Examining the Country-level Digital Ad Spend and Cross-Border E-commerce Relationship under Cultural and Political Globalization

Academic Article


  • Cross-border e-commerce continues to garner much attention within the international marketing literature as the world becomes hyperconnected through digital channels. Although there is an abundance of international marketing research on cross-border e-commerce, there is a lack of information regarding the influences of meta-institutional factors, such as a country’s level of globalization, on the relationship between digital advertising and cross-border e-commerce buyers. The objective of this research is to examine the effects of digital media ad spend at the country level on cross-border e-commerce buyers across countries under differing degrees of formal (i.e., political) and informal (i.e., cultural) institutional globalization.
  • Authors

  • Lee, Hannah
  • Yalcinkaya, Goksel
  • Griffith, David
  • Status

    Has Subject Area

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