
Research Areas research areas

Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2007 Ski areas, weather and climate: time series models for New England case studiesInternational Journal of Climatology.  27:2113-2124. 2007
2004 Introducing methods of sociological inquiry using living-data exercisesTeaching Sociology.  32:401-407. 2004
2003 Warming winters and New Hampshire’s lost ski areas: an integrated case studyInternational Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.  23:52-73. 2003
2003 West Greenland's cod-to-shrimp transition: Local dimensions of climatic changeArctic.  56:271-282. 2003
2003 The Decline of Industrial Unionism in the Meatpacking Industry: Event-Structure Analyses of Labor Unrest, 1946–1987Work and Occupations.  30:327-360. 2003
2000 The Role of Employers in Split Labor Markets: An Event-Structure Analysis of Racial Conflict and AFL Organizing, 1917-1919Social Forces.  79:653-653. 2000
2000 Strategic Labor Organizing in the Era of Industrial Transformation: A Comparative Analysis of Steel and Coal, 1870–1916Review of Radical Political Economics.  32:541-576. 2000
1999 The Scope of General Theory: Methods for Linking Inductive and Deductive Comparative HistorySociological Methods and Research.  28:154-185. 1999
1998 Racial Conflict and Split Labor Markets: The AFL Campaign to Organize Iron and Steel Workers in 1918–19Social Science History.  22:319-347. 1998
1997 Ethnic Conflict and Political Violence: A Cross-National AnalysisJournal of Political and Military Sociology.  25:111-130. 1997
1997 Mobilizing Interracial Solidarity: A Comparison of the 1919 and 1937 Steel Industry Labor Organizing DrivesMobilization.  2:47-70. 1997
1995 Strikebreaking or Solidarity in the Great Steel Strike of 1919: A Split Labor Market, Game-Theoretic, and QCA AnalysisAmerican Journal of Sociology.  100:1479-1519. 1995


Year Title
2016 Water Concerns Unite Citizen Activists: A Community Rights Movement Transcends Age, Party, and Gender 2016


Year Title
2014 Racial Conflicts and Violence in the Labor Market Roots in the 1919 Steel Strike 2014
2006 Racial Competition and Class Solidarity 2006


Year Title
2012 Appendix.  487-495. 2012
2012 Poverty in the United States 2012

Co-principal Investigator On

Teaching Activities

  • Class, Status and Power Taught course
  • Environment and Society Taught course
  • Environment and Society Taught course
  • Environment and Society Taught course
  • Environment and Society Taught course
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2023
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2022
  • Social Stratification Taught course 2022
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2022
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2022
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2021 - 2022
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2021
  • Race, Ethnicity, & Inequality Taught course 2021
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2021
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2021
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2020 - 2021
  • Class, Status and Power Taught course 2020
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2020
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2020
  • Class, Status and Power Taught course 2020
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2020
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2019 - 2020
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2019
  • Social Stratification Taught course 2019
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2019
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2019
  • Teaching Sociology Seminar Taught course 2019
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2018 - 2019
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2018
  • Race, Ethnicity, & Inequality Taught course 2018
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2018
  • Class, Status and Power Taught course 2018
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2018
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2017 - 2018
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2017
  • Introductory Sociology Taught course 2017
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2017
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2017
  • Introductory Sociology Taught course 2017
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2016 - 2017
  • Class, Status and Power Taught course 2016
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2016
  • Senior Honors Thesis Taught course 2016
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2016
  • Social Stratification Taught course 2016
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2015 - 2016
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2015
  • Introductory Sociology Taught course 2015
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2015
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2015
  • Independent Reading & Research Taught course 2015
  • Introductory Sociology Taught course 2015
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2014 - 2015
  • Introductory Sociology Taught course 2014
  • Race, Ethnicity, & Inequality Taught course 2014
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2014
  • Class, Status and Power Taught course 2014
  • Independent Reading & Research Taught course 2014
  • Introductory Sociology Taught course 2014
  • Environment and Society Taught course 2013 - 2014
  • Education And Training

  • B.A. Sociology, Earlham College
  • M.A. Sociology, Emory University
  • Ph.D. Sociology, Emory University
  • Full Name

  • Cliff Brown