Manage Profile
Manage Profile
US DOJ, Department of Justice
Funding Organization
Temporal Graph
Map of Science
Awards Grant
A National Profile of Children Exposed to Family Violence: Police Response, Family Response, and Individual Impact
A National Study of Internet-Facilitated Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Criminal Justice System
A Study of Trauma and Resiliency Among Forensic Examiners Investigating Child Pornography
Adaptation and Evaluation of Video Game to Reduce Sexual Violence on Campus
CATLAB NH Local Agency Equipment
CATLAB NH Local Agency Equipment
CATLAB NH Local Agency Equipment Deployment
CATLAB Records Interoperability Initiative
CATLAB Technology Development
Center for Research on Crimes against Children
Consolidated Advancd Technologies for Law Enforcement Program
Consolidated Advanced Technologies Law Enforce Prg Support
Consolidated Advanced Technologies for Law Enforcement - Technology Development, Testing and Deployment
Consolidated Advanced Technologies for Law Enforcement Program
Consolidated Advanced Technologies or Law Enforcement - Records Interoperability Initiative
Consolidated Advaned Technologies for Law Enforcement Program
Crimes Against Children
Crimes Against Children
Crimes Against Children Research Center
Crimes Against Children Research Center Phase 4
Crimes Against Children Research Center Phase 5
Crimes Against Children Research Center Phase 6
Developing a Youth Serving Org
Evaluation of Boston Area Rape Crisis Center Economic Case Management Program
Evaluation of Internet Child safety Materials Used by ICAC Task Forces
Hate Crime Investigations
Hate Crime Investigations and Offender Profiles: A National Survey of U.S. Law Enforcement
Improving Outcomes for Child
Improving Outcomes for Domesti
Improving Outcomes for Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Victims
Improving the response to Vict
Improving the response to Victims of Child Sexual Exploitation Materials
Investigating Child Pornograph
Meeting the Challenges of Cyber Crime in New Hampshire 2005-2006: A Statewide Program with National Implication
Meeting the Challenges of Cyber Crime in New Hampshire 2006-2007: A statewide Program with national Implications
NATSCEV Trend Survey Wave II
National Child Protection Training
National Study of Children to Exposed to Violence
National Study of Children's Exposure to Violence-Follow Up
National Study of Internet and Technology Faciliated Risks to Youth
National Survey of Internet &
National Survey of Internet & Technology Facilitated Child Exploitation
Non-Family Abduction & Otherwise Missing Children
Project 54
Safe, Stable, and Nurturing Relationships Supplement
State Wide Children Advocacy Center Initiative
Stranger Abduction of Children: Children's Experiences
Study of Scope, Investigation and Prosecution of Technology Facilitaed Child Exploitation Crimes: The 3rd National Juvenile Online Victimization Study
Supplemental Analysis of the National Surveys of Children's Exposure to Violence
Technology-Based Harassment Victimization
The Youth Bias Crime Victimization Survey (YBVS): Instrument Development and Outcomes from At-Risk Youth in three U.S. Communities
Trends and New Directions
Trends and New Directions in the Law Enforcement Response to the Sex Trafficking of Minors
Victims of Technology-Facilitated Abuse: Prevalence, Awareness, Dynamics, Help-seeking