
Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2022 Healthy masculinity construction: The influence of race, faith and athleticsChildren and Society: the international journal of childhood and children's services.  37:854-874. 2022
2022 Ethnic Identity of Black Muslims and Resilience from Criminal Risk FactorsHumanity & Society.  46:443-459. 2022
2022 Aunties, Uncles, Me Maws, and Play Cousins: Exploring Trends in Formal Kinship Care for Black Families in TexasChild Welfare: journal of policy, practice and program.  100:165-193. 2022
2021 "A Bad Combination": Lived Experiences of Youth Involved in the Foster Care and Juvenile Justice SystemsChild and Adolescent Social Work Journal.  38:583-597. 2021
2021 Ethnic variations in levels of conventional bonding among different Black adolescents in the United States: Implications for behavioral resilienceContemporary Issues in Juvenile Justice.  11. 2021
2019 Understanding the 2017 “Me Too” Movement’s TimingHumanity & Society.  43:217-224. 2019
2018 Predicting Staff Assault in Juvenile Correctional FacilitiesCorrections.  3:170-185. 2018
2017 Providing age-appropriate activities for youth in foster care: Policy implementation process in three statesChildren and Youth Services Review.  82:383-391. 2017
2017 Taking care of who? The need for effective supervision in preventing burnout among child welfare workersTexas Probation Journal.  5:6-9. 2017
Awakening the Antiracism Collective Through Transformative Organizational PraxisAdvances in Social Work.  22:553-573.
Awakening the Antiracism Collective through Transformative Organizational Praxis: A Participatory Evaluative Case StudyAdvances in Social Work
Black Girl Magic: Stories of Resilience Among Black Dual-Status Females
From Protection to Punishment: Perceptions of Professionals on Black Dual-Status Youth in Congregate SettingsJournal of Public Child Welfare
Negotiating sexual risk for Black adolescents girls with youth punishment histories: Parents, peers, and HIV/STI preventionJournal of Urban Health
Perfectly imperfect: How imprecise definitions of child neglect and poverty reinforce anti-black racism in the child welfare systemFamily Integrity & Justice Quarterly
Substance misuse and gang involvement in justice-involved Black girls: Findings from the Imara Study of Sexual BehaviorCriminal Justice and Behavior


Year Title
Exploring Structural and Systemic Barriers Affecting Multi-System-Involved Black and Latinx Youth and Families: Implications for Policy and Practice

Teaching Activities

  • Research Methods Social Work Taught course
  • Social Welfare Policy I Taught course
  • Social Welfare Policy I Taught course
  • Social Welfare Policy I Taught course
  • Program & Practice Evaluation Taught course 2023
  • SW Policy in Global Context Taught course 2023
  • Research Methods in Soc Work Taught course 2022
  • Social Welfare Policy II Taught course 2022
  • Program & Practice Evaluation Taught course 2022
  • SW Policy in Global Context Taught course 2022
  • Research Methods in Soc Work Taught course 2021
  • Social Welfare Policy Taught course 2021
  • Full Name

  • Sherri Simmons-Horton