In 2012 the Oplontis Project began a series of archaeological campaigns to investigate the complex known as Oplontis Villa B located in Torre Annunziata, Italy. Italian authorities had previously uncovered a complex series of structures that together functioned as a warehouse, housing, and wine packaging facility at time of the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79. At the time of their recovery scholars assumed, based on the use of tuff as a principal construction material in columns, that the complex dated to the mid-second century BC. The investigations of the Oplontis Project of the past three seasons have continued to examine the materials produced by the previous excavations as well as to record and further excavate the structure to understand its development. The results of the excavations discussed here have managed to revise the dating sequence of the complex. They indicate at least six phases of occupation starting in the late second century BC. Two earlier phases bear little relation to the series of buildings present today at Oplontis B and seem to have functioned in some sort of industrial or workshop capacity. The final layout of the structures seems to be late in date compared to initial estimates, including the construction of a series of barrel-vaulted storage spaces that likely date to the post-earthquake period after AD 62