We analyzed observations of interstellar neutral helium (ISN~He) obtained
from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) satellite during its first six
years of operation. We used a refined version of the ISN~He simulation model,
presented in the companion paper by Sokol_et al. 2015, and a sophisticated data
correlation and uncertainty system and parameter fitting method, described in
the companion paper by Swaczyna et al 2015. We analyzed the entire data set
together and the yearly subsets, and found the temperature and velocity vector
of ISN~He in front of the heliosphere. As seen in the previous studies, the
allowable parameters are highly correlated and form a four-dimensional tube in
the parameter space. The inflow longitudes obtained from the yearly data
subsets show a spread of ~6 degree, with the other parameters varying
accordingly along the parameter tube, and the minimum chi-square value is
larger than expected. We found, however, that the Mach number of the ISN~He
flow shows very little scatter and is thus very tightly constrained. It is in
excellent agreement with the original analysis of ISN~He observations from IBEX
and recent reanalyses of observations from Ulysses. We identify a possible
inaccuracy in the Warm Breeze parameters as the likely cause of the scatter in
the ISN~He parameters obtained from the yearly subsets, and we suppose that
another component may exist in the signal, or a process that is not accounted
for in the current physical model of ISN~He in front of the heliosphere. From
our analysis, the inflow velocity vector, temperature, and Mach number of the
flow are equal to lambda_ISNHe = 255.8 +/- 0.5 degree, beta_ISNHe = 5.16 +/-
0.10 degree, T_ISNHe = 7440 +/- 260 K, v_ISNHe = 25.8 +/- 0.4$ km/s, and
M_ISNHe = 5.079 +/- 0.028, with uncertainties strongly correlated along the
parameter tube.