
Research Areas research areas


  • Rachel Steindel Burdin’s research focuses on variation in intonation, particularly in Jewish languages and contact situations. Her dissertation, “Variation in the form and function of Jewish English intonation,” completed at The Ohio State University in summer 2016 and partially funded by a National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, examined variation in the production, perception and social meaning of Yiddish-influenced intonation. This research, and her work more broadly, makes use of a wide variety of techniques, including participant observation, acoustic analyses, perceptual experiments and media studies in order to get a fuller picture of the range and nature of variation in intonation. Her research also looks at intonational meaning more broadly, including work with her colleague Joseph Tyler on the interpretation of rising and plateau contours in listing contexts, and, with colleagues at Ohio State, on the prosodic marking of focus in different languages, with results published in articles in Language, Cognition and Neuroscience and Lingua. Her other research interests include the use of Yiddish in the construction of Jewish identities and places, particularly in areas with smaller Jewish populations, and Slavic/Yiddish contact.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2023 Second dialect acquisition and phonetic vowel reduction in the American Midwest.J. Phonetics.  99:101243-101243. 2023
    2022 American English pitch accents in variation: Pushing the boundaries of mainstream American English-ToBI conventionsJournal of Phonetics.  94:101163-101163. 2022
    2021 Hebrew, Yiddish and the creation of contesting Jewish places in KazimierzJournal of Sociolinguistics.  25:81-102. 2021
    2020 Prosodic Patterns in English ConversationJournal of English Linguistics.  48:208-212. 2020
    2018 Rises inform, and plateaus remind: Exploring the epistemic meanings of "list intonation" in American EnglishJournal of Pragmatics.  136:97-114. 2018
    2018 Assessing predictability effects in connected read speechLinguistic Vanguard.  4:20170044. 2018
    2017 New Notes on the Rise-Fall ContourJournal of Jewish Languages.  5:145-173. 2017
    2015 Contextual predictability and the prosodic realisation of focus: a cross-linguistic comparisonLanguage, Cognition and Neuroscience.  30:1061-1076. 2015
    2015 Variation in the prosody of focus in head- and head/edge-prominence languagesLingua.  165:254-276. 2015
    Can listeners differentiate varieties using prosodic information? Lect identification in a persona-matching taskVolume 9.  9.

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    2015 Phonetic reduction, vowel duration, and prosodic structure.ICPhS. 2015
    Epistemic and attitudinal meanings of rise and rise-plateau contoursSpeech Prosody 2016.
    L2 production of Estonian quantity degreesSpeech Prosody 2014.
    Rising Above the Standard: Variation in L+H* contour use across 5 varieties of American EnglishSpeech Prosody 2018.

    Other Research Activities

  • Yiddish in Krakow Funded by
  • Teaching Activities

  • Intermediate Linguistic Analys Taught course
  • Senior Honors Taught course
  • Sociolinguistics Survey Taught course
  • Language and Gender Taught course 2022
  • Phonetics and Phonology Taught course 2022
  • Student Research Experience Taught course 2022
  • Linguistic Field Methods Taught course 2022
  • Sociolinguistics Survey Taught course 2022
  • Student Research Experience Taught course 2022
  • Phonetics and Phonology Taught course 2021
  • Linguistic Field Methods Taught course 2021
  • Sociolinguistics Survey Taught course 2021
  • Languages in Contact Taught course 2020
  • Languages in Contact Taught course 2020
  • Phonetics and Phonology Taught course 2020
  • Phonetics and Phonology Taught course 2020
  • Adv Rsrch Exp/English Taught course 2020
  • Linguistic Field Methods Taught course 2020
  • Rsrch Exp/Linguistics Taught course 2020
  • Sociolinguistics Survey Taught course 2020
  • Phonetics and Phonology Taught course 2019
  • Rsrch Exp/English Taught course 2019
  • Special Topics in Linguistics Taught course 2019
  • Phonetics and Phonology Taught course 2018
  • Linguistic Field Methods Taught course 2018
  • Special Topics in Linguistics Taught course 2018
  • Phonetics and Phonology Taught course 2017
  • Sociolinguistics Survey Taught course 2017
  • Introduction to Linguistics Taught course 2017
  • Linguistic Field Methods Taught course 2017
  • Phonetics and Phonology Taught course 2016
  • Sociolinguistics Survey Taught course 2016
  • Education And Training

    Full Name

  • Rachel Burdin