Research Area Of

  • Burdick, David, RESEARCH ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Marine Sciences & Ocean Engineering, Institute of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS)
  • Craig, Elizabeth, Research Scientist and Academic Program Coordinator, Shoals, Marine Sciences & Ocean Engineering, Institute of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS)
  • Curren, Leslie, SENIOR LECTURER, Biological Sciences, Lecturers (COLSA)
  • Dijkstra, Jennifer, RESEARCH ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping, Institute of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS)
  • Ernakovich, Jessica, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Natural Resources & The Environment, Tenure Faculty (COLSA)
  • Furey, Nathaniel, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, Tenure Faculty (COLSA)
  • Jarema, Patricia, SENIOR LECTURER, Biological Sciences, Lecturers (COLSA)
  • Ramadanovic, Petar, PROFESSOR, English, Tenure Faculty (COLA)
  • Routhier, Michael, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER, Earth Systems Research Center, Institute of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS)
  • Rowe, Rebecca, Professor, Natural Resources & The Environment, Tenure Faculty (COLSA)
  • Sanchez, Karina, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Natural Resources & The Environment, Natural Resources & The Environment
  • Siren, Alexej, Postdoctoral Research Assoc, Earth Systems Research Center, Institute of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS)
  • Smith, Richard, Professor, Natural Resources & The Environment, Tenure Faculty (COLSA)
  • Wong, Catherine, Asst Professor, Engineering & Physical Sciences Librarian, UNH Library, Library