On twisting of finite-dimensional Hopf algebras

Academic Article


  • In this paper we study the properties of Drinfeld's twisting for finite-dimensional Hopf algebras. We determine how the integral of the dual to a unimodular Hopf algebra $H$ changes under twisting of $H$. We show that the classes of cosemisimple unimodular, cosemisimple involutive, cosemisimple quasitriangular finite-dimensional Hopf algebras are stable under twisting. We also prove the cosemisimplicity of a coalgebra obtained by twisting of a cosemisimple unimodular Hopf algebra by two different twists on two sides (such twists are closely related to biGalois extensions), and describe the representation theory of its dual. Next, we define the notion of a non-degenerate twist for a Hopf algebra $H$, and set up a bijection between such twists for $H$ and $H^*$. This bijection is based on Miyashita-Ulbrich actions of Hopf algebras on simple algebras. It generalizes to the non-commutative case the procedure of inverting a non-degenerate skew-symmetric bilinear form on a vector space. Finally, we apply these results to classification of twists in group algebras and of cosemisimple triangular finite-dimensional Hopf algebras in positive characteristic, generalizing the previously known classification in characteristic zero.
  • Authors

  • Aljadeff, E
  • Etingof, P
  • Gelaki, S
  • Nikshych, Dmitri
  • Status

    Publication Date

  • October 15, 2002
  • Has Subject Area

    Published In

  • Journal of Algebra  Journal
  • Keywords

  • math.QA
  • Digital Object Identifier (doi)

    Start Page

  • 484
  • End Page

  • 501
  • Volume

  • 256
  • Issue

  • 2