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Manage Profile
Bulletin of the AAS
Publication Venue For
Accessibility and its Importance to the Future of Heliophysics
Collaborative and Open-Source Science Data Systems
Decadal Survey White Paper Reprising 2012 Decadal Platforms Working Group report: Infrastructure needs for optimal system science efforts
Disentangling the Spatiotemporal Structure of Turbulence Using Multi-Spacecraft Data
HelioSwarm: A Multipoint, Multiscale Mission to Characterize Turbulence
Importance of a Small, Innovative Missions for Heliophysics Exploration (SIMHEX) program and of continuation of the Explorer selection increase
Intelligent Missions in the Living Heliospheric System Observatory
Learn to Walk Before You Run: A Case for Fundamental CME Research Utilizing Idealized MHD Models
Measurements Beyond 1 au are Necessary for Exploration of the Outer Heliosphere and Local Interstellar Medium
Mesoscale Phenomena & their Contribution to the Global Response: A Focus on the Magnetotail Transition Region & Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
On the Need for a Coronal and Inner Heliospheric Panel for the 2024 Heliophysics Decadal Survey
Plasma turbulence: Challenges and next transformative steps from the perspective of multi-spacecraft measurements
Recognition for All: A Way Forward to Enhance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Space Physics
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Recommendations on Funding Mission Operations and Historical Datasets
Spectroscopy in the Middle Corona: Probing the Kinetic Processes in the Nascent Solar Wind and Solar Energetic Particle Production
Technology development needed to enable magnetosphere missions
The Multi-spacecraft Heliospheric Mission (MHM)
Thermal and Suprathermal Particles: A Prime Science Targets for an Interstellar Probe Mission
What is a Heliospheric Flux Rope?
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Where Does the Inner Heliosphere End?
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Work-Life Balance Starts with Proper Deadlines and Exemplary Agencies
he Importance of Fundamental Research on the Upper Coronal and Heliospheric Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections