Characterization of the Rhizobiome of the Yellow Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia flava) in Wild and Restored Habitats of Virginia

Academic Article


  • The yellow pitcher plant, Sarracenia flava, is an insectivorous perennial distributed extensively in southeastern North America. In Virginia, it is restricted to a few wetland ecosystems, with only one natural site known to remain. To uncover whether there were microbial differences in the rhizospheres across natural and reintroduced sites of pitcher plant restoration, shotgun metagenome sequencing was undertaken to characterize the microbiomes of the healthy rhizosphere in the last remaining natural stand in Virginia compared to rhizospheres sampled in two restored habitats where pitcher plants were reintroduced and a nearby control habitat without pitcher plants. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences in rhizobiome communities among the natural, reintroduced, and control sites. Comparison of test rhizobiomes with those of other soil types revealed no significant difference in S. flava habitats versus wildland soil types but significant difference from agricultural soils. Indicator species analysis found Pseudomonas was a significantly more abundant genus in the S. flava habitats. The control site was enriched with iron-reducing bacteria compared to the rest of the sites. Further studies based on gene expression could better facilitate an understanding of the role of Pseudomonas in S. flava rhizosphere specific to habitats, which will provide better knowledge for local conservation of this plant.
  • Authors

  • Lee, Bo-Young
  • Andresen, Nikki
  • Sheridan, Phil
  • Brown, Bonnie L
  • Digital Object Identifier (doi)

    Start Page

  • 1405
  • End Page

  • 1417
  • Volume

  • 15
  • Issue

  • 4