
Research Areas research areas


  • We are interested in understanding how experiences shape and refine the brain across the lifespan. To do this, we combine a variety of systems and molecular neuroscience techniques to first try to establish how the brain supports cognitive flexibility, our ability to switch between goals and strategies, as well as how these processes come online and are maintained. Next, we ask how experiences such as exercise or drug use alter the parts of the brain that support cognitive flexibility. Ultimately, our goal is to understand how and whether these experience can be utilized to stave off age-related declines in cognitive ability and brain health.

    The Brain & Experience Lab is always interested in recruiting graduate students and post-docs interested in these types of questions. If that's you, please reach out!
  • Education And Training

  • Ph.D. Psychology and Neuroscience, Princeton University
  • University of Maryland, College Park , Psychology, Post-Doctoral Fellow 2017 - 2024
  • Full Name

  • Adam Brockett