
Research Areas research areas


  • I always worked in the area of numerical modeling, first investigating quantum effects in semiconductors, then simulating nonlinear self-organization phenomena in solid-state materials, and finally in signal and image processing. My current interests are the 3D reconstruction of underwater scenes, taking into account refractive effects, and benthic habitat classification based on conventional and multispectral imagery.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2024 Accurate Determination of Camera Quantum Efficiency from a Single Image.J Imaging.  10:169. 2024
    2021 Classifying 3-D Models of Coral Reefs Using Structure-From-Motion and Multi-View Semantic SegmentationFrontiers in Marine Science.  8. 2021
    2020 Measurements of juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) size using an unmanned aerial systemJOURNAL OF UNMANNED VEHICLE SYSTEMS.  8:140-160. 2020
    2020 Reducing Annotation Times: Semantic Segmentation of Coral Reef Survey ImagesOceans Conference Record (IEEE).  1-9. 2020
    2019 Temperature, phenology, and turf macroalgae drive seascape change: Connections to mid-trophic level speciesEcosphere.  10. 2019
    2019 Multi-Frequency, Multi-Sonar Mapping of Shallow HabitatsEfficacy and Management Implications in the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, GreeceRemote Sensing.  11:461-461. 2019
    2018 Bottom characterization by using airborne lidar bathymetry (ALB) waveform features obtained from bottom return residual analysisRemote Sensing of Environment: an interdisciplinary journal.  206:260-274. 2018
    2017 Position, Orientation and Velocity Detection of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) Using an Optical Detector Array.Diversity.  17:E1741. 2017
    2016 Optical Detector Array Design for Navigational Feedback Between Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs)IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.  41:18-26. 2016
    2015 Comparison of manual and semi-automatic underwater imagery analyses for monitoring of benthic hard-bottom organisms at offshore renewable energy installationsHydrobiologia: the international journal on limnology and marine sciences.  756:139-153. 2015
    2015 Modeling Uncertainty in Photogrammetry-Derived National ShorelineMarine Geodesy.  38:128-145. 2015
    2014 Application of landscape mosaics for the assessment of subtidal macroalgae communities using the CFR indexDeep-Sea Research Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography.  106:207-215. 2014
    2014 Acoustic estimates of methane gas flux from the seabed in a 6000 km(2) region in the Northern Gulf of MexicoG3: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems: an electronic journal of the earth sciences.  15:1911-1925. 2014
    2013 Photo-mosaicing of images of pipe inner surfaceSignal, Image and Video Processing.  7:865-871. 2013
    2012 Construction of seafloor thematic maps from multibeam acoustic backscatter angular response dataComputers and Geosciences.  41:181-187. 2012
    2012 Pushbroom-Frame Imagery Co-RegistrationMarine Geodesy.  35:141-157. 2012
    2011 Assimilation of airborne imagery with a wave model for bathymetric estimationJournal of Coastal Research: an international forum for the littoral sciences.  40-49. 2011
    2011 LIDAR-derived national shoreline: Empirical and stochastic uncertainty analysesJournal of Coastal Research: an international forum for the littoral sciences.  62-74. 2011
    2011 LIDAR-Derived National Shoreline: Empirical and Stochastic Uncertainty AnalysesJournal of Coastal Research: an international forum for the littoral sciences.  62:62-74. 2011
    2009 Software Tools for Extraction Of Video Frames for Use in MosaickingSea Technology.  50:31-+. 2009
    2009 Angular range analysis of acoustic themes from Stanton Banks Ireland: A link between visual interpretation and multibeam echosounder angular signaturesApplied Acoustics.  70:1298-1304. 2009
    2007 Mosaics of benthic habitats using laser line scan technologyGeological Association of Canada - Special Paper.  61-69. 2007
    2007 Drowned shelf-edge deltas, barrier islands and related features along the outer continental shelf north of the head of De Soto Canyon, NE Gulf of MexicoGeomorphology.  89:370-390. 2007
    2003 Automated segmentation of seafloor bathymetry from multibeam echosounder data using local Fourier histogram texture featuresJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.  285:355-370. 2003
    1993 Spatiotemporal oscillations in a semiconductor étalon.Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics.  47:1480-1491. 1993


    Year Title
    2014 Assessing the Impact of Windfarms in Subtidal, Exposed Marine Areas.  39-48. 2014

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    2019 On the (im)possibility of color reconstruction in underwater imagesOceans Conference Record (IEEE). 2019
    2018 Quantitative assessment of camera calibration for 3D reconstruction of underwater scenes in the presence of refractionOCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE CHARLESTON. 2018
    2017 Uncertainty in 3D Reconstruction of Underwater Objects due to RefractionOceans Conference Record (IEEE). 2017
    2016 Airborne Lidar Bathymetry (ALB) waveform analysis for bottom return characteristicsProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 98270H-98270H. 2016
    2015 Binary Adaptive Semi-Global Matching based on Image EdgesProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 96311D-96311D. 2015
    2015 Probabilistic reconstruction of color for species' classification underwaterOCEANS 2015 - GENOVA. 1-5. 2015
    2014 An Image Processing Approach for Determining the Relative Pose of Unmanned Underwater VehiclesOceans Conference Record (IEEE). 1-4. 2014
    2014 Dense Reconstruction of Underwater Scenes from Monocular Sequences of ImagesOceans Conference Record (IEEE). 1-5. 2014
    2014 Pose Detection and Control of Multiple Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) Using Optical FeedbackOceans Conference Record (IEEE). 1-6. 2014
    2013 Acoustic and optical observations of methane gas seeps in the Gulf of MexicoProceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 075046-075046. 2013
    2012 On importance of acoustic backscatter corrections for texture-based seafloor characterization11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics 2012, ECUA 2012. 1362-1369. 2012
    2012 Measurement of Micro-bathymetry with a GOPRO Underwater Stereo Camera Pair2012 OCEANS. 1-6. 2012
    2010 New approaches for evaluating lidar-derived shorelineOptics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010
    2007 Enhancement of underwater videomosaics for post-processingOceans Conference Record (IEEE). 1073-1078. 2007
    2006 Deep-sea geo-referenced video mosaicsOCEANS 2006. 1-6. 2006
    2006 Geo-referencing video mosaicsProceedings of the 6th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, VIIP 2006. 571-578. 2006
    2006 Multi-resolution quality improvement for patch-based texture synthesis in wavelet domainPROCEEDINGS OF THE EIGHTH IASTED INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING. 266-+. 2006
    2006 Optimal image blending for underwater mosaicsOceans Conference Record (IEEE). 1810-+. 2006
    2005 Ground-truthing benthic habitat characteristics using video mosaic imagesBENTHIC HABITATS AND THE EFFECTS OF FISHING. 171-177. 2005
    2005 UVSD: Software for detection of color underwater featuresOceans Conference Record (IEEE). 2189-2192. 2005
    2004 Deep-sea image processingOCEANS '04 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN '04, VOLS 1- 2, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, VOLS. 1-4. 647-652. 2004
    2003 Seafloor segmentation based on bathymetric measurements from multibeam echosounder dataSEVENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SIGNAL PROCESSING AND ITS APPLICATIONS, VOL 1, PROCEEDINGS. 529-532. 2003
    2002 Seafloor video mapping: Modeling, algorithms, apparatusProceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP. 868-871. 2002
    2002 Sensor-assisted video mapping of the seafloorOceans Conference Record (IEEE). 1562-1568. 2002
    2001 Improvement of image alignment using camera attitude informationISSPA 2001: SIXTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SIGNAL PROCESSING AND ITS APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS. 639-642. 2001
    2001 Sensor-assisted video mosaicing for seafloor mapping2001 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL II, PROCEEDINGS. 411-414. 2001
    2000 The analysis of multiple linear chirp singnalsIEE Colloquium (Digest). 49-55. 2000
    2000 Underwater video mosaicing for seabed mappingProceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP. 224-227. 2000
    1999 Imaging the topology of the seabedIEE Conference Publication. 426-428. 1999
    1997 Generation of a time correlated 2D random process for ocean wave motionIEE Conference Publication. 623-626. 1997
    1997 Simulating Infra-red land clutter: an image processing data sourceIEE Conference Publication. 862-866. 1997
    1995 Teaching time and frequency domain conceptsIEE Colloquium (Digest). 8/1-8/3. 1995
    1995 Visualising chaos - understanding electrical signal conceptsAP-S International Symposium (Digest) (IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society). 472-475. 1995


    Year Title
    Optical Based Pose Detection for Multiple Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

    Education And Training

  • M.S. Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk State University
  • Ph.D. Semiconductor Physics, Academy of Science of Russia
  • Full Name

  • Yuri Rzhanov
  • Mailing Address

  • University of New Hampshire

    Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping

    24 Colovos Rd

    Durham, New Hampshire  03824

    United States