
Research Areas research areas


  • A Professor of French, Heidi Bostic served as Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the University of New Hampshire from 2016-2018. She brings many years of experience in public and private higher education as a faculty member and administrator. After teaching at Concordia College (MN) and the University of Minnesota-Moorhead (where she also served as Director of the University Women’s Center), Bostic was an Assistant Professor of Romance Languages and Gender Studies at Michigan Technological University, where she was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in 2006. At Michigan Tech, Bostic served as Director of Programs in Modern Languages and Interim Chair of the Department of Humanities. In 2009 she was recruited to Baylor University as Professor of French and Chair of Modern Languages and Cultures, that university’s largest academic department. Subsequently she was named inaugural director of interdisciplinary programs for Baylor’s College of Arts and Sciences. A former Fulbright Scholar to Chile (2004), Bostic received the National Teaching Competition Award (2001-02) and the Theodore E.D. Braun Research Travel Award (2007) from the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, won the Distinguished Teaching Award at Michigan Tech (2006), and was named Higher Education Administrator of the Year by the Texas Foreign Language Association (2015). She completed the Management Development Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2014. Her research spans eighteenth-century French literature, contemporary feminist theory, narrative studies, and the role of the liberal arts.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2017 To address the Anthropocene, engage the liberal artsAnthropocene.  18:105-110. 2017
    2014 Friendship, Fainéantise, and Fraternal Correction in Graffigny’s Letters to Devaux 1752–53Eighteenth-Century Fiction.  26:355-374. 2014
    2013 Graffigny’s Self, Graffigny’s Friend: Intimate Sharing in the Correspondance1750–52Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture.  42:215-236. 2013
    2012 Introduction: The Recent Work of Luce IrigarayEsprit Createur.  52:1-10. 2012
    2012 Literary Women, Reason, and the Fiction of EnlightenmentFrench Review.  85:1011-1038. 2012
    2010 The Difference She Makes: Staging Gender Identity in Graffignys PhazaTulsa Studies in Womens Literature.  29:291-309. 2010
    2009 Between Fact and Fiction: Telling the Stories of XVIIIth-Century WomenCahiers Isabelle de Charriere/Belle de Zuylen Papers.  4:45-65. 2009
    2004 'Que faire pour être raisonnable?': La Réunion du bon sens et de l'esprit de Françoise de Graffigny 2004
    2004 Sexual Education as Enlightenment in Riccoboni's Lettres de Mistriss Fanni Butlerd à Mylord Charles Alfred and Histoire du Marquis de CressyWomen in French Studies.  12:32-44. 2004
    2003 Reading in Translation: Luce Irigaray's The Way of LoveReader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy.  49:44-64. 2003
    2003 The Light of Reason in Graffigny's Lettres d'une PéruvienneDalhousie French Studies.  63:3-11. 2003
    2002 Reading and Rethinking the Subject in Luce Irigaray's Recent WorkParagraph.  25:22-31. 2002
    2002 LUCE IRIGARAY AND LOVECultural Studies.  16:603-610. 2002
    1996 Thinking life as relation: An interview with Luce IrigarayContinental Philosophy Review.  29:343-360. 1996


    Year Title
    2010 The Fiction of Enlightenment: Women of Reason in the French Eighteenth Century 2010


    Year Title
    2015 "Chairing Stories".  233-238. 2015
    2008 Thinking Life as Relation: An Interview with Luce Irigaray.  1-19. 2008
    2006 From Convention to Performance: The Woman of Reason in Letters of Mistress Henley Published by Her Friend.  175-186. 2006
    2000 Thinking Life as Relation: An Interview with Luce Irigaray.  343-360. 2000

    Translator Of

    Principal Investigator On

    Investigator On

    Education And Training

  • B.A., University of Nebraska
  • M.A., Purdue University
  • Ph.D. Foreign Languages&Literatures, Purdue University
  • Full Name

  • Heidi Bostic