
Research Areas research areas


  • My research specializations are in epistemology and ethics. In those areas I have published on the foundationalist-coherentist dispute, the work of Wilfrid Sellars, the justification of morality, computer ethics, and pedagogical issues relating to the teaching of ethics. I've written two books: Morality’s Critics and Defenders – A Philosophical Dialogue and, with colleague Bill deVries, Knowledge, Mind and the Given: Reading Wilfrid Sellars's “Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind."

    Outside of my areas of specialization, I have published in ancient philosophy, women's studies, the sociology of knowledge, metaphilosophy, and the philosophy of color perception.

    I participate in the P4C (Philosophy for Children) movement, teaching philosophy in elementary, middle and high schools and working with teachers and education students to incorporate philosophical topics and discussions into their classrooms.

    I am interested, both in terms of research and pedagogy, in furthering the idea of a common, universally shared morality.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2021 The Role of CertaintyActa Analytica.  36:171-190. 2021
    2017 Teaching Common Morality: Using Bernard Gert's Account of the Moral System in the ClassroomTeaching Ethics: The Journal of the Society for Ethics across the Curriculum.  17:227-248. 2017
    2014 SELLARS'S MISCONSTRUAL OF THE DEFENDERS OF THE GIVENHistory of Philosophy Quarterly.  31:79-99. 2014
    2011 Justifying Morality, Part II: Beyond Justification as ClarificationJournal of Value Inquiry.  45:403-417. 2011
    2011 Justifying Morality, Part I: Bernard Gert’s JustificationJournal of Value Inquiry.  45:299-308. 2011
    2007 GERT ON UNRESOLVABLE MORAL DEBATESMetaphilosophy.  38:370-379. 2007
    2007 Tye's Missing Shade of BlueAnalysis.  67:2:166-170. 2007
    2007 Does Observational Knowledge Require Metaknowledge? A Dialogue on SellarsInternational Journal of Philosophical Studies.  15:23-51. 2007
    2006 Shoemaker on Qualia, Phenomenal Properties and Spectrum InversionsPhilosophia.  34:203-208. 2006
    2002 Bernard Gert's 'Morality' and Its Application to Computer EthicsEthics and Information Technology.  4:79-92. 2002
    1999 Rescher's MetaphilosophyMetaphilosophy.  30:209-230. 1999
    1994 Is There Anthropological Evidence that Logic Is Culturally Relative?: Remarks on Bloor, Jennings, and Evans-PritchardThe British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.  45:749-760. 1994
    1990 Recent Work on Foundationalism.American Philosophical Quarterly.  27:93-116. 1990
    1988 Azande Logic Versus Western Logic?The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.  39:361-366. 1988
    1987 Rorty's critique of foundationalismPhilosophical Studies: an international journal for philosophy in the analytic tradition.  52:115-129. 1987
    1986 RELATIVISM AND THE SOCIOLOGY OF MATHEMATICS: REMARKS ON BLOOR, FLEW, AND FREGE.Inquiry: an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy.  29:439-450. 1986
    1986 Barnes on Heraclitus and the Unity of OppositesAncient Philosophy.  6:15-23. 1986
    1980 Chiholm's FoundationalismPhilosophical Studies.  38:141-153. 1980


    Year Title
    2014 Morality's Critics and Defenders: A Philosophical Dialogue 2014
    2000 Knowledge, Mind, and the Given Reading Wilfrid Sellars's "Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind," Including the Complete Text of Sellars's Essay 2000


    Year Title
    2006 Is Sellars's Rylean Hypothesis Plausible? A Dialogue 2006
    1987 Hebrides Women: A Philosopher’s View of Technology and Cultural Change.  145-145. 1987

    Principal Investigator On

  • HYPE Program 2018  awarded by Charles Koch Foundation 2018 - 2020
  • Teaching Activities

  • Ancient Philosophy Taught course
  • Critical Thinking Taught course
  • Intro to Eastern Philosophy Taught course
  • Intro to Eastern Philosophy Taught course
  • Critical Thinking Taught course 2023
  • Ethics Taught course 2023
  • Intro to Eastern Philosophy Taught course 2022
  • Workshop Taught course 2022
  • Intro to Eastern Philosophy Taught course 2021
  • Intro to Eastern Philosophy Taught course 2021
  • Ancient Philosophy Taught course 2020
  • Workshop Taught course 2020
  • Intro to Eastern Philosophy Taught course 2020
  • Top/Metaphysics&Epistemology Taught course 2020
  • Intro to Eastern Philosophy Taught course 2019
  • Professional & Business Ethics Taught course 2019
  • Ethics Taught course 2019
  • Intro to Eastern Philosophy Taught course 2019
  • Honors/Intro to Philosophy Taught course 2018
  • Intro to Eastern Philosophy Taught course 2018
  • Introduction to Philosophy Taught course 2018
  • Who Am I? Concepts of Self Taught course 2018
  • Ethics and Society Taught course 2017
  • Ethics and Society Taught course 2017
  • Ethics and Society Taught course 2016
  • Intro to Eastern Philosophy Taught course 2016
  • Ethics and Society Taught course 2015
  • Ethics and Society Taught course 2015
  • Ethics and Society Taught course 2015
  • Top/Tching Philosophy in K-12 Taught course 2015
  • Concepts of Self Taught course 2014
  • Ethics and Society Taught course 2014
  • Ethics and Society Taught course 2014
  • General Intro to Philosophy Taught course 2014
  • Education And Training

    Full Name

  • Timm Triplett