Manage Profile
Manage Profile
Funding Organization
Temporal Graph
Map of Science
Awards Grant
2014 APS Teaching Workshop: APS Institute on Teaching and Learning Program for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
A proposal to establish an Interdisciplinary Working Group under the UNH CoRE Initiative
Articulate / Storyline Learning Objects
Articulate Storyline for Library Tutorials
Attending Computing Education Conference Workshops on Broadening Participation in Computing
Cognition in the Clark's nutcracker
Cognition in the Clark's nutcracker
Cognition in the Clark's nutcracker
College teaching
Corvid cognition
Corvid cognition
Development of a High-Throughput Genomic Authentication Technology to Reduce Seafood Mislabeling and Improve Public Health
Developmental Systems Theory and Beyond
Effective Supports for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges
Factor influecning aggression in Clark's nutcrackers
Factor influencing aggression in salamanders
Factors influencing aggression in salamander
Factors influencing aggression in salamanders
Factors influencing aggression in salamanders
Faculty Development Grant (Categorical data analysis)
Faculty International Development and Engagement Program
Gender in Central Asia
Global Engagement in Granada Spain
Hawaii and War Film
Homotopy Harnessing Higher Structures
Investigating a service and support ecosystem that promotes thriving across neurodiverse students at University of New Hampshire
Kidder Fund Award
Leadership Training in Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Programs
Leadership competence of early childhood professionals
Materials Modeling
Mobility During COVID-19 by Demographics
NCA Convention Attendance
Nano Lamelar Composites
Nature Economy Collaborative
Proactive Defense Countermeasure against Counterfeit Integrated Circuits
Quantifying Property Rights
Research and Engagement
Salamander behavior
Salamander behavior
Scrutinized: Surveillance in Asian North American Literature
Social Cognition in Clark's Nutcrackers
Social Cognition in Clark's nutcrackers
Social Cognition in Clark's nutcrackers
Social Cognition in Clark's nutcrackers
Social cognition in Clark's nutcrackers
Social cognition in Clark's nutcrackers
Structure and function of brain-specific calcium channel splice variants
Student Experience and Engagement Data Assets Collaborative
The Neurobiology of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Treating Chronic Pain.
Travel Grant
UNH Carsey Institute Summer Research Support
UNH Carsey School of Public Policy Summer Faculty Fellowship
UNH Center for Infrastructure Resiliency to Climate - UCIRC
UNH College of Liberal Arts Summer Research Stipend
UNH Graduate School Summer Faculty Fellowship
Use of Twitter and Peerwise in Open Pedagogy
Watershed Informatics: Integrating Big Data to Understand Watersheds in a Changing World
Workshop on Factual Disagreement and Political Legitimacy
new book study on Hollywood and Hawaii
“Rock-Eating Microbes: Coupling Geochemistry and ‘omics to Assess Environmental and Geological Controls on Microbial Contributions to Element Cycling”