
Research Areas research areas


  • I am an Associate Professor in Recreation Management and Policy at the University of New Hampshire.

    My research focuses on the relationship between identity development and free-time experiences and pursuits (e.g., including organized recreation programming, informal learning, leisure pursuits) across major developmental transitions during late adolescence, emerging adulthood, and young adulthood. I seek to understand how youth and young adults plan for their futures and pursue lives of meaning through educational, career, family, and recreational pursuits while incorporating and balancing societal and cultural influences about who to be and how to live. In other words, I seek to understand how individuals manage autonomy (freedom from constraints vs. freedom to flourish) while maintaining connection across the lifespan. By using psychosocial and narrative approaches to understand identity development, my ultimate goal is to support individuals in their identity processes and create potential for positive identity outcomes, including future orientation, well-being, and life satisfaction. I seek to work with youth-serving educational, workforce organizations, and recreation/wellness programs to improve programs and services for young people at these important life transitions.

    My specific research aims include:
    • Utilizing and promoting psychosocial and narrative identity models/theories in research on free-time experiences and pursuits (e.g., including organized recreation programming, informal learning, leisure pursuits)
    • Understand balancing free-time experiences and pursuits with academic, work, and family identities
    • Develop and promote free-time experiences and pursuits to support identity development and subsequent future orientation, well-being, and life satisfaction
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title
    2022 Utilizing Culturally Relevant Leisure as an Experiential Learning Tool: Implications for Leisure Studies and Recreation EducationSchole.  37:158-172. 2022
    2022 College-attending emerging adults' free time perception profiles: Relationships with well-being and identity developmentJournal of Leisure Research.  53:512-531. 2022
    2022 Psychosocial Identity Development and Perception of Free Time among College-Attending Emerging AdultsLeisure Sciences: an interdisciplinary journal.  44:77-95. 2022
    2021 Connectedness as a Predictor of Academic and Youth Development Outcomes at a Summer Day Camp for Low-Income YouthJournal of Park and Recreation Administration.  39:120-131. 2021
    2020 Well-being and leisure-time physical activity psychosocial factors predict physical activity among university studentsLeisure Studies.  39:156-164. 2020
    2020 Camp Organizational Support for Creativity Among New and Returning Camp CounselorsJournal of Youth Development.  15:24-46. 2020
    2019 A transdisciplinary, longitudinal investigation of early careerists? leisure during the school-to-work transitionJournal of Leisure Research.  50:438-460. 2019
    2019 Fostering Adolescent Identity Exploration across the Three Phases of a Camp ProgramJournal of Park and Recreation Administration.  37:34-52. 2019
    2018 Constraints and Facilitators to Developing Collaborative Campus Wellness PartnershipsRecreational Sports Journal.  42:130-144. 2018
    2018 Managing Up and Followership: Competencies for First Year Health AdministratorsThe Journal of health administration education.  35:327-352. 2018
    2017 Promoting Adaptive Coping Skills and Subjective Well-Being through Credit-Based Leisure Education CoursesJournal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.  54:303-315. 2017
    2015 Fostering student engagement through a multi-day industry tourSchole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education.  2015:40-52. 2015
    2013 “It’s More Than a Class”: Leisure Education’s Influence on College Student EngagementInnovative Higher Education.  38:45-58. 2013
    Constraints and Negotiations to Student Recreational Sport Center UsageJournal of Amateur Sport.  5:18-38.
    Physically active leisure education and collegiate females' body image: An exploratory studyApplied Recreational Research and Programming Annual.  7:21-54.
    Youth identity and postsecondary decision making in a rural state: evidence of a College for All master narrativeFRONTIERS IN EDUCATION.  8.

    Conference Paper

    Year Title
    2020 Exploring The Influence Of Pregnancy And Physical Activity Involvement On Physical Activity Levels And Knowledge Exploring The Influence Of Pregnancy And Physical Activity Involvement On Physical Activity Levels And KnowledgeMedicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 122-122. 2020
    2017 Significant camp experiences from youth with diverse psychosocial identity statuses 2017
    “I Am…” Priming the pump for adolescent identity development.Coalition for Education in the Outdoors Book of Briefs.

    Teaching Activities

  • Concepts Recreation & Leisure Taught course
  • Leadership in Recreation Taught course
  • Leadership in Recreation Taught course
  • Research and Evaluation Taught course
  • Teaching Practicum Taught course
  • Youth Culture and Programs Taught course 2023
  • Concepts Recreation & Leisure Taught course 2022
  • Leadership in Recreation Taught course 2022
  • Senior Honors Project Taught course 2022
  • Independent Study Taught course 2022
  • Leadership in Recreation Taught course 2022
  • Youth Culture and Programs Taught course 2022
  • Independent Study Taught course 2021
  • Recreation & Event Leadership Taught course 2021
  • Teaching Practicum Taught course 2021
  • Youth Culture and Programs Taught course 2021
  • Grantsmanship, Eval & Research Taught course 2020
  • Independent Study Taught course 2020
  • Recreation & Event Leadership Taught course 2020
  • Grantsmanship, Eval & Research Taught course 2020
  • Independent Study Taught course 2020
  • Recreation & Event Leadership Taught course 2020
  • Independent Study Taught course 2019
  • Recreation & Event Leadership Taught course 2019
  • Teaching Practicum Taught course 2019
  • Youth Culture and Programs Taught course 2019
  • Internship Taught course 2019
  • Independent Study Taught course 2019
  • Grantsmanship, Eval & Research Taught course 2019
  • Recreation & Event Leadership Taught course 2019
  • Independent Study Taught course 2018
  • Recreation & Event Leadership Taught course 2018
  • Youth Culture and Programs Taught course 2018
  • Independent Study Taught course 2018
  • Recreation & Event Leadership Taught course 2018
  • Recreation & Event Leadership Taught course 2018
  • Grantsmanship, Eval & Research Taught course 2017
  • Youth Culture and Programs Taught course 2017
  • Independent Study Taught course 2017
  • Recreation & Event Leadership Taught course 2017
  • Festival and Event Planning Taught course 2016
  • Independent Study Taught course 2016
  • Youth Culture and Programs Taught course 2016
  • Recreation & Event Leadership Taught course 2016
  • Festival and Event Planning Taught course 2015
  • Youth Culture and Programs Taught course 2015
  • Education And Training

  • B.S., Texas A & M University
  • M.S. ParksRecreationLeisureFaciMgmt, Clemson University
  • Ph.D., Clemson University
  • Full Name

  • Cindy Hartman