Recoil-proton polarization in high-energy deuteron photodisintegration with circularly polarized photons

Academic Article


  • We measured the angular dependence of the three recoil proton polarization components in two-body photodisintegration of the deuteron at a photon energy of 2 GeV. These new data provide a benchmark for calculations based on quantum chromodynamics. Two of the five existing models have made predictions of polarization observables. Both explain the longitudinal polarization transfer satisfactorily.. Transverse polarizations are not well described, but suggest isovector dominance.
  • Authors

  • Jiang, X
  • Arrington, J
  • Benmokhtar, F
  • Camsonne, A
  • Chen, JP
  • Choi, S
  • Chudakov, E
  • Cusanno, F
  • Deur, A
  • Dutta, D
  • Garibaldi, F
  • Gaskell, D
  • Gayou, O
  • Gilman, R
  • Glashauser, C
  • Hamilton, D
  • Hansen, O
  • Higinbotham, DW
  • Holt, RJ
  • De Jager, CW
  • Jones, MK
  • Kaufman, LJ
  • Kinney, ER
  • Kramer, K
  • Lagamba, L
  • De Leo, R
  • Lerose, J
  • Lhuillier, D
  • Lindgren, R
  • Liyanage, N
  • McCormick, K
  • Meziani, Z-E
  • Michaels, R
  • Moffit, B
  • Monaghan, P
  • Nanda, S
  • Paschke, KD
  • Perdrisat, CF
  • Punjabi, V
  • Qattan, IA
  • Ransome, RD
  • Reimer, PE
  • Reitz, B
  • Saha, A
  • Schulte, EC
  • Sheyor, R
  • Slifer, Karl
  • Solvignon, P
  • Sulkosky, V
  • Urciuoli, GM
  • Voutier, E
  • Wang, K
  • Wijesooriya, K
  • Wojtsekhowski, B
  • Zhu, L
  • Status

    Publication Date

  • May 4, 2007
  • Has Subject Area

    Published In


  • hep-ex
  • nucl-ex
  • nucl-th
  • Digital Object Identifier (doi)

    Pubmed Id

  • 17501566
  • Start Page

  • 182302
  • Volume

  • 98
  • Issue

  • 18