Clinical experience includes providing occupation therapy services in various settings to include schools, acute care, in-patient rehab, out-patient rehab, skilled nursing facilities, and home health settings, as well as holding designation as a certified aging in place specialist (CAPS).
Research and teaching focus is centered around establishing and maintaining community-based occupational therapy that focuses on providing student led occupational therapy groups to various populations. UNH OT community groups are involved in various capacities throughout the seacoast region providing health promotion and skill building groups with community partners to include senior wellness groups at various senior centers, and day programming for brain injury survivors.
UNH OT students also provide therapeutic groups on campus for adults with developmental disabilities as well as a stroke survivor group providing therapeutic groups focused on stroke prevention and groups to promote neuroplasticity. In addition to community-based OT using groups as a delivery method, professional focus also includes healthy aging for older adults to include aging-in-place concepts and resources, falls prevention programming, and building social networks to maintain engagement within the communities they wish to age in place in.