Draft Genome Sequence of Frankia sp. Strain CcI6, a Salt-Tolerant Nitrogen-Fixing Actinobacterium Isolated from the Root Nodule of Casuarina cunninghamiana.

Academic Article


  • Members of the actinomycete genus Frankia form a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with 8 different families of actinorhizal plants. We report a 5.57-Mbp draft genome sequence for Frankia sp. strain CcI6, a salt-tolerant nitrogen-fixing actinobacterium isolated from root nodules of Casurina cunninghamiana grown in Egyptian soils.
  • Authors

  • Mansour, Samira R
  • Oshone, Rediet
  • Hurst, Sheldon G
  • Morris, Krystalynne
  • Thomas, W Kelley
  • Tisa, Louis S
  • Publication Date

  • January 16, 2014
  • Published In

    Digital Object Identifier (doi)

    Start Page

  • e01205
  • End Page

  • e01213
  • Volume

  • 2
  • Issue

  • 1