Inchan’s primary research encompasses digital platforms, technology meaning, digital entrepreneurship, and DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion). Inchan utilizes both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, such as grounded theory methods and cutting-edge AI techniques. Inchan's work has appeared in various outlets such as MIS Quarterly, Information & Management, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Business Research, Internet Research, International Conference on Information Systems, and Academy of Management Meetings.
Inchan takes developing future leaders seriously. He emphasizes fundamentals and teaches cutting-edge technical skills and technology knowledge developed from his own research and industry involvements. Leveraging his diverse life experiences, Inchan connects with students and pays close attention to everyone. In doing so, he encourages and pushes his students to reach their full potential and helps them along the way. Inchan's teaching interests include applied AI, digital technology impacts, and fundamentals of business technologies and analytics.
Inchan is a first-generation college graduate.