Endowment for Health, Inc.

Funding Organization

Awards Grant

  • ACE Project
  • BHI Learning Collaborative Year 2
  • Backbone Support
  • Backbone Support 2019
  • Backbone Support to the Alliance for Healthy Aging
  • Backbone Support to the Alliance for Healthy Aging
  • Backbone Support to the NH Alliance for Healthy Aging
  • Backbone Support to the NH Alliance for Healthy Aging
  • Behavioral Health Integration
  • Behavioral Health Integration
  • Behavioral Health Integration Year 4 Funding
  • Behavioral Health Learning Exchange for Equity
  • Building on Strengths: Developing a Plan to Support Mental and Physical Health of Dover's Kids
  • CBO Technical Assistance Convening for Medicaid Reprocurement
  • Children's Mental Health Compentencies-III
  • Civic Health Index
  • Collective Impact for Elder Health: Action Plan Development
  • Community Assests for People Mapping Collaborative
  • Community Development and Health: Alignment Opportunities for Community Development
  • Convening Leaders in Aging and Long Term Care Policy
  • Demographic Anaylsis in NH
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Aging
  • EFH Operating Grant FY16
  • EFH-ECHO: Supporting Children of the Opioid Epidemic (SCOPE)
  • EFH: Legal Payment Reform
  • Environmental Scan of Elder Health Priority Area Domains
  • Environmental Scan of Elder Health Priority Area Domains
  • Health and Community Development in New Hampshire: A Statewide Strategy to Address the Social Determinants of Health
  • Health and Race Equity in New Hampshire
  • Healthy Aging
  • Healthy New Hampshire
  • Healthy Transitions
  • Identifying Motivators and Barriers for NH College Students Considering Behavioral Health Careers
  • Inclusive Communities Project
  • L2E2 Sector-Based Cohorts in 2019: Early Childhood Professionals and Young Professionals
  • Leadership Learning Exchange
  • Leadership Learning Exchange
  • Leadership Learning Exchange for Equity
  • Mental Health Children's Competencies II Project
  • Mental Health Children's Competencies Project
  • NH Alliance for Healthy Aging Caregiving Strategic Support
  • NH CBO Business Acumen
  • NH CBO Business Acumen
  • NH CBO Business Acumen Year 3
  • NH Children's Behavioral Health Family and Youth Engagement and Leadership Development
  • NH Medical Home Pilot Project Evaluation
  • NH Workforce Development Network Phase II
  • Needs Assessment Workshop on Health and Safety Training for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • New Hampshire Connects for Health
  • New Hampshire Roadmap
  • Pilot Target Initiatives
  • RENEW Transition Capacity Building
  • Race and Equity in NH
  • SLAN FY20
  • SLAN by EFH
  • Statewide Conference on Aging
  • Voices of Marginalized Persons Seeking to Access Behavioral Health Supports
  • Web Based Resource for Developing a Culturally-Responsive Children's Behavioral Health System