
Research Areas research areas


  • I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at UNH. I study Macroeconomic issues in international trade, mostly related to innovation. I also am also interested in other aspects of macroeconomics, such as the process of transformation in an economy from agriculture and manufacturing into services, or policies that affect the efficient allocation of resources.

    I teach regularly Macroeconomics II in the Economics PhD., and international economics at the undergraduate level.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2024 The redistributive effects of size-dependent childcare policiesJournal of Economic Dynamics and Control.  160:104818-104818. 2024
    2023 The Unequal Impact of COVID-19 Across CountriesJournal of the European Society of Medicine.  11. 2023
    2021 Do non-exporters lose from lower trade costs?Review of International Economics.  29:1161-1185. 2021
    2021 Property rights, expropriations, and business cycles in ChinaJournal of Economic Dynamics and Control.  125:104100-104100. 2021
    2020 The Unequal Effects of COVID-19 Across CountriesSSRN2020
    2020 International Trade and Productivity after ApartheidThe BE Journal of Macroeconomics.  20:20190154. 2020
    2019 MARKUP PREMIA OF EXPORTERS: BECAUSE OF EXPORTING, OR IN SPITE OF IT?Macroeconomic Dynamics.  23:2959-3009. 2019
    2019 Barriers to Firm Growth in Open EconomiesAdvances in Macroeconomics Frontiers of Macroeconomics B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics.  19. 2019
    2015 Productivity and Trade Liberalizations in CanadaEconomics Bulletin.  35:1404-1422. 2015
    2014 Innovation and the trade elasticityJournal of Monetary Economics.  66:32-46. 2014
    Barriers to Firm Growth in Open EconomiesAdvances in Macroeconomics Frontiers of Macroeconomics B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics
    Exporters and Energy Efficiency: Evidence from Chilean Firms
    Mobility during COVID-19 by DemographicsEconomics Bulletin


    Year Title
    2021 Resource Misallocation from Childcare Policies 2021
    2019 Resource Misallocation from Childcare Policies 2019
    2019 Resource Misallocation from Childcare Policies 2019
    2019 Nudging Cookies 2019
    2019 Resource Misallocation from Childcare Policies 2019
    2019 Barriers to firm growth in open economiesThe BE Journal of Macroeconomics.  20180003. 2019
    2018 Do Non-Exporters Lose from Lower Trade Costs? 2018
    2018 Do Non Exporters Lose from Lower Trade Costs? 2018
    2018 Bribes in the Business CyclesReview of Economics and Institutions2018
    2017 The distortionary effect of size and factor dependent policies 2017
    2017 The distortionary effect of size and factor dependent policies: The role of factor substitutability in measuring the impact of a child-care subsidy policy in Chile 2017
    2016 Productivity Gains from Trade in South Africa 2016
    2016 Productivity Gains from Trade in South Africa 2016
    2015 Mark-up Premia of Exporters: Because of, or In Spite of Exporting? 2015
    2015 Aid, Growth and Institutions 2015
    2015 Trade Costs and Markups 2015
    2015 Trade Costs and Markups 2015
    2015 Trade Costs and Markups 2015
    2015 Markup Premia of Exporters: Because of, or In Spite of Exporting? 2015
    2014 Trade Costs and Markups 2014
    2014 Trade Costs and Markups 2014
    2014 Barriers to firm growth in open economies 2014
    2014 The Opportunity Cost of Exporting 2014
    2014 The Opportunity Cost of Exporting 2014
    2014 Trade Costs and Markups 2014
    2013 Breaking Down the Barriers to Firm Growth in Europe 2013
    2013 Barriers to firm growth in Open Economies 2013
    2013 Measuring Barriers to Firm Growth: The Importance of International Trade 2013
    2013 Barriers to Firm Growth in Open Economies 2013
    2013 Growth, Structural Transformation, and Volatility 2013
    2012 Breaking down the barriers to firm trade in Europe 2012
    2012 International Trade and the Firm Size Distribution 2012
    2010 Innovation and the Elasticity of Trade Volumes to Tariff Reductions 2010
    2009 Innovation and the Elasticity of Trade Volumes to Tariff Reductions 2009


    Year Title
    2012 Breaking down the barriers to firm growth in Europe.  Ed. 744.  2012

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    2021 The Unequal Impact of COVID-19 Across Countries - RCEA Money Macro Finance 2021
    2021 Resource Misallocation from Childcare Policies - SED 2021 2021
    A Mixed Model Approach for Dynamic Trade Networks
    Can Modern Theories of Structural Change Fit Business Cycles Data?
    Can Modern Theories of Structural Change Fit Business Cycles Data?
    Can Modern Theories of Structural Change Fit Business Cycles Data?
    Can Modern Theories of Structural Change Fit Business Cycles Data?
    Do Non-Exporters Lose From Lower Trade Costs?
    Property Rights and the Volatility of Consumption

    Teaching Activities

  • International Economics Taught course
  • International Economics Taught course
  • Macroeconomics II Taught course
  • Macroeconomics II Lab Taught course
  • Macroeconomics II Taught course 2023
  • Macroeconomics II Lab Taught course 2023
  • Graduate Economics Seminar Taught course 2022
  • Macroeconomics II Taught course 2022
  • Macroeconomics II Lab Taught course 2022
  • Graduate Economics Seminar Taught course 2021
  • International Trade Taught course 2021
  • Macroeconomics I Taught course 2021
  • Macroeconomics I Lab Taught course 2021
  • Graduate Economics Seminar Taught course 2021
  • Macroeconomics II Taught course 2021
  • Macroeconomics II Lab Taught course 2021
  • Field Workshop Taught course 2020
  • Graduate Economics Seminar Taught course 2020
  • International Economics Taught course 2020
  • International Economics Taught course 2020
  • Field Workshop Taught course 2019
  • Macroeconomics II Taught course 2019
  • International Economics Taught course 2019
  • Advanced Economic Theory Taught course 2019
  • International Trade Taught course 2019
  • Field Workshop Taught course 2018
  • Macroeconomics II Taught course 2018
  • Advanced Economic Theory Taught course 2018
  • International Economics Taught course 2018
  • Top/Argument & Debate Taught course 2018
  • Field Workshop Taught course 2017
  • Macroeconomics II Taught course 2017
  • Principles of Economics Macro Taught course 2017
  • Advanced Economic Theory Taught course 2017
  • International Economics Taught course 2017
  • Macroeconomics II Taught course 2016
  • International Economics Taught course 2016
  • Advanced Economic Theory Taught course 2016
  • International Economics Taught course 2016
  • Macroeconomics II Taught course 2015
  • International Economics Taught course 2015
  • Education And Training

    Full Name

  • Loris Rubini
  • Mailing Address

  • University of New Hampshire


    10 Garrison Ave

    Durham, NH  03824

    United States