Awards Grant
2002 NH National Coastal Assessment
2005 New Hampshire National Coastal Assessment
2008 NH National Coastal Assessment Monitoring Program - NHEP
2015 NHDES Shellfish Program Vibrio Analysis
2015 UNH Monitoring to Support the NCCA in 2015
2016 NHDES Shellfish Vibrio Studies
2017 NH Shellfish Vibrio Analysis
2018 - 19 DES Shellfish Vibrio Analysis
2020-2021 Data Collection in the Great Bay Estuary
2023 NHDES Cyanotoxin quantifi
2023 NHDES Shellfish Vibrio
2024 NHDES Vibrio Analyses
2024-25 NHDES HAB Services
2024-25 NHDES HAB Services
Acquisition of Aerial Imagery for Habitat Mapping
Advancing scale-appropriate climate resilience: N-TAP
Algal Classification Index for Stream Assessments
Amphibian use of Vernal Pools in Selected NH Watersheds
An Exploration of the use of Parasitic Nematodes for the Biological Control of Variable Milfoil
Analysis of New Hampshire Droughts and Revision of the State Drought Management Plan
Assessing the Risk of Green Crab Predation to Restoration Efforts in NH Estuaries
Assessments and Prioritization of Road Crossings in Critical Wildlife Corridors to Advance Restoration for Wetland Connectivity in New Hampshire
B-Lot Stormwater Management
Baseline Survey of Habitats and Resources of the North Mill Pond
Bathymetric Surveying of Little Bay Estuary, NH
Beach Program Total Maximum Daily Load Microbial Source Tracking Project
Beach Program Total Maximum Daily Load Microbial Source Tracking Project
Berry Brook ARM
Blandings Turtle Habitat Assessment
CZM Project of Special Merit: Climate Ready Culverts and Coastal Communities
Characterization & Recommended Monitoring Hodgson Brook
Chloride Mitigation
Coastal 2000 Estuarine Survey of NH
Coastal 2001 Estuarine Survey of NH
Coastal Com Climate Tech Asst
Coastal Communities and Climat
Coastal Communities and Climate Technical Assistance
Coastal Resilience
Coastal Viewer
Completing Stream Crossing Assessments in the Merrimack and Salmon Falls Watersheds and Advancing Watershed Planning to Support Aquatic Connectivity and Flood Resiliency
Data Lifecycle Framework & Global Geospatial Identification System Project
Development and Analyses of a Bthymetric Database for Great Bay Estuary New Hampshire
Development and Monitoring of Revegation Methods: Connecting Students with Restoration Activities at Awcomin Marsh
E Coli Ribotyping in Cains Brook, NH
Economic Benefits of Lowering Arsenic Maximum Contaminant Levels in NH Municipal Water Supplies
Engagement on Green House Gas
Establish Surface Elevation Tables to Support SLAMM and Assess the Vulnerability of Tidal Marshes in the Hampton Seabrook Estuary
Estuarine Datasonde Capital Budget Improvements Program 2016
Expanding and Diversifying Shellfish Aquaculture in Coastal NH
Expert Panel for Septic System
FY18 Comprehensive Monitoring CPA with NHDES
Flood Smart Seacoast
Fluvial Erosion Hazard Assessments of the Lamprey River Watershed
Fresh Creek Assessment
GBNNPSS Implementation Phase 1: Sagamore-Hampton Golf Club BMPs
GeoCortex Viewers Conversion
Geocortex Viewer Conversion II
Great Bay Estuary Municipal Bio-retention Education, Resource Development and Implementation, Phase I
Great Bay Estuary Municipal Bio-retention Education, Resource Development and Implementation, Phase II
Great Bay Pollution Tracking and Accounting Pilot Project
Great Bay Pollution Tracking and Accounting Pilot Project (PTAPP): Phase 3
Great Bay Waterbody Watershed
Great Bay Waterbody-Watershed Nitrogen Non-Point Source Study Implementaion: Phase 1-UNH BMPs to Reduce Nitrogen
Great Bay Waterbody-Watershed Nitrogen Non-Point Source Study Implementation: Phase 3
Habitat Restoration Projects for New Hampshire's Tidal Waters
Hampton Seabrook Dune Restoration-Phase II
Hampton-Seabrook Dunes
Identify Bacterial Sources Public Beaches Microbial Source
Increasing Resilience and Reducing Risk Through Nature-Based Coastal Infrastructure
Instream Flow Studies & Water Management Plan for Souhegan River Designated Reach
L Ward NH Vol Beach Profile
Lawn Care for DES NPS Management Plan
Lead in School and Childcare Facility Drinking Water Data Web-tools
Leveraging Natural Resources Toward Resilience
Little Harbor/Back Channel Sanitary Survey Analyses
Lowering Arsenic Water Levels
Lysimeter Study of Biomix for State of NH
Maintaining and Enhancing the
Maintaining and Enhancing the NH Coastal Viewer
Maintaining and Enhancing the NH Coastal Viewer
Management Non Human Sources Bacteria Hampton Harbor
Microbial Source Tracking in Little Harbor & Atlantic Coast
Monitoring Assistance to New Hampshire Coastal Program
Monitoring Seaweed Abundance and Seagrass Health in 2019 in the Great Bay Estuary
Monitoring to Support the NH National Coastal Assessment Program
Multi-Habitat Restoration in Cutts Cove, Portsmouth
Municipal Stream Crossing Initiat
NH - Invasive Species Detection in Northeast Regional Lakes Using Environmental DNA (eDNA)
NH Coastal Flood Risk Report
NH Environmental Health Study
NH GRANIT LIDAR Data Management
NH Volunteer Beach Profiling Program
NH Volunteer Beach Profiling Program II
NHDES CPA Field Season 2024
NHDES SNHWS Nitrification Study
NHDES Technical Assistance
NHDES field season 2021
Nature-Based Coastal Infra
New Hampshire National Coastal Assessment (2004), Estuarine Survey of Coastal NH
New Hampshire National Coastal Assessment 2006
Northeast Regional Lakes eDNA
Nutrient Pollution Implement
Nutrient Pollution Implementation Planning for UNH and Other Great Bay Communities
Oyster Bed Mapping in the Great Bay Estuary 2012
PREP Funding for Eelgrass Monitoring in 2016
Phytoplankton monitoring NHDES
Piloting Citizen Volunteer Participation in Monitoring Stormwater Discharges in NH Seacoast Municipalities
Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership for UNH Eelgrass and Algae Monitoring in 2015
Pollution Source Identification Study of Berry's Brook
Pollution Tracking Accounting Pilot Program (PTAPP): Phase II
Pollution Tracking in Bellamy River
Protecting Water Resources in NH's Coastal Communities
Public Health Significance of Stormwater Microorganisms
Rapid Geomorphic Asessments of the Cocheco and Lamprey Rivers
Resilient Coastal NH
Restoration of Eelgrass and Shellfish Habitats in the Great Bay Estuary
Ribotyping Capacity Building For Microbial Source Tracking
Ribotyping E Coli Isolates from Estuarine Waters
Running HAB samples for NHDES
Scaling Up Living Shoreline Stabilization for Communities and Tidal Wetlands Habitat in the Great Bay
Seagrass Health in 2019
Sludge Testing Program
Soil Remediation Technologies Evaluation
Stone Wall Mapper training and outreach
Storm Drain Stenciling in NH's Hampton/Seabrook Harbor Watershed
Stormwater Technology Verification
Surficial Geology Legacy to GeMS Conversion
Task 4 for Taking Action for Resilient Natural and Built Communities in Coastal New Hampshire
Training Workshops for Designing Stronger Projects and Proposal for Water Resources Protection
UNH Cooperative Extension - NH
UNH Model Review and Drought
UNH Model Review and Drought/Flood Outlook
UNH Monitoring Activities that Support the National Coastal Assessment in 2007
UNH Monitoring Activities that Support the National Coastal Condition Assessment in 2010
UNHSI Fellowship Project: Energy Efficiency for NH's WWTFs
UST Remedial Technology Evaluation
Upper Oyster River Channel and Fish Passage Restoration
Using Science, Building Social Capital, and Unpacking Tax Incentives for a Resilient Coastal NH
Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Testing of Little Bay Oysters
Volunteer Beach Profiling 9 and 10
Volunteer Beach Profiling Prog
Volunteer Beach Profiling Program - Years 3 & 4
Volunteer Beach Profiling Program - Years 5 and 6
Volunteer Beach Profiling Program Year 6
Volunteer Beach Profiling Program: Year 4
Volunteer Beach Profiling YR 6
Work Item #1