
Research Areas research areas

Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2023 Forum: The Death of Queen Elizabeth II: Meaning and MediaJournal of British Studies.  62:476-501. 2023
2015 "The Army Isn't All Work": Physical Culture and the Evolution of the British Army, 1860-1920Victorian studies.  57:727-729. 2015
2015 British Citizenship and the Great WarInternational Encyclopedia of the First World War2015
2015 Review of James E. Campbell, “'The Army Isn't All Work': Physical Culture and the Evolution of the British Army, 1860-1920”Victorian studies2015
2014 Pubs and Patriots: The Drink Crisis in Britain during World War OneAmerican Historical Review.  119:1775-1776. 2014
2014 Patriotism and Propaganda in First World War Britain: The National War Aims Committee and Civilian MoraleThe Journal of Modern History.  86:675-677. 2014
2014 Christabel Pankhurst and the Smethwick Election: right-wing feminism, the Great War and the ideology of consumptionWomen's History Review.  23:330-346. 2014
2014 Review of David Monger, Patriotism and Propaganda in First World War Britain (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2012)The Journal of Modern History2014
2014 Review of Robert Duncan, Pubs and Patriots: The Drink Crisis in Britain during World War One (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2013)The American Historical Review2014
2014 The 'White Feather Girls': Women's Militarism in the UKopenDemocracy 50/502014
2014 World War I and the Victory of Women’s SuffrageThe Conversation2014
2011 Allied Propaganda and World War I: Interwar Legacies, Media Studies, and the Politics of War GuiltHistory Compass2011
2011 Race, Law and "The Chinese Puzzle" in Imperial BritainJournal of British Studies.  50:213-214. 2011
2011 Review of Sascha Auerbach, Race Law and “The Chinese Puzzle” in Imperial Britain (N.Y.: Palgrave, 2009)Journal of British Studies2011
2009 Women in the British Army: War and the Gentle Sex, 1907-1948Journal of Contemporary History.  44:550-552. 2009
2009 Review of Lucy Noakes, Women in the British Army: War and the Gentle Sex, 1907-1948 (London: Routledge, 2006)Journal of Contemporary History2009
2007 Women making news: Gender and journalism in modern Britain.American Historical Review.  112:274-275. 2007
2007 Review of Michelle Elizabeth Tusan, Women Making News: Gender and Journalism in Modern Britain (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2005)The American Historical Review2007
2006 Review of Paul Deslandes, Oxbridge Men: British Masculinity and the Undergraduate Experience, 1850-1920 (Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 2005)Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History2006
2005 Defining British citizenship: Empire, commonwealth, and modern Britain.The Journal of Modern History.  77:1090-1092. 2005
2005 Fighting different wars: Experience, memory and the first world war in Britain.Journal of British Studies.  44:896-898. 2005
2005 British culture and the First World War.War in History.  12:244-246. 2005
2005 Friends, Aliens, and Enemies: Fictive Communities and the Lusitania Riots of 1915Journal of Social History2005
2005 Review of George Robb, British Culture and the First World War (N.Y.: Palgrave, 2002)War in History2005
2005 Review of Janet S.K. Watson, Fighting Different Wars: Experience, Memory, and the First World War in Britain (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004)Journal of British Studies2005
2005 Review of Reiko Karatani, Defining British Citizenship: Empire, Commonwealth and Modern Britain (London: Frank Cass, 2003)The Journal of Modern History2005
2005 Review of Sonya O. Rose, Which People’s War?: National Identity and Citizenship in Wartime Britain, 1939-45 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003)H-Net Reviews2005
2004 Female intelligence: Women and espionage in the First World War.American Historical Review.  109:1646-1647. 2004
2004 Review of Tammy M. Proctor, Female Intelligence: Women and Espionage in the First World War (N.Y.: New York University Press, 2003)The American Historical Review2004
2003 Women and War in Comparative PerspectiveGender and History2003
2002 Review of Amanda Vickery, ed., Women Privilege, and Power: British Politics, 1750 to the Present (Standford: Stanford University Press, 2001)Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies2002
2002 Review of R.M. Douglass, Feminist Freikorps: The British Voluntary Women Police 1914-1940 (London: Praeger, 1999)Twentieth Century British History2002
2002 Review of and Julie V. Gottleib, Feminine Fascism: Women in Britain’s Fascist Movement, 1923-1945 (London: I.B. Tauris, 2000)Twentieth Century British History2002
2002 Women, privilege and power: British politics, 1750 to the presentJournal of British Studies.  34:676-678. 2002
2001 The culture of secrecy: Britain, 1832-1998.The Journal of Modern History.  73:159-160. 2001
2001 Review of David Vincent, The Culture of Secrecy: Britain, 1832-1998 (Oxford, OUP, 1998)The Journal of Modern History2001
2000 Reconstructing women's wartime lives: Discourse and subjectivity in oral histories of the Second World WarThe International History Review.  22:464-466. 2000
2000 Review of Jay Winter and Emmanuel Sivan, War and Remembrance in the Twentieth Century (London: CUP, 1999)Twentieth Century British History2000
2000 Review of Penny Summerfield, Reconstructing Women's Wartime Lives: Discourse and Subjectivity in Oral Histories of the Second World War (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1998)The International History Review2000
1999 Memorials of the Great War in Britain: The symbolism and politics of remembranceJournal of British Studies.  31:535-536. 1999
1999 Memory, Memorials, and the Post-War Literary Experience: Traditional Values and the Legacy of the Great WarTwentieth Century British History1999
1999 Review of Alex King, Memorials of the Great War in Britain: The Symbolism and Politics of Remembrance (Oxford: Berg Press, 1998)Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies1999
1998 Dismembering the male: Men's bodies, Britain, and the Great WarSocial History.  23:235-238. 1998
1998 Making men moral: Social engineering during the Great WarSocial History.  23:235-238. 1998
1998 Iron men, wooden women: Gender and seafaring in the Atlantic world, 1700-1920.The Historian (East Lansing): a journal of history.  61:218-219. 1998
1998 Review of Joanna Bourke, Dismembering the Male: Men’s Bodies, Britain and the Great War (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996) and Nancy K. Bristow, Making Men Moral: Social Engineering During the Great War (N.Y.: New York University Press, 1996)Social History1998
1998 Review of Margaret S. Creighton & Lisa Norling (eds.), Iron Men, Wooden Women: Gender and Seafaring in the Atlantic World, 1700-1920 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996)The Historian (East Lansing): a journal of history1998
1998 Review of Miriam Cooke & Angela Woollacott, (eds.), Gendering War Talk (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993) and Joy Damousi & Marilyn Lake, (eds.), Gender and War: Australians at War in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995)Gender and History1998
1997 Sexual violence and family honor: British propaganda and international law during the First World WarAmerican Historical Review.  102:714-747. 1997
1997 White feathers and wounded men: Female patriotism and the memory of the Great-WarJournal of British Studies.  36:178-206. 1997
1997 Review of David French, The Strategy of the Lloyd George Coalition, 1916-1918 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995)The Historian (East Lansing): a journal of history1997
1997 Review of Deborah Gorham, Vera Brittain: A Feminist Life (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1996)Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d'histoire1997
1997 The strategy of the Lloyd George coalition, 1916-1918 - French,DThe Historian (East Lansing): a journal of history.  59:916-917. 1997
1995 Review of Angela Woollacott, On Her Their Lives Depend: Munitions Workers in the Great War (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994)Social History1995


Year Title
2002 The Blood of Our Sons: Men, Women and the Renegotiation of British Citizenship During the Great War 2002


Year Title
2011 The Development and Growth of British Democracy 2011
2011 War Crimes or Atrocity Stories? Anglo-American Narratives of Truth and Deception in the Aftermath of World War I.  105-121. 2011
2009 Barbaric Anti-Modernism: Representations of the "Hun" in Britain, North America, Australia, and Beyond.  61-78. 2009
2008 Virginia Woolf 2008
2008 War 2008
2005 Female Patriotism and the Great War 2005

Conference Paper

Year Title
"All-Consuming: Labour, Production and Leisure in Wartime Britian"
"Waging Peace"

Teaching Activities

  • Europe and the Modern World Taught course
  • Twentieth Century Europe Taught course
  • Europe and the Modern World Taught course 2024
  • Historical Methods Taught course 2024
  • Colloquium/Modern Ireland Taught course 2022
  • Modern Britain Taught course 2021
  • Modern Britain Taught course 2019
  • Europe and the Modern World Taught course 2019
  • Sem/LGBTQ History Taught course 2019
  • Twentieth Century Europe Taught course 2018
  • Historical Methods Taught course 2017
  • Modern Britain Taught course 2017
  • Europe and the Modern World Taught course 2016
  • Sem/Modern Irish History Taught course 2016
  • Expl/The Apocalypse of WWI Taught course 2016
  • Colloq/Victorian Era Taught course 2016
  • Victorian Britain Taught course 2016
  • Sem/Gay & Lesbian History Taught course 2015
  • Women in Modern Europe Taught course 2015
  • Intro to Historical Thinking Taught course 2015
  • Western Civilization Taught course 2015
  • 20th Century Europe Taught course 2014
  • Sem/Apocalypse of War Taught course 2014
  • Colloq/Morality & Machine Gun Taught course 2014
  • Modern Britain Taught course 2014
  • Education And Training

  • B.A. English, University of Rochester
  • B.A. History, University of Rochester
  • M.A. Early Mod Eur History, University of California - Berkeley
  • Ph.D. Early Mod Eur History, University of California - Berkeley
  • Full Name

  • Nicoletta Gullace