Comments on an article by Kennon M. Sheldon, Cecilia Cheng and Jonathan Hilpert (see record 2011-05051-001). Sheldon, Cheng, and Hilpert’s work centrally concerns the use of multilevel modeling to test their single-dimensional model. Because we have argued here for the advantages of a three-dimensional approach to depict personality, it may be worth noting that it is possible to model multiple levels across time and situations where time, situations, or some combination of situations-in-time are nested within the person. Sheldon et al. confirm their hypotheses that several personality variables, from traits to the self-concept, all add unique variance in the prediction of subjective well-being (their Hypotheses 1 and 2). In short, the authors’ empirical work demonstrates how measuring diverse areas of personality can lead to enhanced predictions of life outcomes relative to measuring a single part of personality. Combined, the Multilevel Personality in Context (MPIC) model and data make Sheldon and colleagues’ research a valuable addition to the personality literature. Their application of multilevel modeling to a carefully explained depiction of personality makes possible clearer communication about optimal personality functioning while connecting such psychological studies to biopsychological perspectives on the brain and sociological perspectives on culture. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)