NH Office of the Governor, Office of Energy & Pla

Funding Organization

Awards Grant

  • ARRA-SEP Innovative Initiatives - Green Launching Pad
  • Adaptive Management Salt Marsh Restoration
  • Agricultural Contamination of Estuarine Water
  • Assessing Pollution Impacts on Coastal Watersheds
  • Assessment of Clam Resources & Sanitary Quality of Waters
  • Assessment of Nonpoint Source Pollution in GBE Tributaries
  • Assessment of Nonpoint Source Pollution in Great Bay Estuary
  • Bacteria and Nutrients from Subsurface Disposal Systems
  • Bacterial Phase Partitioning in Stormwater
  • Characterization of Groundwater Discharge Hampton Harbor
  • Dining Hall Food Waste Composting Facility
  • Dryweather Bacterial Levels in Stormwater Systems
  • Effectiveness of Storm Water Control Measures
  • GRANIT FY20-21
  • Getting Beyond NH's Energy Early Adopters by Leveraging Web Resources, Workshops and One-on-One Energy Advocacy
  • Land Use and Nonpoint Source Pollution in Coastal Watersheds
  • Little River Marsh Evaluation
  • Mapping Communities in South Mill Pond
  • Mitigation of Contaminated Water Using Constructed Wetlands
  • NH Estuaries Project
  • NH Estuaries Project
  • NH Outdoor Recreation Stakeholder Assessment
  • NH Sea Level Rise Study
  • Nonpoint Pollution: Study of Perceptions, Knowledge
  • Nonpoint Source Pollution in Oyster River Watershed
  • On Line Resource Clearinghouse Rapidly Growing Communities
  • Outdoor Recreation in New Hampshire: Household Study
  • Oyster Reef Structure Experiment
  • Restoration Assessment of Awcomin Marsh
  • Ribotyping E Coli NH Shellfish Program
  • Ribotyping for Tracking Sources of Bacteria in NH Waters
  • SEP Energy Efficiency Survey of Towns and Schools
  • Septic System Design & Effects on Coastal Habitat & Water
  • Septic Tank Disconnection Impacts on Coastal Water Quality
  • Stakeholder Input Process into the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP)
  • Station Equipment Transfer
  • Storm Drain Stenciling in NH's Estuarine Watersheds
  • Stormwater Contamination of Coastal Surface Waters
  • Strategy for Identifying Urban Contamination Sources
  • Urban Rivers: Storm Contaminat Ion
  • Urban Stormwater Contamination of New Hampshire Tidal Rivers