
Research Areas research areas

Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2024 On Personality Measures and Their Data: A Classification of Measurement Approaches and Their Recommended Uses.Personality and Social Psychology Review.  28:325-345. 2024
2024 How many emotional intelligence abilities are there? An examination of four measures of emotional intelligencePersonality and Individual Differences.  219:112468-112468. 2024
2024 Lifespace Patterns of College Students High and Low in Personal IntelligenceCollabra: Psychology.  10. 2024
2022 Personal Intelligence Is Evident in the Sophistication of People's Narratives about Personality.Journal of Intelligence.  10:56. 2022
2021 Are People-Centered Intelligences Psychometrically Distinct from Thing-Centered Intelligences? A Meta-Analysis.Journal of Intelligence.  9:48. 2021
2021 'How would you describe Grandpa?' Mothers' personal intelligence predicts personality talk with their childrenSocial Development.  30:850-866. 2021
2020 When people estimate their personal intelligence who is overconfident? Who is accurate?Journal of Personality.  88:1129-1144. 2020
2020 An Integrated Approach to Personality Assessment Based on the Personality Systems FrameworkJournal of Personality Assessment.  102:443-456. 2020
2019 Employees high in personal intelligence differ in workplace perceptions and behavior from their colleaguesJournal of Personality Assessment.  100:539-550. 2019
2019 Advancing the Measurement of Personal Intelligence with the Test of Personal Intelligence, Version 5 (TOPI 5)Journal of Intelligence.  7:4-4. 2019
2018 Employees High in Personal Intelligence Differ From Their Colleagues in Workplace Perceptions and Behavior.Journal of Personality Assessment.  100:539-550. 2018
2017 A closer look at the Test of Personal Intelligence (TOPI)Personality and Individual Differences.  111:301-311. 2017
2017 Personality attributes that predict cadet performance at West PointJournal of Research in Personality.  66:14-26. 2017
2017 Future Research in Personality PsychologyEuropean Journal of Personality.  31:556-558. 2017
2016 Measuring Emotional Intelligence: Responses to Schlegel and to Legree, Mullins and PsotkaEmotion Review.  8:304-304. 2016
2016 The Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence: Principles and UpdatesEmotion Review.  8:290-300. 2016
2015 The personality systems framework: Current theory and developmentJournal of Research in Personality.  56:4-14. 2015
2015 The power of personalityPsychologist.  28:296-299. 2015
2015 Getting the Message: The Adaptive Potential of Interpersonal JudgmentsReview of General Psychology.  19:39-51. 2015
2013 A Personality Framework for the Unification of PsychologyReview of General Psychology.  17:196-202. 2013
2012 The Validity of the MSCEIT: Additional Analyses and EvidenceEmotion Review.  4:403-408. 2012
2012 The growing significance of hot intelligences.American Psychologist.  67:502-503. 2012
2012 Measuring Emotional Intelligence in Early Adolescence With the MSCEIT-YV: Psychometric Properties and Relationship With Academic Performance and Psychosocial FunctioningJournal of Psychoeducational Assessment.  30:344-366. 2012
2012 Does personal intelligence exist? Evidence from a new ability-based measure.Journal of Personality Assessment.  94:124-140. 2012
2012 Saddam Hussein is “dangerous to the extreme”: The ethics of professional commentary on public figures.Psychology of Popular Media Culture.  1:3-22. 2012
2011 Exploring the Universality of Personality Judgments: Evidence From the Great Transformation (1000 BCE-200 BCE)Review of General Psychology.  15:65-76. 2011
2011 A Really Big Picture of PersonalitySocial and Personality Psychology Compass.  5:104-117. 2011
2011 A Three-Dimensional View of PersonalityPsychological Inquiry: an international journal of peer commentary and review.  22:36-39. 2011
2011 Learning about a person: A functional viewms. in preparation2011
2010 Personal intelligence expressed: A multiple case study of business leadersImagination, Cognition and Personality.  30:201-224. 2010
2009 Resonance to archetypes in media: There's some accounting for tasteJournal of Research in Personality.  43:307-322. 2009
2009 Personality, personal expression, and the situationJournal of Research in Personality.  43:257-257. 2009
2009 Personal Intelligence Expressed: A Theoretical AnalysisReview of General Psychology.  13:46-58. 2009
2009 Mapping Dimensions of Creativity in the Life-SpaceCreativity Research Journal.  21:152-165. 2009
2008 Emotional intelligence: new ability or eclectic traits?American Psychologist.  63:503-517. 2008
2008 Confirmatory factor analysis of the Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test V 2.0 (MSCEIT)Personality and Individual Differences.  44:1258-1269. 2008
2008 Personal IntelligenceImagination, Cognition and Personality.  27:209-232. 2008
2008 Human Abilities: Emotional IntelligenceAnnual Review of Psychology.  59. 2008
2008 Human abilities: emotional intelligence.Annual Review of Psychology.  59:507-36. 2008
2008 Human abilities: emotional intelligence.Annual Review of Psychology.  59:507-536. 2008
2007 The Big Questions of Personality Psychology: Defining Common Pursuits of the DisciplineImagination, Cognition and Personality.  27:3-26. 2007
2007 Seventy-five years of motivation measures (1930-2005): A descriptive analysisMotivation and Emotion.  31:83-103. 2007
2007 Emotional intelligence and emotional creativity.Journal of Personality.  75:199-235. 2007
2007 Asserting the definition of personalityP: The Online Newsletter for Personality Science.  1. 2007
2006 Exploring the validity of the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) with established emotions measures.Emotion.  6:663-669. 2006
2006 The Life Space: A Framework and Method to Describe the Individual's External TraitsImagination, Cognition and Personality.  26:3-41. 2006
2006 New vision of personality... and of personality theoryAmerican Psychologist.  61:331-332. 2006
2005 A discrepancy in analyses of the MSCEIT - Resolving the mystery and understanding its implications: A reply to Gignac (2005)Emotion.  5:236-237. 2005
2005 A tale of two visions: can a new view of personality help integrate psychology?American Psychologist.  60:294-307. 2005
2004 How does psychotherapy influence personality? A theoretical integration.Journal of Clinical Psychology.  60:1291-1315. 2004
2004 A classification system for the data of personality psychology and adjoining fieldsReview of General Psychology.  8:208-219. 2004
2004 Advances in personality scienceContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books.  49:202-204. 2004
2004 Emotional intelligence and its relation to everyday behaviourPersonality and Individual Differences.  36:1387-1402. 2004
2004 A further consideration of teh issues of emotional intelligencePsychological Inquiry: an international journal of peer commentary and review.  15:249-255. 2004
2004 Emotional intelligence: Theory, findings, and implicationsPsychological Inquiry: an international journal of peer commentary and review.  15:197-215. 2004
2004 Leading by feel.Harvard Business Review.  82:27-112. 2004
2003 Structural divisions of personality and the classification of traitsReview of General Psychology.  7:381-401. 2003
2003 Convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity of competing measures of emotional intelligence.Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.  29:1147-1158. 2003
2003 The distinctiveness and utility of a measure of trait emotional awarenessPersonality and Individual Differences.  34:1477-1490. 2003
2003 Exploring Personality the Natural Way: An Inquiry into Open-Ended Self-DescriptionsImagination, Cognition and Personality.  22:211-238. 2003
2003 Measuring emotional intelligence with the MSCEIT V2.0.Emotion.  3:97-105. 2003
2002 Relation of an ability measure of emotional intelligence to personality.Journal of Personality Assessment.  79:306-320. 2002
2002 Emotion in the assessment of personalityPsychological Inquiry: an international journal of peer commentary and review.  13:77-80. 2002
2001 Primary divisions of personality and their scientific contributions: From the trilogy-of-mind to the systems setJournal for the Theory of Social Behaviour.  31:449-+. 2001
2001 Emotional intelligence as a standard intelligence.Emotion.  1:232-242. 2001
2000 Emotional intelligence - What the research saysEducational Leadership.  58:14-18. 2000
2000 Educational policy on emotional intelligence: Does it make sense?Educational Psychology Review.  12:163-183. 2000
2000 Understanding personality organization helps clarify mood regulationPsychological Inquiry: an international journal of peer commentary and review.  11:196-199. 2000
1999 Constructive thinking: The key to emotional intelligenceContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books.  44:467-470. 1999
1999 Emotional intelligence meets traditional standards for an intelligenceIntelligence.  27:267-298. 1999
1998 Describing the person's external environment: Conceptualizing and measuring the life spaceJournal of Research in Personality.  32:253-296. 1998
1998 Development and validation of a measure of emotional intelligencePersonality and Individual Differences.  25:167-177. 1998
1998 A systems framework for the field of personalityPsychological Inquiry: an international journal of peer commentary and review.  9:118-144. 1998
1998 Personality System Concepts and Their ImplicationsPsychological Inquiry: an international journal of peer commentary and review.  9:145-145. 1998
1998 Socialization, society's "emotional contract," and emotional intelligencePsychological Inquiry: an international journal of peer commentary and review.  9:300-303. 1998
1998 The systems framework: Reception, improvement, and implementationPsychological Inquiry: an international journal of peer commentary and review.  9:169-179. 1998
1997 Eminence rankings of personality psychologists as a reflection of the fieldPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin.  23:707-716. 1997
1996 Emotional intelligence and the identification of emotionIntelligence.  22:89-113. 1996
1996 How do we know a person in contemporary frameworks for personality?Psychological Inquiry: an international journal of peer commentary and review.  7:350-353. 1996
1995 The system-topics framework and the structural arrangement of systems within and around personality.Journal of Personality.  63:459-493. 1995
1995 MOOD-CONGRUENT MEMORY AND NATURAL MOOD - NEW EVIDENCEPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin.  21:736-746. 1995
1995 MOOD-CONGRUENT JUDGMENT OVER TIMEPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin.  21:237-244. 1995
1995 A framework for the classification of personality componentsJournal of Personality.  63:819-878. 1995
1994 AN EMERGING UNDERSTANDING OF THE REFLECTIVE (META-)EXPERIENCE OF MOODJournal of Research in Personality.  28:351-373. 1994
1994 Emotion over time within a religious culture: a lexical analysis of the Old Testament.Journal of Psychohistory.  22:235-248. 1994
1993 A System-Topics Framework for the Study of PersonalityImagination, Cognition and Personality.  13:99-123. 1993
1993 EMOTION - CLARK,MSContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books.  38:479-481. 1993
1993 THE INTELLIGENCE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEIntelligence.  17:433-442. 1993
1992 Assessment of basic cognitive abilities in relation to cognitive deficits.American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.  97:251-286. 1992
1992 MOOD-CONGRUENT JUDGMENT IS A GENERAL EFFECTJournal of Personality and Social Psychology.  63:119-132. 1992
1992 Mood-congruent judgment is a general effectJournal of Personality and Social Psychology.  63:119-132. 1992
1991 A broader conception of mood experience.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.  60:100-111. 1991
1990 TOWARD BETTER SPECIFICATION OF THE MOOD-CONGRUENCY EFFECT IN RECALLJournal of Experimental Social Psychology.  26:465-480. 1990
1990 Emotional intelligenceImagination, Cognition and Personality.  9:185-211. 1990
1990 Perceiving affective content in ambiguous visual stimuli: a component of emotional intelligence.Journal of Personality Assessment.  54:772-781. 1990
1989 IN SEARCH OF MOOD-DEPENDENT RETRIEVALJournal of social behavior and personality.  4:121-156. 1989
1988 Cognitive domains of the mood system.Journal of Personality.  56:453-486. 1988
1988 The experience and meta-experience of mood.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.  55:102-111. 1988
1986 Learning and memory for personality prototypes.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.  51:473-492. 1986
1985 Mood-dependent retrieval: commentary on Wetzler.Psychological Reports.  57:1000-1002. 1985
1985 Naturally occurring mood and learning: comment on Hasher, Rose, Zacks, Sanft, and Doren.Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.  114:396-409. 1985
1985 Assessing mood with affect-sensitive tasks.Journal of Personality Assessment.  49:95-99. 1985
1985 COGNITIVE INVOLVEMENT IN THE MOOD RESPONSE SYSTEMMotivation and Emotion.  9:261-275. 1985
1985 FAILURE TO REPLICATE MOOD-DEPENDENT RETRIEVALBulletin of the Psychonomic Society.  23:39-42. 1985
1985 NATURALLY-OCCURRING MOOD AND LEARNING - COMMENTJournal of Experimental Psychology: General.  114:396-403. 1985
1982 Self-concept and the spinal-cord-injured: an investigation using the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.  50:604-605. 1982
Measuring emotional intelligence with the MSCEIT V2.0.Emotion (Washington, D.C.).  3:97-105.
The ethics of blogging about public personalities: IntroductionPsychology Today.  Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-personality-analyst/201101/the-ethics-blogging-about-public-personalities-introduction.
What mental health professionals might add to the discussion of a public figure’s personalityPsychology Today.  Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-personality-analyst/201102/what-mental-health-professionals-might-add-the-discussion-public.


Year Title
2018 Personality: A systems approach 2018
2016 The Elements of Mental Tests, Second Edition 2016
2014 Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test: Youth Research Version, MSCEIT: YRV 2014
2014 No title 2014
2014 Personal intelligence: The power of personality and how it shapes our lives 2014
2014 Personality: A systems approach (Edition 1.5) 2014
2007 Personality: A systems approach 2007
2002 Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) Item Booklet. 2002
2002 Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) Users Manual. 2002
1997 Emotional intelligence test 1997


Year Title
2019 The measure of emotional intelligence.  000-000. 2019
2018 Intelligences about Things and Intelligences about People.  270-286. 2018
2018 Intelligences about things; Intelligences about people.  0-0. 2018
2000 Models of Emotional Intelligence.  396-420. 2000
1998 Intelligence as a subsystem of personality: From Spearman’s g to contemporary models of hot processing.  43-75. 1998
1997 What is emotional intelligence?.  3-34. 1997
1986 How mood influences cognition.  290-314. 1986

Conference Paper

Year Title
2015 Psychological predictors of cadet performance at West Point (Originally titled: "Learning about personal intelligence from the Test of Personal Intelligence")Association for Research in Personality, June, 2015. 2015
2002 Emotional intelligence and emotional leadershipMULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND LEADERSHIP. 55-74. 2002

Teaching Activities

  • Doctoral Research Taught course
  • Personality Taught course
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course
  • Applications of Psychology Taught course 2023
  • AppsOfPsyc/Academic Experience Taught course 2023
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2023
  • Personality Taught course 2023
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2023
  • Applications of Psychology Taught course 2022
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2022
  • Personality Taught course 2022
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2022
  • AppsOfPsyc/Academic Experience Taught course 2022
  • Honors Senior Thesis Taught course 2022
  • Personality Taught course 2022
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2022
  • Appl Psyc/Academic Experience Taught course 2021
  • Honors Senior Thesis Taught course 2021
  • Personality Taught course 2021
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2021
  • Adv Sem/Social Psychology Taught course 2021
  • AppsOfPsyc/Academic Experience Taught course 2021
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2021
  • Personality Taught course 2020
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2020
  • AppsOfPsyc/Academic Experience Taught course 2020
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2020
  • Personality Taught course 2020
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2020
  • Appl Psyc/Academic Experience Taught course 2019
  • Personality Taught course 2019
  • Senior Honors Tutorial Taught course 2019
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2019
  • Personality Taught course 2019
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2019
  • Advanced Research Taught course 2018
  • Personality Taught course 2018
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2018
  • Advanced Research Taught course 2018
  • Personality Taught course 2018
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2018
  • Advanced Research Taught course 2017
  • Apps of Psych/Rsrch Experience Taught course 2017
  • Personality Taught course 2017
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2017
  • Adv Sem/Social Psychology Taught course 2016
  • Appl Psyc/Research Experience Taught course 2016
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2016
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2016
  • Apps of Psych/Rsrch Experience Taught course 2016
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2016
  • Personality Taught course 2016
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2016
  • Appl Psyc/Research Experience Taught course 2015
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2015
  • Personality Taught course 2015
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2015
  • Apps of Psych/Rsrch Experience Taught course 2015
  • Personality Taught course 2015
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2015
  • Appl Psyc/Research Experience Taught course 2014
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2014
  • Personality Taught course 2014
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2014
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2014
  • Personality Taught course 2014
  • Tests and Measurement Taught course 2014
  • Education And Training

  • B.A. English, University of Michigan
  • B.A. English Composition, University of Michigan
  • M.A. Psychology, Case Western Reserve University
  • Ph.D. Psychology, Case Western Reserve University
  • Full Name

  • John D. Mayer