
Research Areas research areas

Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2019 Contemplative Photo-collage in Media Studies PedagogyInternational Journal of Creative Media Research2019
2018 Coding the Privileged Self: Facebook and the Ethics of Psychoanalysis "Outside the Clinic"Television and New Media.  19:660-676. 2018
2018 Dreaming the Virtual: How Lucid Dream Practice Can Inform VR DevelopmentJournal of Virtual Worlds Research.  11. 2018
2017 Coding the Privileged Self: Facebook and the Ethics of Psychoanalysis “Outside the Clinic”Television and New Media.  1:1-17. 2017
2017 A common darkness: Style and spirituality in Goth subcultureJournal of Popular Music Studies.  29:e12231-e12231. 2017
2017 From Cage to Coltrane: (Un)popular Music as Contemplative PracticeContemplative Inquiry.  4:7-25. 2017
2017 Augmenting justice: Google glass, body cameras, and the politics of wearable technologyJournal of Information Communication and Ethics in Society.  15:370-384. 2017
2017 Processing Is Not Judgment, Storage Is Not Memory: A Critique of Silicon Valley's Moral CatechismJournal of Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality.  32:2-15. 2017
2016 Information is not wisdom, convergence is not integrity: Proverbs for an era of digital humanismExplorations in Media Ecology.  15:355-372. 2016
2015 Contemplative Media StudiesReligions.  6:948-968. 2015
2015 Disrupting Wisdom 2.0: The Quest for “Mindfulness” in Silicon Valley and BeyondJournal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture.  4:67-95. 2015
2010 For a Culture and Political Economy of the Prophetic: Critical Scholarship and Religious Politics After the 2008 ElectionCultural Studies - Critical Methodologies.  10:157-170. 2010
2010 The Pastor in the Basement: Discourses of Authenticity in the Networked Public SphereSymbolic Interaction.  33:526-551. 2010
2010 The Role of Prophetic Critique in Clifford Christians's Philosophy of TechnologyJournal of Mass Media Ethics: exploring questions of media morality.  25:121-138. 2010
2009 Media Concentration and Minority Ownership: The Intersection of Ellul and HabermasJournal of Mass Media Ethics.  24:90-109. 2009


Year Title
2019 Ethics and Religion in the Age of Social Media Digital Proverbs for Responsible Citizens 2019
2013 Prophetic Critique and Popular Media Theoretical Foundations and Practical Applications 2013
Ethics and Religion in the Age of Social Media


Year Title
2021 The Ethics of Augmentation: A Case Study in Contemplative Mixed Reality 2021
2020 Coercion, Consent, and the Struggle for Social Media.  321-335. 2020
2018 Popular Culture and Media.  347-365. 2018
2014 The Challenge of Media Research Ethics 2014
2013 Speaking of Sarah: Constructions of Evangelicalism in Media Coverage of Sarah Palin 2013
2000 The Irresolvable Tension: Agape and Masculinity in the Promise Keepers Movement 2000

Teaching Activities

  • Contemplative Media Studies Taught course
  • Digital Democracies Taught course
  • Digital Democracies Taught course
  • Media & Ethics Taught course
  • Contemplative Media Studies Taught course 2023
  • Digital Democracies Taught course 2023
  • Digital Democracies Taught course 2022
  • Digital Democracies Taught course 2022
  • Digital Democracies Taught course 2021
  • Digital Democracies Taught course 2021
  • Media & Ethics Taught course 2021
  • Contemplative Media Studies Taught course 2020
  • Media, Religion, and Culture Taught course 2020
  • Digital Democracies Taught course 2020
  • Media & Ethics Taught course 2020
  • Introduction to Media Studies Taught course 2019
  • Sem/Contmpltive Media Studies Taught course 2019
  • Ind Stdy/Contemplative Writing Taught course 2019
  • Sem/Contmpltive Media Studies Taught course 2018
  • Spc Top/Media Studies Taught course 2018
  • Internship Taught course 2018
  • Sem/Media & Ethics Taught course 2018
  • Seminar in Media Theory Taught course 2017
  • Spc Top/Media Studies Taught course 2017
  • Internship Taught course 2017
  • Comm-Entary Journal Taught course 2017
  • Internship Taught course 2017
  • Introduction to Media Studies Taught course 2017
  • Sem/Media & Ethics Taught course 2017
  • Internship Taught course 2016
  • Sem/Media Ethics Taught course 2016
  • Sem/Media Religion & Culture Taught course 2016
  • Internship Taught course 2016
  • Comm-Entary Journal Taught course 2016
  • Honors Thesis Taught course 2016
  • Internship Taught course 2016
  • Research Practicum Taught course 2016
  • Sem/Media & Ethics Taught course 2016
  • Internship Taught course 2015
  • Introduction to Media Studies Taught course 2015
  • Sem/Digital Democracies Taught course 2015
  • Internship Taught course 2015
  • Comm-Entary Journal Taught course 2015
  • Internship Taught course 2015
  • Sem/Media & Ethics Taught course 2015
  • Spc Top/Digital Democracies Taught course 2015
  • Internship Taught course 2014
  • Sem/Digital Democracies Taught course 2014
  • Internship Taught course 2014
  • Comm-Entary Journal Taught course 2014
  • Research Practicum Taught course 2014
  • Sem/Media, Religion, & Cult Taught course 2014
  • Spc Top/Digital Democracies Taught course 2014
  • Education And Training

  • B.A., Drew University
  • M.A. Media Studies/History, The New School
  • Ph.D. Communications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Full Name

  • Kevin Healey