
Research Areas research areas


  • Dr. Jonathan Nash joined Paul College in the fall of 2016 and has taught auditing, advanced auditing, accounting analytics, and AIS. He is a CPA, CMA, and CISA, and was previously employed by the public accounting firm RSM. Dr. Nash serves as the Accounting Option Coordinator and Coordinator for the Minor in Accounting and Financial Information. He is also an NHSCPA board member.

    Dr. Nash's research focuses primarily on auditing, financial reporting, and corporate governance. He has publications in European Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Managerial Auditing Journal, and Advances in Accounting.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2023 Within or across Auditors? Understanding Knowledge Transfer in Audit ProductionAccounting Horizons.  37:1-26. 2023
    2023 The objectivity of accounting professionals based in IndiaManagerial Auditing Journal.  38:813-831. 2023
    2023 Tax Increment Financing (TIF): A Review of TIF’s Economic and Fiscal EffectsAdvances in Taxation2023
    2022 Indirect effects of regulatory change: Evidence from the acceleration of the 10-K filing deadlineAdvances in Accounting: a Research Annual.  56:100582-100582. 2022
    2022 Identity Theft Tax Refund Fraud in the United StateseJournal of Tax Research.  19:213-231. 2022
    Disclosure Committees: Implications for Disclosure Quality and TimelinessThe European Accounting Review
    Pseudocide: Dying to Get Away With ItJournal of Financial Crime.  Forthcoming.
    The Effect of Restatements on Office-Level Audit QualityManagerial Auditing Journal.  Forthcoming.

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    A Descriptive Study of the Characteristics of Introductory Accounting Courses Offered by Community Colleges
    Disclosure Committees: Implications for Disclosure Quality and Timeliness
    Disclosure Committees: Implications for Disclosure Quality and Timeliness
    Disclosure Committees: Implications for Disclosure Quality and Timeliness
    Disclosure Committees: Implications for Disclosure Quality and Timeliness
    Indirect Effects of Regulatory Change: Evidence from the Acceleration of the 10-K Filing Deadlinehttps://aaahq.org/Meetings/2018/Northeast-Region-Meeting/Program.
    Indirect Effects of Regulatory Changes: Evidence from the Acceleration of the 10-K Filing Deadline
    Indirect Effects of Regulatory Changes: Evidence from the Acceleration of the 10-K Filing Deadline
    Product Recalls and Audit Production
    Pseudocide: Dying to get Away with It
    The Association Between Audit Committee Gender Diversity and Financial Reporting Timelinesshttps://fbdonline.org/conference-information/.
    The Association Between Audit Committee Gender Diversity and Financial Reporting Timelinesshttps://www.proquest.com/openview/f5982827300c137137097f2bc059593d/1.pdf?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=6532244.
    The Association Between Audit Committee Gender Diversity and Financial Reporting Timelinesshttps://aaahq.org/Meetings/2022/MAR-NE-Joint-Midyear-Meeting/Program.
    The Effect of Restatements on Office-Level Audit Quality
    The Effect of Restatements on Office-Level Audit Quality
    The Indirect Effects of Regulatory Change: Evidence from the Acceleration of the 10-K Filing Deadline
    The Objectivity of Accounting Professionals Based in Indiahttps://aaahq.org/Meetings/2023/Annual-Meeting/Program.
    The Objectivity of Accounting Professionals Based in Indiahttps://fbdonline.org/conference-information/.

    Other Research Activities

    Teaching Activities

  • Accounting Information Systems Taught course
  • Advanced Auditing Taught course
  • Auditing Taught course
  • Honors Thesis in Finance Taught course
  • Top Acct/Accounting Analytics Taught course
  • Accounting Information Systems Taught course 2023
  • Auditing Taught course 2023
  • Top/Accounting Analytics Taught course 2023
  • Top/Advanced Auditing Taught course 2023
  • Indep. Studies Acct Taught course 2022
  • Accounting Information Systems Taught course 2022
  • Auditing Taught course 2022
  • Top/Accounting Analytics Taught course 2022
  • Top/Advanced Auditing Taught course 2022
  • Indep. Studies Acct Taught course 2021
  • Accounting Information Systems Taught course 2021
  • Auditing Taught course 2021
  • Top/Accounting Analytics Taught course 2021
  • Top/Advanced Auditing Taught course 2021
  • Ind Studies in Accounting Taught course 2020
  • Accounting Information Systems Taught course 2020
  • Top/Advanced Auditing Taught course 2020
  • Ind Studies in Accounting Taught course 2019
  • Independent Study Taught course 2019
  • Auditing Taught course 2019
  • Auditing Taught course 2019
  • Top/Advanced Auditing Taught course 2019
  • Accounting Information Systems Taught course 2018
  • Ind Studies in Accounting Taught course 2018
  • Auditing Taught course 2018
  • Top/Advanced Auditing Taught course 2018
  • Topics/Auditing Taught course 2018
  • Auditing Taught course 2017
  • Auditing Taught course 2017
  • Auditing Taught course 2017
  • Top/Advanced Accounting Taught course 2017
  • Auditing Taught course 2016
  • Auditing Taught course 2016
  • Education And Training

  • B.S.B.A. Accounting, Roger Williams University
  • M.S. Accounting, University of Connecticut
  • Ph.D. Accounting, Florida State University
  • Full Name

  • Jonathan Nash