
Research Areas research areas

Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2021 The Differential Effects of Parental Style on Parental Legitimacy and Domain Specific Adolescent Rule-Violating BehaviorsJournal of Child and Family Studies.  30:1229-1246. 2021
2020 Adolescents' Future Aspirations and Expectations in the Context of a Shifting Rural Economy.Journal of Youth and Adolescence: a multidisciplinary research publication.  49:534-548. 2020
2020 No Guts, No Glory: The Influence of Risk-taking on Adolescent Popularity (vol 40, pg 1464, 2018)Deviant Behavior: an interdisciplinary journal.  41:136-136. 2020
2019 No Guts, No Glory: The Influence of Risk-taking on Adolescent PopularityDeviant Behavior: an interdisciplinary journal.  40:1464-1479. 2019
2019 Turning the corner on procedural justice theory: exploring reverse causality with an experimental vignette in a longitudinal surveyJournal of Experimental Criminology.  15:661-671. 2019
2019 Perpetration of sibling aggression and sibling relationship quality in emerging adulthoodPersonal Relationships.  26:529-539. 2019
2019 Outdoor activity involvement and postsecondary status among rural adolescents: Results from a longitudinal analysisJournal of Leisure Research.  50:18-27. 2019
2018 Household Chaos, Hostile Parenting, and Adolescents' Well-Being Two Years LaterJournal of Child and Family Studies.  27:3701-3708. 2018
2017 Household chaos, relationships with parents and adolescents' future beliefsJournal of Family Studies.  23:229-242. 2017
2016 Perceived Local Job Prospects and School Connectedness in a Struggling Rural Economy: A Life-Course PerspectivePeabody Journal of Education.  91:224-245. 2016
2016 The relationship between gender and delinquency: Assessing the mediating role of anticipated guiltJournal of Criminal Justice.  44:77-88. 2016
2015 Brief report: Physical health of adolescent perpetrators of sibling aggression.Journal of Adolescence.  45:171-173. 2015
2015 Proactive and reactive sibling aggression and adjustment in adolescence.Journal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence.  30:965-987. 2015
2015 Socioeconomic Strain, Family Ties, and Adolescent Health in a Rural Northeastern CountyRural Sociology: devoted to scientific study of rural and community life.  80:60-85. 2015
2015 Breadth of participation in organized and unstructured leisure activities over time and rural adolescents' functioning.Journal of Youth and Adolescence: a multidisciplinary research publication.  44:62-76. 2015
2015 Race, Coping Style, and Substance Use Disorder Among Non-Hispanic African American and White Young Adults in South Florida.Substance Use and Misuse.  50:1459-1469. 2015
2014 Rationalizing Delinquency: A Longitudinal Test of the Reciprocal Relationship Between Delinquent Attitudes and BehaviorSocial Psychology Quarterly.  77:361-386. 2014
2014 Practical ConsiderationsEmerging Adulthood.  2:173-183. 2014
2014 Feeling guilty to remain innocent: the moderating effect of sex on guilt responses to rule-violating behavior in adolescent legal socializationPsychology, Crime and Law.  20:722-740. 2014
2013 Rural parents' messages to their adolescent sons and daughters to leave their home communities.Journal of Adolescence.  36:963-970. 2013
2013 Sibling Proactive and Reactive Aggression in AdolescenceJournal of Family Violence.  28:299-310. 2013
2012 Legal Attitudes and Legitimacy: Extending the Integrated Legal Socialization ModelVictims and Offenders.  7:385-406. 2012
2012 Don't trust anyone over 30: parental legitimacy as a mediator between parenting style and changes in delinquent behavior over time.Journal of Adolescence.  35:119-132. 2012
2012 Perceived injustice and delinquency: A test of general strain theoryJournal of Criminal Justice.  40:230-237. 2012
2011 Perceived Community Cohesion and the Stress Process in YouthRural Sociology: devoted to scientific study of rural and community life.  76:293-318. 2011
2010 A Life-course Perspective on the "Gateway Hypothesis".Journal of Health and Social Behavior.  51:244-259. 2010
2010 An integrated model of legal and moral reasoning and rule-violating behavior: the role of legal attitudes.Law and Human Behavior.  34:295-309. 2010
2006 The nature of work and the stress of higher status.Journal of Health and Social Behavior.  47:242-257. 2006
2006 Can social psychological delinquency theory explain the link between marijuana and other illicit drug use? Al ongitudinal analysis of the gateway hypothesisJournal of Drug Issues.  36:515-539. 2006
2005 Gender role orientations and alcohol use among Moscow and Toronto adults.Social Science and Medicine.  61:2317-2330. 2005
2005 Can control theory explain the link between parental physical abuse and delinquency? A lonitudinal analysisJournal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.  42:247-274. 2005
2004 Personal resources and depression in the transition to adulthood: ethnic comparisons.Journal of Health and Social Behavior.  45:34-52. 2004
2004 Cumulative exposure to stressful life events and male gang membershipJournal of Criminal Justice.  32:95-111. 2004
2003 Home-to-work conflict, work qualities, and emotional distressSociological Forum: official journal of the Eastern Sociological Society.  18:137-164. 2003
2002 Gender, the assertion of autonomy, and the stress process in young adulthoodSocial Psychology Quarterly.  65:346-363. 2002
2002 The relationship between age and depressive symptoms: a test of competing explanatory and suppression influences.Journal of Aging and Health.  14:260-285. 2002
2002 Gender and intergenerational transmission of alcohol use patterns: an analysis of adult children in Moscow.Substance Use and Misuse.  37:65-87. 2002
2001 Status, role, and resource explanations for age patterns in psychological distress.Journal of Health and Social Behavior.  42:80-96. 2001
2001 Introspectiveness, psychosocial resources, and depressionSocial Behavior and Personality: an international journal.  29:105-111. 2001
2001 Looking inward: introspectiveness, physical disability, and depression across the life course.International Journal of Aging and Human Development.  53:293-310. 2001
2000 The personal and social links between age and self-reported empathySocial Psychology Quarterly.  63:152-174. 2000


Year Title
2017 Marijuana Examining the Facts 2017


Year Title
2016 The rural context of substance misuse in the United States.  253-263. 2016
2016 The rural context of substance misuse in the United States Emerging adult patterns and local perceptions following the Great Recession.  253-263. 2016

Conference Paper

Year Title
2006 Effects of web-based instruction on math anxiety, the sense of mastery, and global self-esteem: A quasi-experimental study of undergraduate statistics studentsTeaching Sociology. 370-388. 2006
2001 Examining the explanatory and suppression influences on age-linked differences in depressive symptomologyGerontologist. 283-283. 2001

Teaching Activities

  • Drugs and Society Taught course
  • Drugs and Society Taught course
  • Senior Honors Thesis Taught course
  • Senior Honors Thesis Taught course
  • Senior Honors Thesis Taught course
  • Senior Honors Thesis Taught course
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2023
  • Sociology of Drug Use Taught course 2023
  • Drugs and Society Taught course 2022
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2022
  • Drugs and Society Taught course 2021
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2021
  • Drugs and Society Taught course 2021
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2021
  • Drugs and Society Taught course 2020
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2020
  • Drugs and Society Taught course 2020
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2020
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2019
  • Spc Top/Reefer Research Taught course 2019
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2019
  • Sociology of Drug Use Taught course 2019
  • Honors/Addiction & Society Taught course 2018
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2018
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2018
  • Drugs and Society Taught course 2018
  • Senior Thesis Taught course 2018
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2017
  • Honors/Addiction & Society Taught course 2017
  • Pro-Seminar Taught course 2017
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2017
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2017
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2016
  • Drugs and Society Taught course 2016
  • Pro-Seminar Taught course 2016
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2016
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2016
  • Drugs and Society Taught course 2016
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2016
  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2015
  • Pro-Seminar Taught course 2015
  • Sociological Analysis Taught course 2015
  • Sociology of Drug Use Taught course 2015
  • Field Stdy/Hungarian Just Syst Taught course 2014
  • Justice Studies Budapest Prog Taught course 2014
  • Spc Stdy/Comp Justice Systems Taught course 2014
  • Education And Training

    Full Name

  • Karen Van Gundy