
Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2020 Carbon budget of the Harvard Forest Long-Term Ecological Research site: pattern, process, and response to global changeEcological Monographs.  90. 2020
2018 Landscape variation in canopy nitrogen and carbon assimilation in a temperate mixed forest.Oecologia.  188:595-606. 2018
2017 A coupled terrestrial and aquatic biogeophysical model of the Upper Merrimack River watershed, New Hampshire, to inform ecosystem services evaluation and management under climate and land-cover changeEcology and Society.  22. 2017
2015 Comparison of the DNDC, LandscapeDNDC and IAP-N-GAS models for simulating nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from the winter wheat–summer maize rotation systemAgricultural Systems.  140:1-10. 2015
2012 Influences of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE), nitrogen fertilizer and crop residue incorporation on CH4 emissions from irrigated rice fieldsNutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.  93:373-385. 2012
2010 Nitric oxide emissions from rice-wheat rotation fields in eastern China: effect of fertilization, soil water content, and crop residuePlant and Soil.  336:87-98. 2010
2010 A process-based model of N2O emission from a rice-winter wheat rotation agro-ecosystem: Structure, validation and sensitivityAdvances in Atmospheric Sciences.  27:137-150. 2010
2010 Modeling methane emissions from paddy rice fields under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide conditionsAdvances in Atmospheric Sciences.  27:100-114. 2010
2006 Nitrogen‐regulated effects of free‐air CO2 enrichment on methane emissions from paddy rice fieldsGlobal Change Biology.  12:1717-1732. 2006
Ectomycorrhizal hydrophobicity and host association influence ectomycorrhizal C dynamics, N dynamics, and fruiting patterns in N addition experiments under pinePlant and Soil

Education And Training

  • B.S. Meteorology, China Agricultural Univ
  • Ph.D. Atmospheric Sci.S&Meteorology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Full Name

  • Zaixing Zhou