
Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2021 Van Allen Probes instrument calibration results of the for ECT-HOPE and RBSPICE energetic particle detectors 2021
2021 Mesoscale Structures in Earth's Magnetotail Observed Using Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging.Geophysical Research Letters.  48:e2020GL091467. 2021
2020 Formation of the Low-Energy "Finger" Ion Spectral Structure Near the Inner Edge of the Plasma SheetGeophysical Research Letters.  47. 2020
2020 A Case Study on the Origin of Near-Earth PlasmaJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  125. 2020
2019 Cusp and Nightside Auroral Sources of O+ in the Plasma SheetJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  124:10036-10047. 2019
2019 Efficacy of Electric Field Models in Reproducing Observed Ring Current Ion Spectra During Two Geomagnetic StormsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  124:8974-8991. 2019
2019 The Storm-Time Ring Current Response to ICMEs and CIRs Using Van Allen Probe ObservationsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  124:9017-9039. 2019
2019 Temperature Dependence of Plasmaspheric Ion CompositionJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  124:6585-6595. 2019
2019 The Storm Time Development of Source Electrons and Chorus Wave Activity During CME- and CIR-Driven StormsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  124:6438-6452. 2019
2019 Oscillatory Flows in the Magnetotail Plasma Sheet: Cluster Observations of the Distribution FunctionJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  124:2736-2754. 2019
2018 Electron-scale dynamics of the diffusion region during symmetric magnetic reconnection in space.Science.  362:1391-1395. 2018
2018 The Outer Radiation Belt Response to the Storm Time Development of Seed Electrons and Chorus Wave Activity During CME and CIR Driven StormsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  123:10139-10157. 2018
2017 Contribution of energetic and heavy ions to the plasma pressure: The 27 September to 3 October 2002 stormJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  122:9427-9439. 2017
2017 Temperature of the plasmasphere from Van Allen Probes HOPEJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  122:310-323. 2017
2017 The role of convection in the buildup of the ring current pressure during the 17 March 2013 stormJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  122:475-492. 2017
2016 Partitioning of integrated energy fluxes in four tail reconnection events observed by ClusterJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  121:11798-11825. 2016
2016 The source of O+ in the storm time ring currentJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  121:5333-5349. 2016
2016 The inner magnetosphere ion composition and local time distribution over a solar cycleJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  121:2009-2032. 2016
2015 Dependence of the dayside magnetopause reconnection rate on local conditionsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  120:6386-6408. 2015
2015 The heavy ion diffusion region in magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetotailJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  120:3535-3551. 2015
2015 Acceleration of O+ from the cusp to the plasma sheetJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  120:1022-1034. 2015
2014 Hot magnetospheric O+ and cold ion behavior in magnetopause reconnection: Cluster observationsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  119:9601-9623. 2014
2014 Simulation of Van Allen Probes plasmapause encountersJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  119:7464-7484. 2014
2014 The scale of the magnetotail reconnecting current sheet in the presence of O+Geophysical Research Letters.  41:4819-4827. 2014
2014 Excitation of EMIC waves detected by the Van Allen Probes on 28 April 2013Geophysical Research Letters.  41:4101-4108. 2014
2014 The relationship between sawtooth events and O+ in the plasma sheetJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  119:1572-1586. 2014
2014 Testing linear theory of EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere: Cluster observationsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  119:1004-1027. 2014
2014 Background subtraction for the Cluster/CODIF plasma ion mass spectrometerGeoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems.  3:41-48. 2014
2013 Heavy ion effects on substorm loading and unloading in the Earth's magnetotailJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  118:2101-2112. 2013
2013 In-flight calibration of the Cluster/CODIF sensorGeoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems.  2:225-235. 2013
2012 Solar cycle dependence of the cusp O+ access to the near-Earth magnetotailJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  117:n/a-n/a. 2012
2012 Multi-spacecraft observations of small-scale fluctuations in density and fields in plasmaspheric plumesAnnales Geophysicae.  30:623-637. 2012
2011 Cluster observations of surface waves in the ion jets from magnetotail reconnectionJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  116:n/a-n/a. 2011
2011 A statistical study of EMIC wave-associated He+ energization in the outer magnetosphere: Cluster/CODIF observationsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  116:n/a-n/a. 2011
2011 Flushing effect in reconnection: Effects of minority species of oxygen ionsPlanetary and Space Science.  59:526-536. 2011
2011 "Crater" flux transfer events: Highroad to the X line?Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  116:n/a-n/a. 2011
2011 Interactions of the heliospheric current and plasma sheets with the bow shock: Cluster and Polar observations in the magnetosheathJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  116:n/a-n/a. 2011
2011 Shock-driven variation in ionospheric outflow during the 11 October 2001 moderate stormJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  116:n/a-n/a. 2011
2011 The response of the polar cusp to a high-speed solar wind stream studied by a multispacecraft wavelet analysisJournal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics.  73:52-60. 2011
2010 H+ and O+ content of the plasma sheet at 15-19 Re as a function of geomagnetic and solar activityJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  115:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 Statistical study of O+ transport from the cusp to the lobes with Cluster CODIF dataJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  115:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 South-north asymmetry of field-aligned currents in the magnetotail observed by ClusterJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  115. 2010
2010 A case study of EMIC wave-associated He plus energization in the outer magnetosphere: Cluster and Double Star 1 observationsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  115:n/a-n/a. 2010
2010 Cusp as a source for oxygen in the plasma sheet during geomagnetic stormsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  115:n/a-n/a. 2010
2009 Anisotropy of the Taylor scale and the correlation scale in plasma sheet and solar wind magnetic field fluctuationsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  114:n/a-n/a. 2009
2009 Cluster and Double Star multipoint observations of a plasma bubbleAnnales Geophysicae.  27:725-743. 2009
2009 Field line distribution of density at L=4.8 inferred from observations by CLUSTERAnnales Geophysicae.  27:705-724. 2009
2009 Remote sensing of local structure of the quasi-perpendicular Earth's bow shock by using field-aligned beamsAnnales Geophysicae.  27:913-921. 2009
2008 Oscillation of electron counts at 500 eV downstream of the quasi-perpendicular bow shockJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Magnetotail dipolarization and associated current systems observed by Cluster and Double StarJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Flattened current sheet and its evolution in substormsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Near-Earth substorm features from multiple satellite observationsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 Two-stage oscillatory response of the magnetopause to a tangential discontinuity/vortex sheet followed by northward IMF: Cluster observationsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  113:n/a-n/a. 2008
2008 On the physics of collisionless shocks: Cluster investigations and simulationsJournal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics.  70:316-324. 2008
2008 Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during periods of extended high auroral activity: a case studyAnnales Geophysicae.  26:583-591. 2008
2007 Cluster observations of broadband ULF waves near the dayside polar cap boundary: Two detailed multi-instrument event studiesJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  112:n/a-n/a. 2007
2007 Simultaneous observations of magnetotail reconnection and bright X-ray aurora on 2 October 2002Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  112:n/a-n/a. 2007
2007 Cluster and DMSP observations of SAID electric fieldsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  112:n/a-n/a. 2007
2006 Ion composition and pressure changes in storm time and nonstorm substorms in the vicinity of the near-Earth neutral lineJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  111. 2006
2006 Kinetic simulations of ring current evolution during the Geospace Environment Modeling challenge eventsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  111. 2006
2006 Cluster observation of plasma flow reversal in the magnetotail during a substormAnnales Geophysicae.  24:2005-2013. 2006
2006 Cluster observations of reconnection due to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the dawnside magnetospheric flankAnnales Geophysicae.  24:2619-2643. 2006
2006 The changing topology of the duskside magnetopause boundary layer in relation to IMF orientationAdvances in Space Research.  37:497-500. 2006
2005 Cluster encounter of a magnetic reconnection diffusion region in the near-Earth magnetotail on September 19, 2003Geophysical Research Letters.  32:n/a-n/a. 2005
2005 Bouncing ion clusters in the plasma sheet boundary layer observed by Cluster-CISJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  110. 2005
2005 Cluster observations of an intense normal component of the electric field at a thin reconnecting current sheet in the tail and its role in the shock-like acceleration of the ion fluid into the separatrix regionJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  110. 2005
2005 Contribution of nonadiabatic ions to the cross-tail current in an O+ dominated thin current sheetJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  110. 2005
2005 Reconnection sites of spatial cusp structuresJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  110:A04207-A04207. 2005
2005 Cluster and double star observations of dipolarizationAnnales Geophysicae.  23:2915-2920. 2005
2005 Cluster observations of bounday layer structure and a flux transfer event near the cuspAnnales Geophysicae.  23:2605-2620. 2005
2005 Multi-point observation of the high-speed flows in the plasma sheetAdvances in Space Research.  36:1444-1447. 2005
2004 Walen and slow-mode shock analyses in the near-Earth magnetotail in connection with a substorm onset on 27 August 2001Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  109. 2004
2004 Ion injections at auroral latitude during the March 31, 2001 magnetic storm observed by ClusterGeophysical Research Letters.  31. 2004
2004 Spatial scale of high-speed flows in the plasma sheet observed by ClusterGeophysical Research Letters.  31:n/a-n/a. 2004
2004 Flow shear near the boundary of the plasma sheet observed by Cluster and GeotailJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  109. 2004
2004 First comparisons of local ion measurements in the inner magnetosphere with energetic neutral atom magnetospheric image inversions: Cluster-CIS and IMAGE-HENA observationsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  109. 2004
2004 Case studies of the dynamics of ionospheric ions in the Earth's magnetotailJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  109. 2004
2004 Cluster observations of continuous reconnection at the magnetopause under steady interplanetary magnetic field conditionsAnnales Geophysicae.  22:2355-2367. 2004
2004 Investigation of the source region of ionospheric oxygen outflow in the cleft/cusp using multi-spacecraft observations by CIS onboard clusterAdvances in Space Research.  34:2459-2464. 2004
2004 On the origin of field-aligned beams at the quasi-perpendicular bow shock: multi-spacecraft observations by ClusterAnnales Geophysicae.  22:2301-2308. 2004
2004 Pulsed flows at the high-altitude cusp poleward boundary, and associated ionospheric convection and particle signatures, during a Cluster-FAST-SuperDARN-Sondrestrom conjunction under a southwest IMFAnnales Geophysicae.  22:2891-2905. 2004
2003 Cusp structures: combining multi-spacecraft observations with ground-based observationsAnnales Geophysicae.  21:2031-2041. 2003
2003 Simultaneous Cluster and IMAGE observations of cusp reconnection and auroral proton spot for northward IMFGeophysical Research Letters.  30:16-11. 2003
2003 Effects of plasma sheet variability on the fast initial ring current decayGeophysical Research Letters.  30. 2003
2003 What high altitude observations tell us about the auroral acceleration: A cluster/DMSP conjunctionGeophysical Research Letters.  30. 2003
2002 Motion of the dipolarization front during a flow burst event observed by ClusterGeophysical Research Letters.  29:3-1-3-4. 2002
2002 Motion of auroral ion outflow structures observed with CLUSTER and IMAGE FUVJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  107:smp 17-1-smp 17-11. 2002
2002 Equator-S observations of He+ energization by EMIC waves in the dawnside equatorial magnetosphereGeophysical Research Letters.  29:74-1-74-4. 2002
2001 First multispacecraft ion measurements in and near the Earth's magnetosphere with the identical Cluster ion spectrometry (CIS) experimentAnnales Geophysicae.  19:1303-1354. 2001
2001 Observations of the spatial and temporal structure of field-aligned beam and gyrating ring distributions at the quasi-perpendicular bow shock with Cluster CISAnnales Geophysicae.  19:1411-1420. 2001
2000 The pitch angle distribution transition of energetic particles at substorm onset observed by GEOS-2Geophysical Research Letters.  27:645-648. 2000
1999 Time-dependent modeling of particles and electromagnetic fields during the substorm growth phase: Anisotropy of energetic electronsJournal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics.  104:10205-10220. 1999

Conference Paper

Year Title
2000 "Fine structure" of the storm-substorm relationship: Ion injections during Dst decreaseAdvances in Space Research. 2369-2372. 2000
2000 A multi-spacecraft synthesis of relativistic electrons in the inner magnetosphere using LANL, GOES, GPS, SAMPEX, HEO and polarAdvances in Space Research. 93-98. 2000
1999 A multi-spacecraft synthesis of relativistic electrons in the inner magnetosphere using LANL, GOES, GPS, SAMPEX, HEO and POLARRadiation Measurements. 589-597. 1999

Teaching Activities

  • Doctoral Research Taught course 2022
  • Education And Training

    Full Name

  • Christoforos Mouikis