
Research Areas research areas


  • My research interests center on the implicit theories that people hold about their lives, their work, and their relationships. More specifically, I focus on the emotions that such beliefs trigger, the implications of chasing (or achieving) what people believe to be the trademarks of a “good” or “successful” life, and how general ideas about relationships and relationship expectations guide or disrupt workplace social dynamics. Thus, my work often features emotions/emotion regulation and social exchange. Some of my current projects explore how employees develop implicit theories about what is expected of themselves and others, the effects of regulating emotions in pursuit of those expectations, and the emotional and relational consequences triggered when employees fail to “live up” to desired-self goals and others’ expectations.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2022 What does it cost you to get there? The effects of emotional journeys on daily outcomes.Journal of Applied Psychology.  107:1203-1226. 2022
    Do intelligent leaders differentiate exchange relationships intelligently? A functional leadership approach to leader-member exchange differentiation.Journal of Applied Psychology.  109:490-512.
    It’s not a Cedar tree, therefore it’s not a tree: A comment on Yao & Ma (2023)Journal of Applied Psychology
    “I'm so stressed!”: The relational consequences of stress braggingPersonnel Psychology: the study of people at work
    “Seeing Eye to Eye” About Our Relationship Is Good for Us and Everyone Else: An Examination of LMX Agreement and Views of Fair TreatmentOrganization Science


    Year Title
    2023 Fairness in leader-follower relationships. 2023

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    2021 Exchanging the Same Favor: The Role of Resource Distinctions and Affect in Leader-follower Exchanges 2021
    Bearing My Own Bad News: The Dual Consequences of Leaders Sharing Bad News with Subordinates.
    COVID made your high LMX unfair.
    Do intelligent leaders differentiate LMX intelligently? An investigation of “g” and LMX
    Doing Good and Doing Well: the Nature and Implications of Ethical Voice in Organizations
    Fake it until you make it: Feeling and being seen as transformational is as easy as living out implicit leader prototypes
    Great Expectations
    Microsteps to Transformational Leadership: Empowering via Implicit Leader Prototypes.
    More Than They Bargained For? The "Coworker Tax" to Pay on High LMX
    Not Just Toilet Paper: COVID-19 and the Hoarding of Leader-Member Exchange Resources
    Seeing “eye to eye” about our relationship makes me good at being fair: A study of LMX agreement & justice efficacy
    Stress Bragging: Its Harmful - And Contagious - Consequences at Work
    The dark side of affect shifts: Linking daily emotional trajectories to bad behavior
    These Are My (Micro) Confessions: An Episodic Theory of Micro-Confessions at Work
    To Feel Good, You Have to Give What You Get: A Study of Resource Exchanges
    Under trusted, over trusted, or “just right”? The fairness of (in)congruence between trust wanted and trust received
    What does it cost you to get there? Effects of emotional journeys on daily outcomes

    Teaching Activities

  • Behavior in Organizations Taught course
  • Behavior in Organizations Taught course
  • Behavior in Organizations Taught course
  • Behavior in Organizations Taught course
  • Behavior in Organizations Taught course 2022
  • Behavior in Organizations Taught course 2022
  • Behavior in Organizations Taught course 2022
  • Education And Training

  • B.A. Mathematics & Psychology, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
  • M.B.A., University at Buffalo, State University of New York
  • Ph.D. Management-Organizational Behavior, University of Georgia
  • Full Name

  • Emma Frank