
Research Areas research areas


  • Professor at the University of New Hampshire, Patricia Emison is the author of several books on the Italian Renaissance, including ^The Italian Renaissance and Cultural Memory^ (Cambridge University Press, 2012) and a book on the discipline of art history, ^The Shaping of Art History^ (Penn State, 2008). She has organized or contributed to a number of exhibitions, most recently ^Myth, Allegory and Faith: The Kirk Edward Long Collection of Mannerist Prints,^ curated by Bernard Barryte, Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford University, 2015, and ^Marcantonio Raimondi and Raphael, ^ curated by Edward Wouk, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, UK, 2016. Her chapter in A Cultural History of Memory, 6 vols., eds. Alessandro Arcangeli and Marek Tamm (Stefan Berger and Jeffrey Olick, general editors), 2020, is titled ``Ideas: Philosophy, Religion, History, 1450-1700.'' ^Moving Pictures and Renaissance Art History,^ was published by Amsterdam University Press, 2021. ^Art and its Observers,^ was published by Vernon Press, 2022. ^The Long Picturesque or Unraveling the Rules of Art^ is under contract to Palgrave Macmillan.



    CV at: https://scholars.unh.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1062&context=art_facpub
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2021 Art, Aura, and Admiration in the Age of Digital ReproductionArt History & Criticism.  17:5-16. 2021
    2020 Journal of Aesthetic EducationJournal of Aesthetic Education.  54:76-88. 2020
    2019 On Quality, Art Historically ConsideredAmerican Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-Journal.  39:1-4. 2019
    2019 Leonardo, after 500 YearsAesthetic Investigations.  III:158-71. 2019
    2018 The Clarion Calls for DesignManifest International Drawing Annual.  16-19. 2018
    2017 Norman Ackroyd's CollectorsArt in Print.  28-31. 2017
    2016 The Forest Around the Fir Tree: Looking for Marcantonio Raimondi‘s ArtBulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester.  92:1-24. 2016
    2016 How Novelle May Have Shaped Visual ImaginationsHumanities.  5:27-27. 2016
    2016 Marcantonio Raimondi, Raphael, and the Image Multiplied 2016
    2016 Why Study Prints Now, ReduxArt in Print.  13-15. 2016
    2015 On Drawing 2015
    2015 Ordinary Flaws and Their Tragedies : Three Films of the Last CenturyChicago Literati, Cinematique: The Movie Issue2015
    2015 The Teaching CompactChronicles of Higher Education2015
    2012 On Ambition in ArtAmerican Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-Journal2012
    2010 Whittling down the istoriaSubject as Aporia in Early Modern Art.  71-85. 2010
    2008 Developing a twenty-first century perspective on the RenaissanceRenaissance Theory2008
    2005 Durer's RiderRenaissance Studies.  511-522. 2005
    2005 Rembrandt's Allegory of the PhoenixZeitschrift f?r Kunstgeschichte.  554-556. 2005
    2002 Raphael's Dresden CherubsZeitschrift f?r Kunstgeschichte.  65:242-242. 2002
    1999 Truth and Bizzarria in an Engraving of Lo stregozzoArt Bulletin.  81:623-636. 1999
    1998 The Ignudo as proto-capriccioWord and Image.  14:281-295. 1998
    1998 The Uses of Mood in Two of Tiepolo's EtchingsBulletin1998
    1995 Prolegomenon to the study of Italian Renaissance printsWord and Image.  11:1-15. 1995
    1995 The Paysage MoraliséArtibus et Historiae: international journal for visual arts.  125-137. 1995
    1994 The raucousness of Mantegna's mythological engravingsGazette des Beaux-Arts.  124:159-176. 1994
    1993 Leonardo's Landscape in the" Virgin of the Rocks"Zeitschrift f?r Kunstgeschichte.  56:116-118. 1993
    1992 Asleep in the Grass of Arcady: Giulio Campagnola's DreamerRenaissance Quarterly.  45:271-292. 1992
    1992 The Porta della Mandorla's BearMitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz.  381-387. 1992
    1991 GraziaRenaissance Studies.  5:427-460. 1991
    1991 The singularity of Raphael's LucretiaArt History.  14. 1991
    1991 The'Concert Champetre'and Gilding the LilyBurlington Magazine1991
    1990 The Word Made Naked in Pollaiuolos Battle of the NudesArt History.  13. 1990
    1988 Michelangelo's Adam, Before and After CreationGazette des Beaux-Arts1988
    1985 "The Triumph of the Moon" by Master PPZeitschrift f?r Kunstgeschichte.  48:538-538. 1985
    1984 Marcantonio's" Massacre of the Innocents"Print Quarterly.  1:257-267. 1984
    Did the Early Moderns Believe their Art?Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics
    The picturesque, the sublime, the authentic: a perspective on the ontology of contemporary artJournal of Aesthetic Education


    Year Title
    2022 Art and its Observers 2022
    2021 Moving Pictures and Renaissance Art History 2021


    Year Title
    2020 Ideas: Philosophy, Religion, History.  97-115. 2020
    2016 The Architectural Imagination 2016
    2010 Whittling Down the Istoria.  87-102. 2010
    2006 The Arts in Replication 2006
    2005 Raphael's Multiples 2005
    Where Once the Waters.  196-197.

    Teaching Activities

  • Baroque Art Taught course
  • Hon/Intro Renaissance Culture Taught course
  • Independent Study: Art History Taught course
  • The High Renaissance Taught course
  • Topics in Art History Taught course
  • Introduction to Art History Taught course 2023
  • Early Renaissance Art Taught course 2022
  • Hon/Intro Renaissance Culture Taught course 2022
  • Education And Training

  • B.A., Bryn Mawr College
  • M.A., Columbia University
  • M.Phil., Columbia University
  • Ph.D. Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University
  • Full Name

  • Patricia Emison