
Selected Publications

Academic Article

Year Title
2019 Figuring Out How Verb-Particle Constructions Are Understood During L1 and L2 Reading.Frontiers in Psychology.  10:1733. 2019
2018 The development of morphological representations in young readers: a cross-modal priming study.Developmental Science.  21:e12607. 2018
2018 How Do French-English Bilinguals Pull Verb Particle Constructions Off? Factors Influencing Second Language Processing of Unfamiliar Structures at the Syntax-Semantics Interface.Frontiers in Psychology.  9:1885. 2018
2013 Speech articulation performance of francophone children in the early school years: norming of the Test de Dépistage Francophone de Phonologie.Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics.  27:950-968. 2013
2013 Explicit and implicit semantic processing of verb–particle constructions by French–English bilingualsBilingualism: Language and Cognition.  16:829-846. 2013
2009 A common mechanism in verb and noun naming deficits in Alzheimer's patients.Brain and Language.  111:8-19. 2009
2007 Graded semantic and phonological similarity effects in priming: evidence for a distributed connectionist approach to morphology.Journal of experimental psychology. General.  136:323-345. 2007
2006 The role of the posterior fusiform gyrus in reading.Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.  18:911-922. 2006
2006 Information content versus relational knowledge: semantic deficits in patients with Alzheimer's disease.Neuropsychologia.  44:21-35. 2006
2004 Morphology and the internal structure of words.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.  101:14984-14988. 2004
2004 The role of similarity structure in category specific deficits in Alzheimer?s diseaseBrain and Language.  91:154-155. 2004
2000 Explaining derivational morphology as the convergence of codes.Trends in Cognitive Sciences.  4:353-361. 2000
2000 Are non-semantic morphological effects incompatible with a distributed connectionist approach to lexical processing?Language and Cognitive Processes.  15:445-485. 2000
1999 Cross-linguistic evidence for the early acquisition of discourse markers as register variablesJournal of Pragmatics.  31:1339-1351. 1999
1998 Category-specific semantic deficits in focal and widespread brain damage: a computational account.Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.  10:77-94. 1998
1997 Double dissociation of semantic categories in Alzheimer's disease.Brain and Language.  57:254-279. 1997

Education And Training

Full Name

  • Laura Gonnerman