
Research Areas research areas

Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2023 Cultivating a Data Literate Workforce: Considerations for LibrariansPortal.  23:629-636. 2023
2022 Advancing data literacy: Mapping business data literacy competencies to the ACRL frameworkJournal of Business and Finance Librarianship.  27:104-126. 2022
2021 Using digital badges in business information literacy instruction: a case studyJournal of Business and Finance Librarianship.  26:1-15. 2021
2020 Information Literacy Instruction and Online Learning: Making the Case for Incorporating Digital BadgesJournal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning.  14:266-277. 2020
2020 Towards data literacy competencies: Business students, workforce needs, and the role of the librarianJournal of Business and Finance Librarianship.  25:123-146. 2020
2019 Pathways to Becoming an Academic Subject Specialist: Insights from Three LibrariansPartnership : the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research.  14. 2019
2019 Outstanding Business Reference Sources 2018Reference and User Services Quarterly.  58:114-118. 2019
2017 The SpecialistJournal of Library Administration.  57:911-921. 2017
2016 The SpecialistJournal of Library Administration.  56:1007-1017. 2016
2008 Ask! Your Library at the HUB: Penn State Libraries’ Experiences Providing Reference Services at the Campus Student Union BuildingPartnership : the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research.  3. 2008
Jamming Together: Concept Mapping in the Pandemic ClassroomTicker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review.  5.


Year Title
2022 FIRE Starters: Using a Train-the-Trainer Model and Team Consultations to Support a First-Year Experience Business Competition 2022
2022 Setting the Scene with Surveys: Using Polling Software to Demonstrate Primary and Secondary Data 2022
2022 Teaching Secondary Market Research through Active Learning Workshops 2022
2019 Academic Library Staffing Models in Support of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: An Examination of Case StudiesAdvances in Library Administration and Organization. 55-66. 2019
2012 Invisible connections : creating community through oral storytelling in the UAS Listening Project 2012

Conference Paper

Year Title
2018 Narrowing the Scope: Transitioning from general librarianship to specialized subject librarianshttps://capalibrarians.org/capal-conference-2018/. 2018
2018 Transitioning by Degrees: Becoming a subject librarian through advanced educationhttps://capalibrarians.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/6A_Girven_paper.pdf. 2018

Teaching Activities

Education And Training

  • B.A. Comparative Literature, Pennsylvania State University
  • B.A. East Asian Languages, Pennsylvania State University
  • B.A. Japanese, Pennsylvania State University
  • M.L.S. Library Science, Clarion University
  • M.S. Logistics&Materials Management, Maine Maritime Academy
  • Full Name

  • Wendy Pothier