2000
2000 Testing electric and magnetic field models of the storm-time inner magnetosphereJournal of Geophysical Research.  105:25221-25231. 2000
2000 Compressional Pc5 pulsations as sloshing in the plasma sheetJournal of Geophysical Research.  105:23287-23292. 2000
2000 Extended magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetopause from detection of bi-directional jets.Nature.  404:848-850. 2000
2000 Transverse ion acceleration mechanisms in the aurora at solar minimum: occurrence distributionsJournal of Atmospheric and Solar: Terrestrial Physics.  62:467-475. 2000
1999 High-beta plasma blobs in the morningside plasma sheetAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  17:1592-1601. 1999
1999 Substorm observations in the early morning sector with Equator-S and GeotailAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  17:1602-1610. 1999
1999 Testing electric field models using ring current ion energy spectra from the Equator-S ion composition (ESIC) instrumentAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  17:1611-1621. 1999
1999 Direct comparison of transverse ion acceleration mechanisms in the auroral region at solar minimumJournal of Geophysical Research.  104:22801-22805. 1999
1999 Fast auroral snapshot observations of bouncing ion distributions: Fieldline length measurementsJournal of Geophysical Research.  104:2343-2355. 1999
1999 Energy dependence of the ionic charge state distribution during the November 1997 solar energetic particle eventGeophysical Research Letters.  26:145-148. 1999
1998 Electron modulation and ion cyclotron waves observed by FASTGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2045-2048. 1998
1998 FAST observations of VLF waves in the auroral zone: Evidence of very low plasma densitiesGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2065-2068. 1998
1998 FAST observations of preferentially accelerated He+ in association with auroral electromagnetic ion cyclotron wavesGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2049-2052. 1998
1998 FAST satellite observations of electric field structures in the auroral zoneGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2025-2028. 1998
1998 FAST satellite observations of large-amplitude solitary structuresGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2041-2044. 1998
1998 FAST satellite wave observations in the AKR source regionGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2061-2064. 1998
1998 FAST/TEAMS observations of charge exchange signatures in ions mirroring at low altitudesGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2085-2088. 1998
1998 Initial FAST observations of acceleration processes in the cuspGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2037-2040. 1998
1998 Spatial structure and gradients of ion beams observed by FASTGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2021-2024. 1998
1998 Species dependent energies in upward directed ion beams over auroral arcs as observed with FAST TEAMSGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2029-2032. 1998
1998 The association of electrostatic ion cyclotron waves, ion and electron beams and field-aligned currents: FAST observations of an auroral zone crossing near midnightGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2053-2056. 1998
1998 The auroral current circuit and field-aligned currents observed by FASTGeophysical Research Letters.  25:2033-2036. 1998
1998 MHD model of magnetosheath flow: comparison with AMPTE/IRM observations on 24 October, 1985Annales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  16:518-527. 1998
1998 A comparison of predictions of an MHD model solar wind flow past the magnetopause with AMPTE/IRM observations on 24 October, 1985Advances in Space Research.  22:67-72. 1998
1998 The Solar Energetic Particle Ionic Charge Analyzer (SEPICA) and the data processing unit (S3DPU) for SWICS, SWIMS and SEPICASpace Science Reviews.  86:449-495. 1998
1997 The Cluster ion spectrometry (CIS) experimentSpace Science Reviews.  79:303-350. 1997
1996 Collisional losses of ring current ionsJournal of Geophysical Research.  101:111-126. 1996
1994 THE DECAY OF SUPRATHERMAL ION FLUXES DURING THE SUBSTORM RECOVERY PHASEJournal of Geophysical Research.  99:10941-10954. 1994
1993 ORIGIN, TRANSPORT, AND LOSSES OF ENERGETIC HE+ AND HE++ IONS IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE OF THE EARTH - AMPTE/CCE OBSERVATIONSAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences.  11:354-365. 1993
1992 PRESSURE CHANGES IN THE PLASMA SHEET DURING SUBSTORM INJECTIONSJournal of Geophysical Research.  97:2973-2983. 1992
1982 MAGNETIC PHASES OF AMORPHOUS FEYNI80-YP14B6 ALLOYSJournal of Physics. C. Solid State Physics.  15:L929-L931. 1982


Year Title
2017 Future Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling Study RequirementsGeophysical Monograph Series. 357-378. 2017
2017 The Impact of O+ on Magnetotail DynamicsGeophysical Monograph Series. 79-89. 2017
2005 Multipoint Observations of Ionic Structures in the Plasmasphere by CLUSTER-CIS and Comparisons With IMAGE-EUV Observations and With Model SimulationsGeophysical Monograph Series. 23-53. 2005

Conference Paper

Year Title
2014 A statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster: 1. Wave properties2014 XXXITH URSI GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM (URSI GASS). 2014
2014 Excitation of EMIC waves detected by the Van Allen Probes on 28 April 20132014 XXXITH URSI GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM (URSI GASS). 2014
2010 Cluster Ion Spectrometry (CIS) Data in the Cluster Active Archive (CAA)Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. 51-+. 2010
2010 Cluster Observations of Energy Conversion Regions in the Plasma SheetAstrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. 453-+. 2010
2010 He Pickup Ions in the Inner Heliosphere - Diagnostics of the Local Interstellar Gas and of Interplanetary ConditionsAIP Conference Proceedings. 37-+. 2010
2010 On The Propagation And Modulation Of Electrostatic Solitary Waves Observed Near The Magnetopause On ClusterAIP Conference Proceedings. 115-+. 2010
2010 Proton Enhancement and Decreased O6+/H at the Heliospheric Current Sheet: Implications for the Origin of Slow Solar WindAIP Conference Proceedings. 363-+. 2010
2010 Solar Wind Characteristics during the Current Solar Minimum (2007-2009): STEREO PLASTIC ObservationsSOHO-23: UNDERSTANDING A PECULIAR SOLAR MINIMUM. 275-278. 2010
2009 The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport, Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Proposed Canadian Small Satellite Mission for ILWSAIP Conference Proceedings. 146-+. 2009
2005 Development and calibration of major components for the STEREO/PLASTIC (plasma and suprathermal ion composition) instrumentAdvances in Space Research. 1544-1556. 2005
2005 Ionic charge states of Mg, Si and Fe in Fe-RICH solar energetic particle eventsEuropean Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. 77-80. 2005
2004 Multipoint analysis of the spatio-temporal coherence of dayside O+ outflows with ClusterAnnales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences. 2507-2514. 2004
2001 Implications for source populations of energetic ions in co-rotating interaction regions from ionic charge statesAIP Conference Proceedings. 201-204. 2001
2000 Abundance variations and fractionation effects in a gradual SEP eventAIP Conference Proceedings. 127-130. 2000
2000 CGRO observations of gamma-ray flares associated with ACE particle eventsAIP Conference Proceedings. 185-188. 2000
2000 Comparison of ionic charge states of energetic particles with sonar wind charge states in CME related eventsAIP Conference Proceedings. 135-138. 2000
2000 Energy dependence of ton charge states in CME related solar energetic particle events observed with ACE/SEPICA and SOHO/STOFAIP Conference Proceedings. 143-146. 2000
2000 Ionic charge state measurements in solar energetic particle eventsAIP Conference Proceedings. 63-70. 2000
2000 Simultaneous high Fe charge state measurements by solar energetic particle and solar wind instrumentsAIP Conference Proceedings. 139-142. 2000
2000 Survey of ionic charge states of solar energetic particle events during the first year of ACEAIP Conference Proceedings. 131-134. 2000

Principal Investigator On

  • SWiPS  awarded by National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA) 2024 - 2034
  • Plasma During Geomagnetic Storms  awarded by National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA) 2024 - 2028
  • IMAP Phase C-D  awarded by Princeton University 2021 - 2025
  • IMAP Phase C-D  awarded by Princeton University 2021 - 2025
  • Nagoya University Visiting Sci  awarded by Nagoya University 2017 - 2025
  • Nagoya University Visiting Scientist  awarded by Nagoya University 2017 - 2025
  • Habitable Worlds  awarded by University of Colorado 2020 - 2023
  • Factors that Control the Ion Composition of the Plasma Sheet and Ring Current  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2018 - 2022
  • Ion Composition Control Factor  awarded by National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA) 2018 - 2022
  • Transient Phenomena  awarded by Lockheed Martin 2019 - 2022
  • Do Habitable Worlds Require Magnetic Fields  awarded by University of Colorado 2020 - 2022
  • ARC'S Pre-Contract Costs  awarded by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) 2021 - 2022
  • Near-Earth Plasma Sheet  awarded by National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA) 2017 - 2021
  • Substorm Impacts on Ion Composition in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2017 - 2021
  • Transient Phenomena of the Outer Low-Latitude Magnetosphere from Multipoint Observations  awarded by Lockheed Martin 2019 - 2021
  • MASPEX  awarded by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) 2020 - 2021
  • MAss Spectrometer for Planetary EXploration (MASPEX)  awarded by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) 2020 - 2021
  • Mark Widholm's Participation in Redesign of Dartmouth PIP  awarded by Dartmouth College 2018 - 2021
  • Redesign of Dartmouth PIP  awarded by Dartmouth College 2018 - 2021
  • FAST TEAMS  awarded by National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA) 2019 - 2021
  • Improved Data Products for FAST TEAMS  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2019 - 2021
  • SwRI Engineering Services  awarded by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) 2020
  • GEM: Sawtooth Oscillations  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2016 - 2020
  • GEM: The Role of Heavy Ion Outflow in Driving Sawtooth Oscillations  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2016 - 2020
  • MASPEX  awarded by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) 2019
  • MAss Spectrometer for Planetary EXploration (MASPEX)  awarded by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) 2019
  • Auroral Reconstruction CUBESWARM (ARCS) Mission  awarded by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) 2018 - 2019
  • MEME-X Phase A  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2017 - 2019
  • The Role of Heavy Ion Outflow in Driving Sawtooth Oscillations  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2015 - 2019
  • H+ and O+ Acceleration and Transport to the Ring Current  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2014 - 2018
  • The Effect of Heavy Ions on Magnetopause Reconnection  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2012 - 2016
  • Curved Microchannel Plates for Spaceflight Mass Spectrometers  awarded by Incom Inc 2015
  • The Transport and Loss of the Inner Magnetosphere Ion Populations  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2011 - 2015
  • A Study of Hydrogen versus Oxygen Dominated Reconnection Events in the Magnetotail: Comparing Observations with Kinetic Simulations  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2010 - 2014
  • Ion Mass Spectrum Analyzer for SCOPE  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2011 - 2013
  • Solar Wind Drivers of Plasmasheet Composition  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2007 - 2011
  • The Role of the Plasma Sheet in the Geomagnetic Storms  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2007 - 2011
  • CODIF for Mission of Opportunity Radbelt Experiment  awarded by University of Colorado 2006 - 2009
  • Instabilities and Reconnection Associated with Thin Current Sheets: Implications for CLUSTER Observations  awarded by University of Delaware 2005 - 2009
  • Importance Of Heavy Ions To Plasma Sheet Dynamics  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2003 - 2007
  • Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission Ion Mass Spectrometer  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2003 - 2005
  • Impact of Ionospheric Ions Magnetospheric Dynamics  awarded by National Science Foundation (NSF) 2002 - 2003
  • Study of Equatorial Magnetos with TOF Mass Spectrometer  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 1997 - 1999
  • Transport of Energetic Ions During Geomagnetic Storms  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 1996 - 1999
  • Transport of Energetic Ions During Geomagnetic Storms  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 1995 - 1997
  • On-Line Energetic Ion Composition Data from AMPTE IRM  awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 1995 - 1996
  • Teaching Activities

  • Doctoral Research Taught course
  • Doctoral Research Taught course
  • General Physics I Taught course
  • General Physics I Taught course
  • General Physics I Taught course
  • General Physics I Taught course
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2024
  • Magnetospheres Taught course 2023
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2022
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2022
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2021
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2021
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2020
  • General Physics I Recitation Taught course 2020
  • Magnetospheres Taught course 2020
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2020
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2019
  • General Physics I Taught course 2019
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2019
  • Senior Design Project Taught course 2019
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2018
  • General Physics I Taught course 2018
  • Senior Design Project Taught course 2018
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2018
  • Space Plasma Physics Taught course 2018
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2017
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2017
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2016
  • Magnetospheres Taught course 2016
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2016
  • Modern Astrophysics Taught course 2016
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2015
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2015
  • Magnetospheres Taught course 2014
  • Education And Training

  • B.S. Physics, Harvey Mudd College
  • M.S. Physics, University of Maryland
  • Ph.D. Physics, University of Maryland
  • Full Name

  • Lynn Kistler