Geometrically complex, high aspect ratio microstructures and limited aspect ratio nanostructures have been successfully fabricated in supercooled Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG) substrates by molding against patterned Silicon and Silicon dioxide substrates. However, demand exists for similar metallic substrates with high aspect ratio, nanoscale features. Van Der Waals based interfacial energies between the supercooled liquid BMG and the Silicon cavity represent a substantial obstacle to the direct scaling of the molding process to the nanoscale. In an effort to investigate these effects, experiments were conducted using molds of various compositions: Silicon, SiO2 and SiO2 coated with Gold. The Gold coating failed to impact molding performance due to the thin layer deposited. However, drastically superior results were obtained by using a Silicon mold because of the variation in interfacial interaction between the BMG and the mold material. In addition, a theoretical model to predict achievable aspect ratio is presented and was found to be in qualitative agreement with experimental results. Finally, a value for the surface tension of Viterloy-1b within it’s supercooled liquid state was deduced from experimental data.